Author Topic: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - Not an update, but worth a look!  (Read 116507 times)

Offline Famine

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - UPDATE 8/25
« Reply #60 on: August 26, 2005, 12:41 AM »
What a tease! :D

I'd snoop around, and keep an eye on where that blaster is, in case you have to use it. I'd stay, just to see what Callie has in mind.

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline Quazar

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - UPDATE 8/25
« Reply #61 on: August 26, 2005, 12:54 AM »
Here are a few more "facts" about the your situation from earlier in the game:

1)  Your uncle's ship is called the Decade Bluejay

2)  Callie suggested that the three guys who were loitering around said ship could be members of the infamous Terasi Pirates

3)  In addition to leaving behind a stormtrooper, AK-289, who you were forced to kill, the Empire removed a locked storage crate from your uncle's quarters

4)  Colonel Draven has retained the services of a bounty hunter to
help the Empire search for your uncle.

5)  Said bounty hunter referred to your uncle as a "failed smuggler" and expressed surprise that the Empire would go to such lengths to find him.

6)  A Rodian stole 40 credits from you during your voyage to the station.

7)  The station is known as "Farspace Station".

8)  Callie's bar is called the "Gateway Saloon".

9)  Callie seems to have an antagonistic relationship with the station's security chief, Major Wolfell, who she described as an "incompetent fascist".
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Offline Quazar

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« Reply #62 on: August 26, 2005, 07:32 AM »
Well, despite a terrific effort by Sith Lord Chaos to just cut and run before Callie came back, he was beaten by a narrow margin by the "let's wait for Callie" camp, led by Chewie and backed up by Diddly, CorranHorn and the Artist Formerly Known as Famine.

So stay and wait for Callie you did!

Findswoman opted not to join that particular debate, though she did offer some great analysis and suggested that you check out the stormtrooper belt, a suggestion echoed by CorranHorn and SLC.

In fact, SLC suggested keeping the belt and wearing it under the poncho, using it to holster your own blaster for easy access.  (I did forget to put all of your own items in the belt compartments, SLC, but we can do that later if you remind me).

And, of course, using the poncho/changing clothes was a suggestion also echoed here by Diddly, but it goes way back to even before the long hiatus and was pretty much a near universal suggestion back then....

So enough preamble....on with the show!

You are in Callie's office, about to leave for your meeting with "Blondie".

Any last questions or comments before you go?



dirty poncho (worn)
space helmet (worn)

Credit Stick
hold-out blaster (worn on belt)
comm link (hidden in pants)
backpack containing -
change of clothes
bottle of booze
control pad for ship
data pad with technical schematics
73 credits

stormtrooper belt (worn) containing:
grappling hook & cord
2 spare ammo clips
1 imperial comm link
ration bar
mini tool kit
« Last Edit: August 26, 2005, 07:46 AM by Quazar »
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« Reply #63 on: August 26, 2005, 02:31 PM »
Now I'm just being paranoid but before I go to the rendezvous, I'd stop off someplace where I could take off the helmet without being seen. Then I'd make sure therer is no tracking beacon or anything like that. I don't want to lead the Empire to the Rebel spies, that would be bad for them and bad for me. Then I'd head to the meeting and check out the area as planned.

I'm still not sure about Callie she has something up her sleeve. I'd like to trust her, but I just can't right now. I'll leave it up to you guys whether or not we should ask her. Personally I wouldn't. If there is something up, and she realized we'd caught on, things could get ugly. And if there is nothing wrong with the helmet and she is trying to help, I'd just ask her later when I went back to "sleepover." ;) I just think it is too risky to ask her anything like that now. I have a feeling she doesn't think this meeting is important, because of the obviouus sarcasm. Which could mean a few things:

1. The "Rebels" are really imperials Spies, or thieves and this meeting is just a hoax. All the more reason to check out the area first, and make them wait around awhile. I still don't trust them either.

2. The meeting is a trap and she has alerted the Empire and I am being tracked. So the meeting will never happen.

3. She doesn't think it is important, simply because she doesn't care. She wants me here, because she wants my "man flesh." As was obvious by the little tease earlier. :P

I'm really glad these updates have been coming so close together. Keep it up Lance, this is a lot of fun! :)
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Offline CHEWIE

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« Reply #64 on: August 26, 2005, 03:29 PM »
Wow, it's great that you update this so quick Lance.  Ok here's what I'd do -

(1) Thank her for the helmet, and tell her you think this disguise will be just what you need. 

(2) Mention the Stormtrooper armor - say something like "Where did you get that Stormtrooper armor?"  I'd be straight up with her... say something like - "Have you used that as a disguise before?"

