Author Topic: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!  (Read 255905 times)

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #45 on: June 5, 2003, 02:54 AM »
Absolutlely huge sound ;D  Until it got stolen.  As did the next three.  

Geez Brent...  You've had FOUR cars stolen?!?   :o  Or just the stereos from them?  Either way, that really sucks!  You live in the hood, or sumthin'?   ;D   :-*

To expand on a pet peeve that I listed earlier:  Patty and I went to see the Ghosts of the Abyss (Titanic) Imax "movie" tonight.  We initially had the entire massive theater all to ourselves, until just prior to showtime when another couple acting all rowdy and stupid come wandering in.  Where do they decide to sit?  Yep.  Right smack dab in the two seats immediately in front of us - when they had probably a thousand other seats to choose from.  Didn't even scoot over a seat or two, so they were still in the middle, but not directly in front of us.  Wasn't a huge deal really, but we could see a little bit of the top of their noggins instead of the screen.  Oh well.  People nowadays...   ::)

Offline Mikey D

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #46 on: June 5, 2003, 07:30 AM »
I play for my wife's company softball team.  This is a co-ed league where five women must play.  (You can play with four, but when the fifth is due up, she's an automatic out).  If you have anything less than four, you forfeit.  Three forfeits and you're out of the league permanently.  They've had some problems with women showing up last year, so they go out and recruit 9 women to play on the team, figuring "Hey it won't be a problem to get 5 to show up to a game".

We had a game last night, 8:45 pm start. (plenty of time to get home from work, eat dinner and relax before the game).  Guess how many women show up for the game?  3.  Out of 9 women, we get a 1/3 of them and one of them is not even on the roster, she's a friend of one of the girls.  

Now I have no problem if you have prior commitments and tell the manager that.  What I have a problem with is saying you're going to be there, ready to play and not show up.  You're wasting our time, our money (the players have to pay the umpire fees, $20 / game, unless you forfeit and then you have to pay the other teams also) and most importantly, the company's money, who paid the entry fees, etc. for us to play.

The manager is being alot more civil about this problem than I would be.  I had similar problems when I managed my company team last year and it really made my blood pressure rise.  (One of the main reasons why we didn't field a team this year)

Keep in mind that we all know we're not playing in the World Series and its just a game, but we do want to play.  If you don't, let us know so we can find someone to replace you.

***Rant over***
« Last Edit: June 5, 2003, 07:31 AM by Mikey D »
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #47 on: June 5, 2003, 01:39 PM »
OK, here is my list....  ;)

1.  People who blame you personally for something that doesn't work, just because you happen to be the guy who is there trying to help them.

2.  People who ask for help but refuse to do anything to help themslves!

3.  People who don't read manuals, then expect you to explain everything to them!

4. People who can't understand the limitations of the technology the use on a daily basis.

5. People who buy the absolute cheapest thing possible, then complain when it breaks!

Thats it for work related.. can you tell I am a support tech. :)

Here goes for my list of life's pet peeves.

1.  People who walk slowly down narrow hallways!

2.  People who think that because they are a "customer" they can treat another human being like a piece of crap.

Recent example:  I totally lost it at McDonalds the other day because some guy is screaming at the manager because "you #$%*%ing ripped me off because you forgot one of my #%#$%ing french fries, you#$%ing piece of (you know what).

Where does it say that for the cost of some fries you can totally abuse another human being?

To make it worse my 6 year old is standing right there!

3. People who take no responsibility for thier actions.  

4. People who forward all those stupid pictures, and jokes, and videos, and petitions in their email, then complain that the internet is so slow!

Collecting related!

1. Crappy distribution in Canada!

2. TRU employees who snicker at you because you are asking them a toy question, and you are abviously an adult.

3. eBay sellers with crappy or no pictures!  If you have MOC 12 Backs, sell one and buy a half decent GD Digicam!

4. Other collectors who don't reply to your trade offer, even though it doesn't interest them.  Its common courtesy!!!

5. Flea Market vendors who think they have pure plastic gold, and refuse to believe you when you point out thier flawed plan to sell those sand box incomplete figures for $15 each!  "Hey, those are vintage! I could get a lot more than that on eBay" - Yeah right...

