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Messages - Jedidz23

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The Original Trilogy / Re: Why Lucas tinkered with Star Wars!
« on: May 29, 2005, 05:26 PM »
Ah, another thread that needs to be revisited.  I don't mind some of the changes to the DVD after seeing ROTS, but I still had Fett's voice change (and complete lack of enthusiaism by Morrison in the voice dialogue), the new Jabba music sequence, and, of course, Greedo! 

Surprisingly enough, seeing Hayden in the end of Jedi didn't bother me as much as I expected.  You get more of an emotional sense of closure, having seen Hayden turn to the Dark Side.  He still has kind of a creepy grin on his face, but the idea works.  As with most of Lucas's films, the audience has to do most of the work, but ultimately, we have a hell of a lot of fun doing it!

Well, this thread hasn't been visited in a while.  Let's dust it off...ok, there is no way that I buy that Lucas had everything worked out nicely in his head.  I can't imagine he even had planned that Vader was Luke's father.  It's just wrapped up to neatly, and there are too many flaws to indicate this is fact.  If you read articles from the late 70's, Lucas never seems to indicate that this was part of his ultimate plan.  Fans under age 25 probably think this is true, but I highly doubt it.  Thank goodness it worked out in the end!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Greivous' Cough?
« on: May 29, 2005, 05:10 PM »
I read in the newest "Rolling Stone" that the Grievous cough is actually that of none other than George Lucas himself.  Trivial Pursuit, here I come!   ;)

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replicas Force FX Lightsabers
« on: May 29, 2005, 01:01 AM »
They do seem much harder to find these days.  I think word has really gotten out, especially since the movie was so great.  Have you tried QVC's web site?  They were selling them, as is the saber vault.

If Palpatine were responsible for Anakin's birth, it would all seem far too convenient, IMO.  It definitely seems that this was intentionally left unresolved.  The origins of many mythological and religious figures have been in many cases ambiguous or mysterious.  There's the Christ analogy for one.  Then there are the numerous heroes of Greek mythology such as Hercules and Perseus who were supposedly children of the Gods, and the story of Rome's Romulus and Remus who were raised by wolves.  Lucas seems to be drawing heavily on these traditions to form some of Anakin's story.

Indeed.  This seems to be more of Joseph Campbell's influence on Lucas, which is a good thing, as far as mythology and narrative are concerned.  After seeing the film again last night, it almost seemed as if Palpatine looked at Anakin with pride (albeit briefly) as he revealed that Plagueis knew how to create life through the Force.  That lead me to believe that the Chancellor was proud of his creation (Anakin).  Obviously, this is just my theory, but my spider-sense tells me I might be onto something.   ;)

Other Collectibles / Re: The "Official" Master Replicas Thread
« on: May 27, 2005, 03:19 PM »
I know what you mean, and it's only $500.   :'(

Why do the cool things have to be so expensive?   ;)

Other Collectibles / Re: ROTS Burger King Promos
« on: May 27, 2005, 03:09 PM »
Just ran to our local BK for lunch and when I told the girl I needed the next wave she came back with six!!  Darth Vader is now mine!!  Woohoo!!

To top it all off, I had to wait at least 10 minutes for my order so they gave me another Obi-Wan for my patience.   :D

Ah, jadesfire, the force is strong with you!  :)

I agree with JedioftheNorth, I hope we can all get them legitimately, instead of eBay!

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replicas: Mini-sabers
« on: May 27, 2005, 11:03 AM »
Personally, I am really debating if I want the Dooku .45 from ROTS.  Besides the gold, and a different marking on the grip, it is pretty simillar to the AOTC saber.  I don't want to fall into the trap that Hasbro has put me in so many times.  Jus look at the R2-D2 from Mustafar for evidence of this.  Hardly any difference!

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replicas: Mini-sabers
« on: May 27, 2005, 11:01 AM »
I also brainfarted on signing up for the MR Collector's Collector's Society at C3, but plan to do that soon so I can nab that complete Maul mini saber.  I'm curious if there's going to be a clear display case for that thing, so it can at least be displayed with the others.  I don't want the thing sitting in a felt box for all eternity...  Anybody know?

From what I've gleamed from MR, it sounds like it will be very simillar to all of their other .45 offerings.  I am certainly looking forward to this.  It will have to be twice the size of the Obi-Wan weathered saber pictured above (great scale photo runier!)

Other Collectibles / Re: ROTS Burger King Promos
« on: May 27, 2005, 10:55 AM »
Finding the Vader is increasingly difficult!  I was at a Burger King on Tuesday, and the lady said they had one in a box in the back, but weren't able to open any more up until they sold their current stock.  Argh! 

The worst part is you see them on eBay for a billion dollars.  Imagine that.   ::)

Woo-Hoo!  Post # 50!  I'm halfway to a blue lightsaber!   ;D

Other Collectibles / Re: The "Official" Master Replicas Thread
« on: May 27, 2005, 10:50 AM »
Amazing pics here of Luke's ANH EE saber that will be out soon!

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replicas Force FX Lightsabers
« on: May 27, 2005, 10:48 AM »
I love these FX sabers, but the only problem with them is that they are huge.  I am running out of space!  Nice problem to have, I suppose.   :D

I am really debating getting Anakin's ROTS as well.  I know there are significant differences between his and Luke's ESB, but I'm knd of like Morgbug in that I would kind of like to have one of each color, and I already have blue.  Such decisions... ;)

Regarding Palpatine's backstory, he finishes off the Sith Lord story with such evil glee that when he explains the Sith Lord's ironic death, he appears so visibly pleased that it's hard to not take the story as the truth. In my mind, I think it's not BS.

Good point.  I think that is the case; Sidious is so pleased with himself that he temporarily lets his guard down, and we see his true nature seep out.  Whether it was his manipulation, or whatever the case may be, I think he was involved.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Greivous' Cough?
« on: May 24, 2005, 11:36 AM »
I think Scott is right about Lucas throwing in bonus villians, and if I hadn't seen the Clone Wars cartoon, I probably wouldn't have been all that excited about Grievous.  I wish (just like Brian) that we could have seen Grievous take out some Jedi as well, so that we could see how lethal he was.  I really liked him in the film, but think he is much more ferocious in the cartoon. 

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