(3) I do trust her - but SLC's idea to check out the helmet after you leave is a good idea.

(4) Wink at her when you leave.  Show some interest.  Two can play at that game.

(5) Tell her you'll contact her after the meeting.  And see what she's doing later on that night.

I really don't think the Rebels are spies and are trying to set you up.  At this point, you seem to be pretty insignificant still - no sense in wasting their resources trying to set someone up like yourself.  If they were onto you, they would have arrested you by now.  They obviously have some interest in your uncle however so you must be cautious.


Offline Quazar

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« Reply #65 on: August 26, 2005, 04:27 PM »
Now I'm just being paranoid but before I go to the rendezvous, I'd stop off someplace where I could take off the helmet without being seen. Then I'd make sure therer is no tracking beacon or anything like that.

While this is a great idea, SLC, you know enough about electronics to know that a tracking device or homing beacon could be literally microscopic - a simple visual inspection won't be sufficient to put your mind at ease.

At present, you don't possess any thing you could use to scan for such a device.
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Offline findswoman

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« Reply #66 on: August 27, 2005, 12:49 AM »
Wow, another super quick update! 8)

When I first saw this one, I wasn't at all sure how to proceed, but now I think I do.  Here's what I recommend.  (To Chewie: Please allow me to respectfully diaagree with you on a number of issues. ;) )

I'm with Chaos on the issue of leaving.  Just pay your respects to Callie, in a friendly manner, and be on your way.  As for the Stormie armor and such, just bear it in mind for later.  If something fishy (or partially fishy) really is up, asking her about it (or any of the other junk) might well only make things worse, and might turn her against you, which means you'd lose the only ally you have.  (And I do believe she is -- at least mostly -- an ally, at least for now.)  After all, who knows whether or not she hasn't already reported you to someone/something while she was on the other side of that door?

Checking the helmet isn't a bad idea, though.  She does have a scanner in the room somewhere, does she not?  You could ask to borrow it -- on some clever pretense, of course.  Maybe you can claim that one of your other gadgets needs fixing.  Or perhaps your excuse could be that there's a sort of interference released by the comm units in older helmets that causes some folks to get migraines, or some such, and you want to double check on that so you don't get a splitting headache when you're hurtling off into hyperspace.  Or whatever.

Now, to both Chewie and Chaos...  You are kidding about winking, sleepovers, asking her if she's doing anything later, right?  ;)  Well, you can probably guess what I think about doing those things.  :)  And while I acknowledge that I sometimes come off as a crotchety grandmother on these issues, there is a very practical reason for my doing so.  (And no, it's not just that she's too old for you, though that's true too.  :) )

Our character flirted with her at one point already, and as I remember, he was basically laughed at.  ("Not bad, sailor" is not a typical response from women who have been successfully "picked up.")   Point is: If Callie perceives you're not taking her earlier hint, continued flirting could well come across as annoying and unpleasant.  And then you really do risk losing an ally.  Trust me, that's how women react to that sort of thing.   

Of course, Lance, it's up to you in the end.  If I'm being too much of a party-pooping curmudgeon, just let me know.   I'm just saying what I think is the best way for the character to proceed at this point.  And it is, after all, just a game! :)

Looking forward to more -- can't wait to see what you've set up for Blondie's scene!  8)

... the Findswoman

Offline CHEWIE

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« Reply #67 on: August 27, 2005, 01:29 AM »
Well, I just think she's damn flirty, maybe she's just a tease though.  I say flirt back (just a little though at this point).


Offline Quazar

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« Reply #68 on: August 27, 2005, 01:43 AM »

I have given this matter a great deal of consideration. 

Upon further reflection, I am changing my opinion about searching for a tracking device without a scanner.

You do have a toolkit with assorted tools in it.  Your area of expertise is repairing droids and working on starships.

It stands to reason that you would need to have some kind of device capable of receiving and processing EM and other kinds of signals (whatever the SW equivalent of "subspace" is). 

So, even though it might not be made for searching for tracking devices, you're a pretty bright, handy guy.  You could probably modify your receiver to search for various signals.  You might not always be successful, but you could certainly try, even if you don't have a specific "scanner" to use.
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« Reply #69 on: August 27, 2005, 11:08 AM »
Well, I just think she's damn flirty, maybe she's just a tease though.  I say flirt back (just a little though at this point).


But how can one flirt "back" when one hasn't been flirted with???  She may have been marginally flirtatious back in the bar, but in this room she's definitely become sensitive and defensive about something.  Which is all the more reason to proceed with caution.

