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Messages - dafoo

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 23 24 25 [26] 27
I just recently discovered that Galoob even MADE that second set of Epic Collection.  Where they even sold in stores? I can't believe I'd have missed them.

I'll trade my 2nd set of the 1st 3 books. =p

I have most of the minifigures too, all opened though.

LEGO / Re: Brick Frenzy: An Illustrated Star Wars Story
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:24 PM »
Why wasn't that ever at Target for $10 clearance!!!!  WHY WHY!

LEGO / Re: UCS Jedi Starfighter in 2006
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:20 PM »
the USC Yoda is pretty nice, especially at like a third the price. I'm not sure what it cost (christmas gift) but it had to be pretty cheap to end up coming from Mom as a gift. lol

Other Collectibles / Re: How are Hasbro's "Other" Lines Doing?
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:18 PM »
Oh and I think Hasbro made He-Man too! =)

Transformers are good, so was GI Joe.  I still have mine in the basement.

Other Collectibles / Re: How are Hasbro's "Other" Lines Doing?
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:17 PM »
You are so right!

The Force battlers and Jedi Force sets are nearly the same size too, why have two lines?

My sister picked up the entire Galatic set from Wal-Mart a couple of days ago, for my nephew's chirstmas gifts.  Oh yeah, we didn't find any of the clone trooper two packs, but got all the rest, including the Falcon (the bum reissue one without a stormtrooper...CHEAPO's)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: More articulation!
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:12 PM »
Yeah, I know the GI Joes didn't look super, but I thought they looked fine.  It was the playability that rocked. they could sit in their vehicles and hold their guns and their legs weren't locked into on plane of movement.

But hasbro now has the improvements needed to give us both.  The Super Articulation just needs the final step, the GI Joe waist and rubber band.  And they'd last forever with the newer rubbery plastics.

Yeah I have Chewie you can't even bend his knees.  I think all the "Action slash, punch, draw" figures aren't so hot.  Super Articulation should be the standard.

I was still OFFICIALLY a kid playing with GI Joes back when they started with all the quick choping and missile firing things, and I remember hated those toys.  I remember my friends hating them as well. I just don't get where Hasbro is coming from

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: What's a Bootleg Clones?
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:06 PM »
Oh, I'd never seen those before.

and the 3 packs that are statues stink too. =p

Clone Wars '03-'05 / What's a "bootleg" Clone?
« on: July 3, 2005, 01:03 AM »
Are they those lousey unposable 'army builder' sets?

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Clone Army Packs... if only!
« on: July 3, 2005, 12:54 AM »
quantities in scale = cheaper!

how many kids have 20+ figures?  one at a time, or all at once, it works out.  Plus, make it a simple box, so cheap packaging.

instead of $5.50 a figure, go $4.50 per to $90!


ok how about 10 figure packs, but make two for each that I said!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: More articulation!
« on: July 3, 2005, 12:52 AM »
I'm no geezer! you, you GEEZER!

heh, I have '85 GI Joes still with good rubber bands, and you can still buy them online, easy fix.

and no-a-days, the joints can all be rubber, so not metal pins or screws and no loose joints!  just on center of the back screw.

THINK OF THE geezer. =p

Other Collectibles / Re: How are Hasbro's "Other" Lines Doing?
« on: July 3, 2005, 12:50 AM »
Hasbro out to be forced to spin off all the good companies they've sucked up and killed!

I want Galoob back (micro machines & Action Fleet & DIE cast)
I want Kenner back (3.75" lines)

Hasbro can keep their sorry Rescue Heros copouts, and 6 inch copies of the 3.75 in line, and that dumb Attactrix game thing.

Really, what did Hasbro make before buying Kenner and Galoob?

Toy Reviews / Re: Commander Bacara...thumbs down
« on: July 3, 2005, 12:18 AM »
Does the card explain the point of the skirt and the cheek flaps?

Articulation is the key! if it doesn't move, or move well, it is just a big plastic army man

My opinion on NJO is not so high.

IT just wasn't quality, the stories most dragged along and had poor character development and were predictable.  Like killing Chewie, it was a dumb way to die, they just threw it in there to be like:

"Huh,you think we won't kill someone important?!  eh, well here!! *BANG* that's chewie, better be scared fro all the characters now!"

Or the constant introduction of (warning TREK term, lol) REDSHIRT Jedi in most books.  There just to have someone to kill at the end.

It had some great books though, "Enemy Lines" for one.  But alas, the started poorly and ended with extreme anticlimaticness, heh

WOW, I'd not put that on the coffee table, i'd drool on it. lol

Star Wars Universe / Re: New Jedi Order!
« on: July 2, 2005, 11:50 PM »
could even do a TV show in that! 

ooh like "Enemy Lines" would be an awesome story!  Defending that planet from the Vong for a year.  That's prefect for a TV show!

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