6. Dealers who refuse to believe that "Book Value" means very little these days!

7. Store exclusives! - They never come to Canada!  

8. Store exclusives again... seeing a case of "store exclusives" offered up on eBay!  Example: That damn Silver R2!!! Arghhh

OK, my blood pressure is rising so I should stop now! But thanks I feel better.

Please feel free to post  "People's whose pet peeve threads are too long"... ;)


The space left intentionally blank.

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #48 on: June 5, 2003, 02:40 PM »
Good stuff Scott, I hear ya on the flea market sellers.

4 stereos in 4 different locations.  None in the hood.  3 in typical suburban neighbourhoods; one while living with the parental units; another in the parking garage of an apartment building; another outside a different apartment on a residential street and the fourth in a parking lot at the university.  Lots of nice folks around where I live, the car theft (and likely car stereo theft) capital of Canada.  Couple that with the insurance companies reluctancy to cover full value and you can see why stock stereos appeal to me.  Especially when the stock is Bose.  Thanks Nissan.  Still loud, high quality sound. ;D
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #49 on: June 5, 2003, 03:14 PM »
4 stereos in 4 different locations.  None in the hood.  

I had a car stereo stolen in broad daylight in the parking lot at a Lake while I was water skiing. It was back when I drove a convertible, and I had been courteous enough to leave the alarm that if someone bumped it, it wouldn't be going off while I was off on the water.

Someone slashed the top, stole my speakers (but left everything else of value in the car) and put the top back up.

So that's a big pet peeve for me. Spineless pussies that mess with another man's automobile.  >:(
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #50 on: June 5, 2003, 04:10 PM »
I had a buddy that "customized" his security system.  Took quite a while and it ended up causing a lot more damage to the car, but he ended up happy.  

What he did was highly illegal but more than tempting.  If you've ever installed a car stereo you know all the feeds go in the back, just like a regular stereo.  Also at the back is a wussy little retaining bar with a bolt to hold the deck in place.  

Typical thieves pay little attention to detail when stealing the stereo itself (versus the speakers) and simply reach under the dash, grab the wires and pull them out.  Often this snaps the leads, but hey, they're not looking for a "mint" stereo anyway, just something to use or more likely resell.  Their market ain't that picky either.

What my buddy had done (he too had been victimized prior) was set up (wire up) a series of razor blades and fish hooks.  The razors were the old type you can still buy, double sided, but nobody uses.  Fish hooks were typical supply, barbed.  He put in about 10 of each suspended by wires.  

Naturally one day some jackass goes to rip off his stereo, smashes the window and blindly reaches under the back to grab the wires ;D  Guy came out next day, blood everywhere, headlights and taillights smashed along with the original window the guy broke to get in.  Stereo was still there.  had to de-customize the security system prior to seeing the insurance adjustor.  Couldn't come up with a good explanation for all the blood either, but hey, he wasn't there when the guy broke in, so how would he know?   ;)
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Offline Obi-Juan

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #51 on: June 5, 2003, 07:47 PM »
The one thing that pisses me off is when people try to get their post counts up in forums and will do so by any stupid means necessary.  Specially when they post two or three times in a row without even having anyone respond to your posts.   >:(

Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #52 on: June 5, 2003, 08:57 PM »
What do you mean?
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #53 on: June 5, 2003, 08:58 PM »
That never happens!!

 ;D   J/K
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #54 on: June 5, 2003, 11:26 PM »
The one thing that pisses me off is when people try to get their post counts up in forums and will do so by any stupid means necessary.  Specially when they post two or three times in a row without even having anyone respond to your posts.   >:(

Uh, yeah.  Me too :-X  I'm really, really sorry about the alyson hannigan pics.  really.  Ahem. :-[

Though it wasn't with the intent of post padding.  Honest.
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Offline Obi-Juan

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #55 on: June 6, 2003, 06:05 AM »
That never happens!!

 ;D   J/K

That's it.......

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #56 on: June 6, 2003, 08:15 AM »
Ok, I'll add to this list:

#1 Illiegal Aliens in the USA.........this is probably my #1 Pet Peeve...........I won't expound on this......I think it speaks for itself;)

#2 Ricers......guys that own a Honda or similiar car....make one trip to AutoZone and load up on all of the Neon,floor mats,stickers and wings that they can bolt on thier car........and then hit the street like they are straight outta the Fast and Furious movie. I enjoy decimating these wussies.......nothing makes me laugh harder then when I leave them sitting....hahhaha

Here's an example:

my local Gatti's Pizza is a fine example of this....they have a driver there who owns am Acura night he decided he was brave and came up next to me trying to show off his POS.....I was in my slammed 98 S10...which consequently has been wrenched on.....anyways, I see this kid staring at me like he's Vin Diesel I shake my head and give him the go sign.......he stands on it....I stand on it....and bam.....I'm frickin' gone......and I don't mean buy a fender's length....I mean 3-4 car lengths.....hahahhahahah   he pulled up to me at the light and just stared in disbelief.......

