Collectibles > Discover the Force / Movie Heroes

2013 Movie Heroes Class II Vehicles - Yoda Boxes

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Jeff: have posted a few comparison photos of the new, smaller-scaled 2013 Class II ships.

It will be interesting to see how well these sell... they will certainly be more affordable at $20 compared to this year's $30, but the smaller sizes on some of them (Slave I, I'm looking at you) is so ridiculous that most collectors are going to just laugh and ignore these.   :-\

Jesse James:
The tank was underscaled to begin with too, and I really don't see that doing well either...  I think going smaller isn't really going to help things much.  I know I personally will buy even less but I hadn't been buying much to begin with.

Actually the Cloud Car and Snowspeeder were my last 2 purchases of those kinds of ships...  The scale was right, and the detail off the charts.  The V-19 is the only thing I've been tempted on since and I've got a few anyway so I've passed.

It's a ship I'd like a few more of, cheap, but not even at $20.

I can appreciate getting those ships back into the $20 range, but yeah, I'm not sure if it is going to help or not.  If it gets them in kiddos hands and makes them happy, fine by me.  Like I said when they announced them, we already have the larger scale versions of these (and likely most others they would do), so these aren't for us anyways.  I just wonder how much kids care about SW at this point anyways, so we'll see if this helps or not.  It is nice for gift giving though, as I know we've gone to buy stuff like this for our nephews in the past and once you get a ship for $30, it is tough to justify much else.  At least this way you could get a ship and a figure (now if they could only get the figures more affordable, which is what the Movie Heroes line should be anyway I think).

Wondering what the later shrunken additions will be. ROTS Jedi Fighter? V-Wing? AAT? Vader's TIE? (that would hurt!).

Again, you could use the clone tank as a scout version, no stupider than that mini-Droid scout tank they made. Though, I never got the Clone tank because it never quite felt right, it's almost neat but there was something too EU about it. Also, most clones cannot sit for crap, that make vehicle interaction difficult. It's telling though, they chose it to scale down...pointing out a flaw with the prequels (and CLONE WARS) lack of a mid-sized Clone ground vehicle (ignoring the Swamp Speeder, which Hasbro also ignored for years), because everything was one-manned or ginormous sized to the point they'd sink into the ground. 

The mini-Slave 1, use as a Mando fighter...if anybody army buillt such things.  But there is an absurdity to scout/fighters being just tinier versions of bigger ships.


--- Quote from: Jesse James on October 24, 2012, 02:06 PM ---The tank was underscaled to begin with too, and I really don't see that doing well either...  I think going smaller isn't really going to help things much.  I know I personally will buy even less but I hadn't been buying much to begin with.

--- End quote ---

I never really thought of the previous fighter tank as under-scaled. It seems to fit perfectly with the figures as well as the large clone vehicles, but perhaps my extreme hatred of the huge Lego version clouded my view of the Hasbro tank. I'm sure the small tank will sell fine, as both "large" releases sold well in my area. Personally, I will happily skip the reduced scale vehicles, but they aren't meant for me anyway. I would love it if Hasbro uses the assortment to throw a few bones to collectors, like normal sized Landspeeders, airspeeders, A-Wings, or even creatures like Boga, but I won't be holding my breath.


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