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Messages - proudfather2

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TV-9D9 / Re: Clone Wars toons to be 5 minutes long?
« on: November 2, 2003, 01:35 PM »
I have no intention of watching silly little five minute eps for six months or whatever till they're all done. Don't get me wrong, this looks cool, but I'll wait and watch them all tegether on the DVD when it comes out. Because you KNOW it will! :)

Here's some I'd like to see:

1. Red Battle Droid (clean, dirty, shot, sliced, etc...)
2. Super-Articulated Clone Trooper (red, yellow, green, and blue all in clean, dirty, and battle-ravaged versions would be sweeeeet)
3. Super Battle Droid (clean, dirty, shot, sliced, etc...)
4. Count Dooku
5. Plo Koon
6. Luminara Unduli
7. Barriss Offee
8. Aayla Secura
9. Shaak Ti
10. Padme

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: RED ARC Trooper?
« on: October 31, 2003, 03:26 PM »
I found a Red ARC Trooper several minutes ago at my local Wal*Mart here in mid-Michigan. So for me, this is officially NOT a hoax!

Being a reformed CW hater I think more figures in the basic assortment would be a good thing. As you all have mentioned, there are plenty of possibilites as long as they keep the assortments logical. Overall I'd like to see at least 20-30 figures for this line.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Retail 2004: How Do You Think It Will Be?
« on: October 17, 2003, 10:26 AM »

I’ve given Hasbro the benefit of the doubt for far too long as it is. I keep hoping, and hoping and hoping that their crappy distribution and case assortment problems will resolve themselves, but alas, they haven’t in the last half decade so why should I think they will now? I’ll just do what I’ve been doing for the last, seems like years, and take what I can, when I can. Fortunately I’ve found all of it except some of the most current stuff (Faytonni wave and later) but unfortunately this stuff usually pops up one time only then disappears forever. Way to go Hasbro! Kenner would be proud.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Price Gouging Clonetroopers?
« on: August 31, 2003, 06:56 PM »
I don't think Meijer stores are nationwide but they go for $9.99 there. The White Clones and Droids have been showing up at these stores, here in Michigan anyway, enmasse. Today at a nearby Meijer's I found the Blue and Green Clone versions. Just another place to look for these if you are collecting the CW line and ya got a Meijers near you.

Good luck,

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Emperor, Faytonni, WA-7, Vader and Luke
« on: August 29, 2003, 12:55 AM »
A couple Wal*Marts in Michigan got some in today including the store nearest me. Unfortunately every last one of them was beaten up very badly so I left with nothing. They do looks very nice though as well as the repacked Luke and Vader. If I am not mistaken the Luke was the CTC version that with a saber and different pose. The Vader is the MOTDS cloth cape version and looks pretty cool in the package. The hunt is on! Good luck all.

Other Toy Lines / Hellraiser Figures.
« on: July 19, 2003, 05:30 PM »
Is anyone collecting these? I've found them all except Pinhead, which I heard has to be redone due to some problem with the plastic used for his pins. He will ship again in a month or two. I don't plan on collecting all of them but I do want a set of the original Cenobites and maybe one of "The Doctor" from part 2 if they make him.

For those who haven't seen them yet and dare to take a look (they're really not bad at all), here's a link:

Announcements / Re: Other Toy Lines and You...New Forum Section?
« on: July 19, 2003, 05:22 PM »
Excellant idea! ;D It'll give me a place to talk about the new "Hellraiser" figures and other obscure lines.

Newbies / Re: What up guys?
« on: July 12, 2003, 12:14 PM »
Welcome aboard Master Chief. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Newbies / Re: Hello To All
« on: July 12, 2003, 12:13 PM »
Hello and welcome.

Newbies / Re: Another RS convert
« on: July 12, 2003, 12:12 PM »
Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Toys R Us FINALLY has NEW figures!
« on: July 12, 2003, 12:07 PM »
Both TRU stores near me had the the Clone Wars multi pack (except Jedi). They also had remnants of the Yoda/Chian wave.

Is it me or do the 3-pack figures look cheap and very poorly sculpted and painted? I noticed that there's hardly any articulation on them at all. But I guess one can't complain much for $10 for three figures.  I still chose to leave them all sitting on the pegs.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Twist Ties... I Hate 'Em!
« on: July 10, 2003, 11:54 PM »
I just finished getting my new Alien Queen out of the box... and I bought it three days ago! >:( This thing not only had tons of those twisty little nightmares but also had the longest ones I'd seen in quite some time. Twisty ties suck hard!!!

About the use of twisty ties in everything toy these days. Those little buggers seriously deter shoplifters. Don't laugh, it's true. Back in the late 70's I knew a boy that could, and did many times, steal Star Wars figs, and any other loosely sealed toys he could get his hands on, by the dozens. He would simply yank that small blister off the card, toss the empties behind or under the shelfs and put said figure/toy into his very deep pockets and keep going till he was fully loaded. That little phase of his lasted a few years but he ultimately gave it up and reformed himself as best he could. Anyway, as I stated above, since the advent of the twisty tie I dare say that a great many a toy have been spared from the once almighty shoplifter as they simply take too damn long to get anything untangled from them! And that is a good thing from the perspective of the retailer, manufacturer and consumer.

So, to answer ur question T-Bone -
The Terminator explained that he used his recognizable face to make Conner think the Terminator from his childhood had come back to help him out - Conner has affection for that Terminator and so he let his guard down, and then the Terminator slayed him. If I got it twisted someone let me know.

Thanks AE, I appreciate that, and you did get that right, I checked out that part in the novel and it explained it exactly like yoyu said. To take advantage of a mans affection is a sh*tty thing to do to a guy! But, at least Connor now knows HOW, WHEN and WHO is going to kill him so he can take action to try and prevent that from happening again, or rather for the first time.:)

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