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That version of Koe is nothing more than an Evo Phase 1 Clone with the pilot helmet with the tubes draped behind his shoulders as opposed to around the neck. Then I threw the Clone Wars Obi Wan's bandolier on him and gave him a POTF2 Sandtrooper rifle... He's not that impressive when I don't drop him into sepia, actually. ;)

I'll be happy to post more pics if anyone wants to get a better idea for how that recipe worked. It was more a matter of need than design.

And thanks for the kind words on the PN, DarthN. Those are a lot of work, but a lot of fun, too. It means a lot when people say they enjoy the read.

I hope it doesn't take me as long to do Chapter 3 as it did to churn out Chapter 2, but who knows... :(

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: ? about commanders
« on: March 3, 2006, 12:03 PM »
Aren't the Jaig eyes the things on Commander Fordo's head?

Not the best angle there, but you get the idea...

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Clank's Vintage Customs
« on: March 3, 2006, 11:59 AM »
Man, these are really good. I particularly like your Christmas Special Boba, Sandtrooper, and rem. helmet scout.

Really great stuff, man. Thanks for sharing them.

Gotta agree with hemble, here. That Endor attack get up is AWESOME! :)

Nice work, man!

Chewie updates are like a drug.  I need Chewie updates.  Fix you computer quickly.

Agreed. Even when I can't post comments for lack of time, I ALWAYS check up on the JD boards for CHEWIE's latest (along with the rest of the JD crew). :)

Are these for sale?! I've *always* loved the concept of Mando Commandos, but I've never seen them executed where I didn't say to myself "looks like a (insert color here) Boba Fett to me". THESE, on the other hand, are so unique... so NOT Boba Fett or Jango Fett.

Man, these guys need a PN or some kind of story... individually I would call them among the best we've seen on these forums. As a group I'd call them fodder for a video game franchise! :)

Thanks, Brent. The nice thing about the soft goods robe... I can always put it back on :)

The cloth fixes for the imperfections were somewhat improvised, and they don't look as good as I'd hoped. Still, I almost never use soft goods, so I think it's adequate. Plus, I think we'll see Suud again in K.O.E., and with these mods I can keep him poseable. He's actually capable of some pretty nasty combat poses, and I hope I'll get to show him busting up some Seps at some point.

Silvith is one of those figures that just happened. He's the leftovers of Suud, actually, with some POTF2 Lando in Disguise boots. I had entertained making him a senator, but the more I looked at him and then fiddled with his paint scheme, the more I decided he was someone who wasn't fit for senate work. :) He's going to be fairly prominent in the main storyline for K.O.E. How that happens I'm not entirely sure, but he's got a quality about him that makes me want to tell a story for him.

Thanks for the comments. I sincerely appreciate them.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E. Chapter 2: Enter the Killers
« on: March 3, 2006, 11:26 AM »
Thanks for the comment, CHEWIE. I'm glad you're digging it.

I had tried some elevated perspective shots on Sedo and Kit for the approach, but Sedo can't look up like I want him to.  :-\ I wanted to catch his face, as I think with the hood up he looks somewhat afraid.

As for the action shots, I kept them minimal b/c they are Koe's memories of the events surrounding Suud's death. It really was a hit-and-run attack they suffered, as a small group of battle droids had managed to stage an ambush. I'm not even certain Koe would have seen any of them... they just laid down a hail of fire to cover their retreat, but too late for Suud. I didn't do a good job of communicating this in the pics, but Koe would have gone back toward the droid fire to get to Suud, so he was slightly freaked out as all this happened.

The missile attack pic was the last thing Koe would have remembered in any visual sense before being knocked out. That missile didn't hit the gunship, it merely detonated above the cockpit, throwing frags all over the area and shredding the pilots. It didn't totally destroy the Scourge II, but it damaged it bad enough that the Killers were issued a new gunship :) The pic shown is the instant before that detonation... let's call it a Hitchcock style where I leave it to you to come up with just how bad that kind of an explosion would have to be (plus I didn't have to do explosion effects, which I'm really bad at, even in sepia tones). :P

Again, thanks for the comments. Based on the responses I've already gotten, I think I achieved the right kind of backdrop for these guys (Sedo, Koe, and Koe's Killers) to start telling the rest of the story.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E. Chapter 2: Enter the Killers
« on: March 3, 2006, 09:25 AM »
Man... Qoz really is looking RIGHT at you, huh. :)  Sorry 'bout that.

Two updates tonight:

1. Jedi Master Jole Suud, currently appearing in K.O.E. Chapter 2 (see the PN section)

Kel Dor privateer Silvith Rawe (he'll turn up eventually in K.O.E.)

Comments are welcome, of course. :)

K.O.E. Chapter 2: Enter the Killers. Now showing in the PN section.  :)

Photonovels and Movies / K.O.E. Chapter 2: Enter the Killers
« on: March 3, 2006, 01:16 AM »
Here's a link to Chapter 1, in case you missed it.


A lone, factory-fresh LAAT rumbles through the morning air. The steady rapping of the engines echoes against Coruscant’s mighty facades, creating a strangely calming white noise for the warriors aboard.

