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Messages - Rob

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Nien Nunb is $6.89 on Amazon right now if anyone needs one or is stockpiling parts for customs.

Deep down I think you're right.

But I hope you're wrong.

Imagine the catastrophe if they got to a tier for making one Tonnika Sister and not the other. 

I'd think so, I don't see how repaints, repacks and resculpts would drive orders.  Tonnika Sisters at the end of the unlocks would guarantee it makes all the goals.

Yeah what you described would fall under repack for me as well.  Ok I’ll leave it carded for now and if I don’t learn anything new in a few days I’ll re-home it.

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: Disney Mystery Crate Series 2
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:42 AM »
Ugh… I hate this concept.  I hope they’re evenly packed this time and the prices on eBay are reasonable…

TV-9D9 / Re: Disney+ Pricing
« on: May 30, 2024, 12:00 AM »
I thought about that too but ads in the middle of something like Andor is the only thing I’d consider worse than the price hike…

Before I open the figure, has anyone found a good comparison shot of just how updated the paint is on Ahsoka, or opened one and looked at them closely enough to spot anything new about the one in the 4-pack? 

I'm looking at my old one and this new one and can't spot any difference and don't want to open it just to look more closely and end up being wrong. 

Jayson has a post on IG teasing three all new figures and three unlockable all new figures.

TV-9D9 / Disney+ Pricing
« on: May 28, 2024, 07:02 PM »
I paid $76.29 in 2020.
Then $87.19 in 2021 and 2022.
It jumped to $119.89 last year.
Now $139.99

I exclusively watch new Star Wars stuff on it and don't use it for anything else.  Then I spent $40-ish per season to buy stuff on 4K when they release it anyway.

So I just canceled it and figure I can subscribe a month at a time when there is a new season of something released.

Anyone else doing something similar or have any tricks to get it for less?  I just don't get that much out of it and am annoyed that it's gone up like 60% in two years.

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Tonnika Sisters
« on: May 25, 2024, 02:30 PM »
Yeah Jeff was quoting posts by me that I’d loooooong since forgotten. :)

Just got an email that this one’s delivery date is now December 2.

LEGO / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: May 24, 2024, 01:13 PM »
about 5 or 6 years ago my wife was teaching out of state and I had lots of free time... I spent a bunch of it printing off parts lists for old space and pirate and castle sets that I never had but wanted.  Then used most of my extra parts to get close and ordered all the missing pieces off of Bricklink.  It was a ton of fun and I love that site.

Now all of those sets are in bags in big bins in the closet because I can't also use the guest bedroom as a second collection space.

Jeff, do we want to spin this off into a dedicated Tonnika Sisters thread?  As much as there isn't anything to say about it, I do like the topic for some weird reason...

As far as I can tell she's done her best to monetize being a Tonnika Sister.  Her facebook page is full of this kind of stuff.

Ironically, she was also pimping the Last Figure Standing poll.  Lolz...

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