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Messages - Muftak

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The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Deluxe TM Krrsantan
« on: April 8, 2023, 04:34 PM »
He looks fantastic! Not really a surprise reveal, but the electro knuckles are a good surprise.

The way they broke up the articulation, he almost resembles a MOTU figure with the furry underwear and chest harness!

Wow! Squid head looks fantastic! This pack really came as quite the surprise! The two human guards were never my jam, but I will be happy to add them to the lineup! What a great reveal.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 8, 2023, 04:30 PM »
As I have stated before, my favorite part of the show is the pulpy action setpieces. If that didn't hold up I wouldn't be watching. My gripes come from the attempts to do a season long storyline with higher stakes, especially since last season's arc was pretty well done but completely negated since.

Maybe bad storytelling isn't what I mean, maybe I am talking about bad story structure. There is a formula to the way a television episode should unfold, the same as the standard structure of a hollywood movie script. Google it, it's a real thing. Even when it subverts expectation, it still follows the road map. Since Book of Boba Fett it seems like we are getting first drafts as opposed to polished finished scripts where all the beats are tied together successfully.

I've got nothing against you, Nick. I don't intend to disparage your tastes, as I said I like the episodic parts of the show a whole lot. I enjoy debating this stuff and exploring my feelings about the show in that way.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: April 7, 2023, 07:34 PM »
I can't paraphrase the TFSB post, I wouldn't know where to begin. So here it is as posted by them to their FB group...

Quote from: Fans Strike Back

Inquiring minds want to know……”where the hell is my Bantha!!??”

We couldnt agree more, and the time for answers is TODAY! Want to know where your Bantha is? Want to know why it is taking so long? Want to know when you can expect it? We are going to let you know just where you can find answers to those questions and more. But more on that in just a second…

Basically, we don’t have them to send to you. Here is why:

At the end of last summer, we put together a deal with RAVENSTAR STUDIO in Texas, to deliver us Banthas by OCTOBER 14th. (a date selected based on information from and agreed to by THAT company) It was only with this agreement in place ahead of time that we authorized production to start and paid the factory. After the agreement we made our announcement on the site in September. When asked if they would be here by Christmas, we felt good saying yes based on that OCTOBER 14th agreed upon date. Even with a possible extra 2 month or so delay, Christmas still would have been possible. (As you can see those and subsequent dates were all missed)

Leading up to October we began to become very concerned as we did not receive the samples, as they also promised we would receive. Naturally our questions, queries, and contact with the factory increased. Yet we were always met with requests for more time, excuses, delays, excuses ABOUT delays, or untimely responses.

This is now about accountability, and we are at the next step in the process of holding the proper party accountable. So we are going to put YOU in contact with the factory! They think making constant excuses, dodging and ignoring us is going to hold all of you off. Or perhaps they think you all will just go away. But we know this community, and that wont happen. It is time to make THEM known of that. Accountability. This was a community funded project, and it’s time the community gets answers!

So, want to know where your Bantha is? Here is exactly who to ask:

Redacted on repost, not really relevant to the situation

Here are some question suggestions for what you might want to ask:
-where the Bantha that you paid for long ago is
-why they feel no responsibility in timely fulfilling your order
-why they see no problem making you wait by making excuses and ignoring inquires
-why they missed production dates they helped set and agreed to
-when can you finally expect yours
-how they are going to compensate you for extended or further delays

We are very excited to hear what they tell you, because we want answers too. We sincerely hope they start shipping Banthas as soon as possible so that we can quickly get them out to everyone. But, we cant send Banthas when there are none in our possession to send. We literally AND figuratively have Bantha boxes and Bantha accessories lined up and ready to be sent. We just need Banthas from the factory.

*(Quick, but important reminder, again, that we do not make toys and are always at the mercy of factories like these. Our business is a 3rd party facilitator between the customer and the factory, and this is why we clearly state we can only relay what they tell/give us as far as information and products. Our job is to advocate on behalf of the consumer, and that is exactly what we are doing)*

In related news, we are retiring the Bantha replacement program for two large reasons. One, due to very low interest. We understand why…people want their Banthas, not product replacement! Two, this is also VERY important to what is going on currently with this situation. If that program remained open, it would only further encourage that factory to delay, stall, and further inaction by re-directing people to that resolution instead of making Banthas. So we aren’t going to provide that “out” to them, in what will only be a reason to NOT finish and a further delay to all of you.

You did your part by backing the Bantha. We did our part by giving the factory everything needed to produce them. Now it’s time THEIR company delivers THEIR part.

We are very disappointed in this situation, and want to get all of you your orders as quickly as possible. Our company is and will always be on the side of the consumer and we will continue to fight along side you.  And this post is going to stay up until customers get their Banthas.

May the Force be with all of us.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: April 7, 2023, 07:25 PM »
After seeing all this cool stuff I caved and bought a baby Bantha.

I am still on the fence. It helps that I didn't get the adult Bantha. But I do have the Baby Wampa, and it is adorable. I could see them being a pair...