But no rhythm can calm the angst in one soldier’s soul. The freshly christened LAAT Scourge III is on a rare but important Homeworld mission. The group is en route to intercept a replacement for a fallen brother.

It is the kind of mission Commander Koe abhors. He always knew replacing one of his own would be hard on him. He could hardly imagine replacing his Jedi.


The number pierces Koe’s best attempts to distract himself with the scenery as the LAAT dips into a thick fog hovering among Coruscant’s towers.

Fifty-seven special operations without losing a man . . . and I lose my Jedi, my gunship, and those worthless pilots all at once.

Only three days earlier, Koe was celebrating the success of another mission with Jedi Master Jole Suud, a Gran warrior of the highest ability and ferocity.

The celebration had been premature. The Killers let their guard down early, and Suud had paid the price for their lack of focus.


A droid sniper team had made its way into the extraction LZ and put a blast in the base of Suud’s neck.

A consummate warrior, Suud drew his blade and turned to fight in spite of his mortal wound.

The hail of fire was too intense. He didn’t have a chance.

Suud hit the dirt and took his last breath. Koe’s boys threw fire up at the sniper’s position, and Koe – for reasons he still couldn’t explain – scooped up Suud’s light saber.

The volley continued as the Killers attempted to cover their commander’s retreat.


Before the squad could board for takeoff, a frag missile exploded over the cockpit of the gunship, killing the pilots and knocking most of the Killers out, including Koe. The soldiers already aboard the Scourge II had been sheltered by the LAAT’s reinforced armor. They evacuated every Clone – even what was left of the pilots - before launching the crippled Scourge to a low flying attack cruiser.

...the Jedi was left for dead.

Koe would return the light saber to the Jedi Order. He felt personally responsible for the loss of Master Suud’s body, and would make amends before he took on this new Jedi.

The whole incident was just the kind of disaster Koe had learned to avoid over the course of so many battles.

As a senior Asset Recovery Officer in the early days of the war, Koe was specially trained for work on sparse, often booby-trapped battle fields. His missions were always simple. Destroy remaining CIS ordinance. Recover salvageable Republic gear.

Make sure no injured Clones were left breathing.

He’d finished off many of his brothers on the field of battle. He had always done so without so much as a blink before pulling the trigger.

Clones were tools of the Republic, and he was assigned to decommission them.

But as the war moved from months into years, Koe encountered more and more cases of Clones showing something he had never seen among common grunts: a will to survive and keep fighting. Clones began to ask to be saved and returned to service.

It was a rare enough occurrence that Koe had been able to slip most of the fallen who asked for help back into his salvage cruiser’s medical bays. The wounded were healed with bacta treatments. Clones with lost limbs were fitted for cybernetics.

Each became a fine soldier and bore out a new breed of Clone. Not a commander, but a free-thinking, fiercely loyal warrior that instinctively knew the art of survival even in the most perilous battle.

Koe was soon reassigned to lead his band of salvaged soldiers. The team was attached to Homeworld Security Command as a special ops unit, and was matched with Master Suud and his extensive battle resume.

In a war where Clone casualties by the tens of thousands were hardly a cause for concern, Koe had defied the odds and kept his small band intact for well over a year.

Then Suud died.

Today they would meet Suud’s successor.

Koe could only hope his new, young Jedi could fill the mighty Gran’s boots. . .

Sir, how do we feel about this new Jedi?” Qoz, Koe’s most trusted brother in arms, breaks Koe’s train of thought with a question that cuts right to the point.

I can’t speak for you, Qoz, but I know he’s green. I know he’s bookish. I know he carries a light saber like the rest of ‘em. Other than that, I have no idea.

Seems the Jedi are digging deeper into that Temple for warriors lately,” Qoz huffs. “If I may say so, sir, I’d much rather have a fighter like Master Suud.

We have to take what we’re given, Qoz. We’re not permitted to go blowing up the galaxy without a Jedi in tow. Command and the Council see something in this young Knight.

Besides, whatever he doesn’t know about warfare, we can teach him better than any book...

At least he’s punctual. That’s a start.” Koe points out a group of shadows below as the pilot steers the Scourge III toward an empty spaceport.

The rapid pattering of the LAAT slows as the pilot points the belly of the gunship at the approaching platform below. The morning fog is too thick to get a good visual, but the crew know who waits for them below.

Jedi Knight Sedo Crus: the newest of Koe's Killers.


I hope you all like it. Comments are encouraged.

On to Chapter 3

Muuuuuch better on Janesa. She still looks like she's built like a Barbie doll, but that really works for the species. Any chance we can see her alongside some of her Hasbro-created sisters so we can get a sense of scale?

This is a great use of the fodder, man. Another example of just how creative you are when it comes to parts matching.

I don't really know a better way to put it, but those are just crazy good, man!

I always love to see something that's already really good like that Luke and Yoda improved in your style.

Taking the concept of a lightly armored imperial commander to the level you have here is magnificent. This I'll most certainly give a try at some point.

Great work.

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