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Where to start (comics)?

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Mikey D:
DSJ is correct

Where's the best place to get them?

Angry Ewok:
I get mine from the local comic shop, but I'm sure Books-A-Million can order them, too, as they used to have them. I know for a fact that several Barnes & Nobles carry TPB's...

I don't collect comics, I get the TPB's, so I'm hoping the Clone Comics will make their way into TPB.   :-\

Mikey D:

--- Quote from: dustrho on March 25, 2003, 03:34 PM ---Where's the best place to get them?

--- End quote ---

Any large scale book store like Barnes and Noble, Borders, etc. should have a fairly decent collection of TPBs.  They're usually near the science fiction section of the store.

Thomas Grey:
If you can find a comic book/collectibles shop in your area that would be best in my opinion. Here's why...

1. smaller market stores are homey and appreciate your patronage. If you become a regular face in the shop and create a relationship of sorts with the employees/owners, they usually will go out of their way to help you and usually offer discounts if you start a file there of monthly publications or comics you want them to hold.

2. Most of these places order from Diamond Comics Previews catalog. They will let you order from them and you can get any and all SW TPBs in the Darkhorse section. They order what you want for you and at no extra charge.

3. You would be supporting your friendly neighborhood and local Joe who needs the $$$ more than the big businesses of the world (sorry, trying not to be too political. I know how much trouble it can get one into).

anyway, that's my opinion. I also recommend that for collectibles sake, you check into the actual vintage Marvel comics themselves. While you would most likely not read them, they are great additions to any Star Wars collection and take me back to a simpler time. Still looking for the Giant Size movie adaption comics! Mine are beyond recognition from just being a kid...


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