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: April 7, 2023, 04:56 PM »
So did anyone else read the latest Fans Strike Back update about the Bantha? It does not get any more surreal and disgusting than this.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 6, 2023, 03:34 PM »
We do disagree.

Weak storytelling is not subjective.

I want just as much as anyone to be loving this stuff. When it goes down to the pulpy fun action, I do quite enjoy it. The overall story arch is being handled poorly week in and week out. There's fun and inconsequential, and then there's poor set up and payoff.

I have admired Favreau's writing since the 90s. I wish there was a sharper more thoughtful effort being put in here. I know he is capable of it. It just seems the current LFL /Disney grind is giving the writing less and less weight and it is showing in all of these projects.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 6, 2023, 02:36 PM »
Eh, but once Mando has the Darksaber the way they did it, then an interesting story development is him having to become a reluctant leader, maybe grow a bit so that he is not always taking rash action and jumping at a chance to solve things with his fists. In the process he could learn to be a become a better protector of Grogu rather than needing a baby to bail him out again and again when he gets in over his head.

And Bo-Katan was primed for some character development once her followers left. Now that has been truncated to, join a cult and get everything back that you wanted.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 3 (SPOILERS possible)
« on: April 6, 2023, 01:52 PM »
This one really really felt like an episode of afternoon GI Joe or a Saturday morning cartoon from the 80's, except with a little serialized storytelling tacked on at the end. And that's not said with disrespect, because I look back fondly at some of those old cartoons and the storylines they were able to tell. The difference is this isn't farmed out to a bunch of writers to come up with those how many dozens of we have such a shorter season, guided by one storyteller, so it feels weird that the storytelling is coming out so disjointed.

I liked the callback to the Mon Cal Prince...I'm sure he's the guy Din took the bounty on only to forget about the job to rescue Grogu back in season one. That, at least, was rewarding storytelling.

The episode itself was a weird homage to a detective procedural, and gave me strong vibes of the "School Cafeteria" episode of Clone Wars, ie the last episode of Clone Wars I watched when it was airing on Cartoon Network before giving up on the series. I did come back to watch the last few episodes, but the show never really connected with me again.

As far as Bo-Katan finally getting the Darksaber back, it just points out even more how much the overarching storytelling is broken here. None of the events from the finale of Season 2 that should have been complications have been anything that has taken any kind of work or character development by the characters to fix. Grogu is just back, and now superfluous to the story. Din is just fully devoted to the cult again, and not questioning the tenets of their beliefs anymore. Bo-Katan has the Darksaber, her fleet, and her followers back. Why do the work to set up these complications if they are just going to be randomly--and quickly--undone?

(The one good thing was, when Din explained how the Darksaber was now hers by right, my 13-year old son questioned it, and we got to talk about how relying on dogma in religions often leads to people being able to twist and distort the religion to mean whatever they want at the moment. A good teaching moment for us.)

And I have to add, the stuff about the Beskar in Gideon's shuttle...wasn't he the guy who took all the Beskar after Mandalore was destroyed? Wasn't he the source of Mando's own Beskar armor? If Beskar points to anyone on the galaxy anymore, it ought to implicate Moff Gideon himself.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Wave 6 (New TVC Wave 32)
« on: April 4, 2023, 02:49 PM »
I'm not sure what wave this Luke is in, so I'm giving him his own thread for now until we get clarification where he belongs.

Pre-order tomorrow at 1pm ET.   I am guessing there must be a TBOBF Grogu with Yoda-style backpack coming soon or this figure makes zero sense...

Word on the street is this Luke will also be in a deluxe box with Grogu and backpack. Preorder at your own peril!

The Vintage Collection / Re: RUMOR 2024 TVC HasLab The Ghost
« on: April 2, 2023, 04:28 PM »
He has been discussing it on the Rebelscum forums.

The Vintage Collection / Re: RUMOR 2024 TVC HasLab The Ghost
« on: April 2, 2023, 04:26 PM »
There’s also a rumor floating around that it is a 6” Bantha with multiple Tusken Raiders, but maybe that is an April Fool’s gag too. I hate that stupid holiday.

That was out out there by somebody other than Jayson, but with the Yakface name attached to give it some credibility.

The Vintage Collection / Re: RUMOR 2024 TVC HasLab The Ghost
« on: April 2, 2023, 01:30 PM »
Jayson has confirmed he wasn't pulling a prank, and also that the TVC Ghost is larger than the Legacy BMF.

The Vintage Collection / Re: RUMOR 2024 TVC HasLab The Ghost
« on: April 2, 2023, 09:06 AM »
My question is: If the HasLab is the Ghost, and the Ghost is featured on Ahsoka, why run a HasLab campaign well before Ahsoka airs?

The Vintage Collection / 2023 HasLab - TVC The Ghost
« on: April 1, 2023, 03:18 PM »
Jayson has begun dropping serious hints that a TVC Ghost HasLab will be announced at Celebration to the tune of $600.

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