(The previous comment was not meant to anger those that are REAL import racers....I respect those that wrench on thier cars......I just hate ricers ;) )

#3 Slow drivers on the freeway....... If the flow of traffic is moving at 85+ then go with the flow.....I appreciate you driving the speed limit at 55......but I can assure you that you and I will both end up splattered adainst the Kelly wall at some point.......because doing 55 in an area where the flow is 85+ is like installing a speed bump.

#4 People that take forever to return e-mails when trading.......

#5 Magazines like Maxim.....(I know, most of you are going,"WTF"?)...seriously, get the clothes off already....those pics you publish are nothing more than teasers.......the world is full of teasers........let's get to what EVERYONE who stares at that magazine cover wants......nakidness!  heheheheh

#6 Country music......again, pretty self explanatory...Country music leads to inbreeding ;) hahah

#7 admins and mods.......I'm sure I'm not alone in this......but those guys in my opinion are doing nothing but slapping what used to be loyal forum members in the face with thier refusal to talk about the new trade rules..........I could expound on this....but I'll leave it be.

#8  People who jack with another man's car.......anyone who does so is worth less than a wet roll of Charmin......wether this includes keying a car,stealing the wheels,ripping off the stereo,stealing the motor, or etc.'s all the same to me.......this crime should include having your hands cut off......think the thug's "Homies" would get the picture? You bet your ass they would when Mr. Handy shows back up to the "Crib" or "Hood" with no hands word will spread FAST......

#9 People who describe an item to be a certain condition and it's far worse than described.......I'd almost consider the punishment for #8 as penalty...but somehow it seems a little harsh ;)

#10 Walker County (Texas) My local county has decided to raise taxes yet again this year......I live out in the boonies man...waaay out....and my road is made of "Iron Ore" which is this red rock and dust........beleive me, don't even consider washing your will be red with dirt and dust again tomorrow. This county for some reason won't pave my road......there are a bunch of people that live off of I'm not the only one........and the road has been here for years....but they refuse to pave it for some reason....yet they feel the need to lift more cash from my wallet again  >:(

I could sit here and go on and on.....LOL....but I'll let that list stand.......who knows, I might come back and post another list in a week or so...ahahhaha
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #57 on: June 11, 2003, 07:12 PM »
#9 People who describe an item to be a certain condition and it's far worse than described.

I hate this one too TJ!  I don't know how someone can look at a carded figure with massive spiderweb-veining, a large crease, or dented in corners and suggest that it's a "mint" card.  Drives me nuts!

On a related note, I HATE when people intentionally try to get away with labeling a less than mint carded product as MOC, which most people view the same as MOMC.  I realize there's technically a very serious difference between those two abbreviations, but the average collector usually thinks MOC means the card is mint, and quite often sellers will label their mint carded product MOC.  But when a deceptive seller slaps the MOC label on an item, and intentionally misleads someone into thinking it's on a mint card, that's NOT COOL.   >:(

I'll agree with everyone else on the bad/slow/unattentive drivers.  That one's a no-brainer.

It also disgusts me when people don't use deoderant and smell like a nasty MF.  This is more just an issue of personal hygiene though, but it affects other people when we have to smell your stank!

It also drives me mildy insane when a co-worker finishes off the last of the coffee in the morning, and doesn't refill the damned pot like they're supposed to.   >:(  Must have my coffee or I do NOT function properly!

Last pet peeve for now:  The elevator farter.   ::)  You know what I'm talking about.  Believe it or not, these people are really out there.

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #58 on: June 11, 2003, 07:52 PM »
Mostly only one thing that bothers me. RAP I HATE IT. >:(
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #59 on: June 11, 2003, 09:00 PM »
1. Ignorance
2. Bigotry
3. Mullets
5. Most country "music"
6. People that speed up as you try to pass them on the freeway
7. People that drive while talking on a cell-phone

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