Besides, I, for one, am ready for a change of scene.  On with the adventure!  :D

... the Findswoman

Offline Diddly

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« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2005, 12:27 PM »
Sweet update! I agree about searching the helmet and paying respects to Callie when leaving. I'm thinking she has both Imperial AND Rebel connections, so that would explain the Stormie armor.

Another excellent job! I can't wait to see what happens next!:D
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Offline Ryan

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« Reply #71 on: August 27, 2005, 03:29 PM »

I really don't think the Rebels are spies and are trying to set you up.  At this point, you seem to be pretty insignificant still - no sense in wasting their resources trying to set someone up like yourself.  If they were onto you, they would have arrested you by now.  They obviously have some interest in your uncle however so you must be cautious.


It isn't necassarily us that they are even after. At this point we still are rather insignificant. We have no idea what our uncle has done, we only know he is missing. He could just be in hiding and we don't want to lead anyone to him. So the Empire could be using the fact that we are just a naive 17 year old kid, and thy are trying to play to our weakness, so they can get to out uncle. Then they'll just arrest (or kill) both of us. I say, we can't be too careful.

And with the new knowledge, that we can scan the helmet after all. I'd proceed like I said in my earlier post.
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Offline Quazar

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« Reply #72 on: August 31, 2005, 05:12 AM »
Really, really great job last time around, gang!

Some wonderful analysis and some clever, outside-the-box thinking.  Bravo!

I'm also pleased that, despite the fact that our audience seems smaller than ever, we did get two all new players this time around!  So thanks again to the devoted regulars and our newcomers!  Let's keep trying to expand the player base, folks!

Anyway, as always, I tried to combine a little bit of everyone in the new installment.

Unfortunately, though, only Chewie was interested in revealing to Callie your discovery of the stromtrooper armor.  Ashared Hett and SmartyPants1635 both suggested keeping mum about the discovery, as did Diddly and the invaluable Findswoman.  Even SLC was leaning that way, though he said he would defer to the group's decision.

However, I did try to incorporate at least a little of Chewie's flirtatious nature, over the objections of the "grandmotherly" Findswoman ;)

And that brings us back to Sith Lord Chaos with the brilliant suggestion to scan the helmet for tracking/homing devices.  It seems like everyone's trust in Callie was shaken at least to some degree by the curious appearance of stromtrooper armor in her office....what could it all mean?

Well, like my new favorite show, "Lost", I'm afraid there are going to be a lot more questions before we get to any solid answers.  So here comes the update!

(BTW, this will probably be the only update this week, as things are rather busy for me right now...look for something probably after the long-week end!  But you'll all have plenty of time to discuss the ramifications unti then...Enjoy!)



dirty poncho (worn)

comm link
tracking device
space helmet
Credit Stick
hold-out blaster (worn on belt)
backpack containing -
change of clothes
bottle of booze
control pad for ship
data pad with technical schematics
73 credits
stormtrooper belt (worn) containing:
grappling hook & cord
2 spare ammo clips
1 imperial comm link
ration bar
mini tool kit
« Last Edit: August 31, 2005, 05:15 AM by Quazar »
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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel -UPDATED AGAIN! 8/31!!!
« Reply #73 on: August 31, 2005, 05:49 AM »
Looks like we're up **** creek, huh lance? :D

I'll have to think about this. Excited to give some input.

Offline findswoman

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel -UPDATED AGAIN! 8/31!!!
« Reply #74 on: August 31, 2005, 11:22 AM »
Another fabulous update, Lance!  And the small amount of flirtation was just fine by me, not excessive at all, just cute, especially with the helmet.  :)

All right, analysis time!  8)

So our  fears have been confirmed.  Seems she wasn't quite trustworthy after all.  Sneaking a tracking device into our commlink is not something concerned mother-figures do -- it's something people who are trying to spy on you do.  Though granted, she might have been put up to it against her will by someone else -- the objectionable Wolfell, perhaps.  Both are possibilities.

Well, one thing's for sure, you should dispose of the tracking doohicky ASAP, and then head out to your meeting with Blondie.  One clever and cunning thing you could do is to stick it or drop it onto some random passerby as you bump into them moving through the crowded station, perhaps even while you're still in the restroom.    Of course, plenty of other things are possible -- even if we just destroy it somehow, that's fine with me.  The main thing is getting it off of us.

Then you'd better check on whether your comm unit still works after you've been fiddling with it.  Maybe there's some sort of number that you could call that gives recorded information about the station, etc.; that would be safe ("Welcome to Farspace Station... For transport schedules, press one").  Or some such.

And as you're doing so... head for that meeting with Blondie!  (How much time do we have, by the way?)

Looking forward to more!

... the Findswoman
« Last Edit: August 31, 2005, 11:41 AM by findswoman »