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Messages - RichardTheBloody

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 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Dood! next time you do that, at least post a warning to have a floorjack handy! I think my jaw is stuck in the basement now! Awesome work on all of em. Saesee almost looks hasbro caliber (wait wait! I mean that in a GOOD way!)

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Defender Wishlists 2006: Revenge of the Sith
« on: February 17, 2006, 07:28 AM »
01-SA Mace Windu
02-SA Biker Scout/Kashyyk trooper
03-Individually Packed SA Anakin from the EVO set
04-Mygeeto/Bacara's Trooper (and while we're on that topic...)
05-SA Bacara already! (most unique clone sculpt, on the WORST body EVER! /Rant/)
06-SA Chewie (even if they rehash the VOTC one, just give him a wookie blaster like they did for the 12 inch scale one)
07-Saber up the sleeve SA Palpatine
08-Tantive IV's Pilot (SA Jeremy Bulloch!:D)
09-one of those Ultra Protocol droids (
10-I haven't seen Commander Cody yet, but why not make him SA?

i cut the arms at the seams on the Hasbro body to get the hands out, same thing with the feet. i just can't see any other way to get them out. sure it damages the Hasbro body but i'm not using those so i could care less. i end up cutting the seams on the Dragon arms and legs too and modifying the clone hands and feet to get them to fit in then super glue the arms & legs shut. you can't tell its been done and everything holds together and is still posable. hope this helps. 

Thanks darth_ripley. I was hoping it wasn't as involved as all that, but that's just my luck <sighs> You still did an Awesome job :)

I just got my entry for the group project complete well ahead of schedule! i know hard to believe...but here is my 12" Obi-Wan in Clone Disguise from Season 1.

I used a Dragon body, attached the hands and feet and put the AOTC Hasbro head on. the armor is a combination of AOTC & ROTS Clone armor, i put together the best of both worlds. the clone helmet is hollowed out, but i can't get it hollowed out enough to fit over Obi-Wan's head, which is a bummer, but i would have to split it open in the back to even hope to clear his nose. the robe is made from a Hasbro jedi robe, modified and re-sewed. the clasps are plastic knobs that i modified with some sculpy. i also repainted the Hasbro head so its not such a pale white, but more of a flesh tone now, and i did some dry brushing to the hair too. i'm pleased with how he turned out over all, and the sewing turned out better than i thought which is very cool. i included the little 3 3/4" Obi-Wan Clone Season 1 that i had made a few months back just for fun & comparison.

Well that totally makes my General Kenobi look like crap. :( How did you get the clone hands off? Did you just boil and pop? Or something else?

everyone's entries look great! i really like your Roron BrentS and Johnboy's Padme Snowbunny is breathtaking!

i'm afraid i'm like Glassman on waiting till the last minute....but no more football season may get me doing more projects too.

my plans have changed as usual...having to get a new heat & a/c unit put a big crimp into my customizing budget, so i'm working a project with parts i already have laying around here...look for a 12" Obi-Wan in Clone Armor from me complete with soft goods robe instead of a Roron for now.

Don't feel too bad darth_ripley. Making do with what ya have on hand is, for me, the ONLY way to customize LOL. I got a Hoth Luke/Wampa 12 in Set on the weekend, and i've already made a jedi Luke using Count Dooku's uniform LOL... to convert a 12 inch more or less Stuffed toy wampa into a Foul Moudama with a minimum of fuss <evil grin>

Yes Richard that is a great start. That vest really seems to fit well. So far so good.

LOL The vest is just a cuff cut from an old shirt, then unfolded, a head slit cut, then wrapped around the body, held in place with bariss' belt...It may not be entirely accurate, but i didn't have a gray shirt to cut up :D  Phruby, I was going for a look before she met up with dooku (when she still had jedi lightsabers). Now if i could find another bariss at TRU...both the ones in winnipeg have nothing but Darth Sidious:(

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: RichardTheBloody's Custom Figures
« on: January 25, 2006, 02:25 AM »
Posted pics of my Assajj Ventress WIP over in the custom challenge thread, as well updated my photobucket...

Enjoy :)

Finally did one tonight, sort of... took the ROTS 12 inch Bariss Offee, added a custom vest (I know it's not entirely accurate) and voila! Asajj Ventress, Sith Apprentice/Rattatakian warlord.

Shot of the vest and the lightsabers I made for what was originally gonna be Quinlan Vos:

another closeup shot:

Ventress and Dooku in the Arena (i have another one of this, but edited to have the force lightning he zapped her with, but i can't get it off my palmtop :( )

I just have to give her a paintjob:

Ventress after she mopped the floor with everyone else in the arena:

Man...action figures with customizable racks....why didn't those exist when I was a kid? :'(

darth_ripley- I was thinking about how to go about making an electrostaff. I have a couple of tips from Phono plugs (big headphone jacks) and i was thinking about sticking them in either end of an ink tube from a ballpoint pen...what do you think?

i don't know what kind of hardware/craft/hobby stores you have in Canada, but i would suggest some small hollow aluminum tubing for a solid and nice looking base for an electrostaff, along with the phono jacks or other parts on the ends of the aluminum. its fairly lightweight being hollow and i think would look better than attempting to paint a ballpoint pen shaft...although that would work too i bet. i've started experimenting with making 1/6th scale aluminum lightsabers so i'm kinda hooked on that right now.  ;)

here's a reference photo of the staffs:

Heh...that's how i got into tearing apart the phono jacks...i had an adapter from an old set of headphones. It looked about the same size as Sidious' saber, so i figured, why not? So i tore one apart, then dug out a second one i had laying around and i wound up with one good lightsaber. The only problem was it was too narrow for the non-posable fingers to hold onto, but it worked at the time.  There are a couple craft and hobby places that i know of in winnipeg here, but what drove me crazy was trying to find a place that sells drink stir stix that were long enough to work for lighsaber blades. I managed to get some, but they're too big to fit in the hasbro hilts. They also have a square cross section instead of round. I was toying with the idea of cutting a piece out of a pop bottle and heating it, then rolling it into the shape i wanted (i really do things the hard way LOL) i may still do that because while i have a Qui-Gon Jinn in the box, i'm not about to open it just for one or two pieces.

Check Out these 4" Terminator Figs.

Hmm, minor alterations to the head and you got some Magna droids there

Hey cool your in Winnipeg too!
Didnt know you lived here, anyways I was thinking of showing my custom made clones in here if I ever get pics up.
I like em' but all you make them look like crap.

Thanks Clone Commander! I don't really see what i've done that was so special, but hey, i'll take the compliment LOL. darth_ripley- I was thinking about how to go about making an electrostaff. I have a couple of tips from Phono plugs (big headphone jacks) and i was thinking about sticking them in either end of an ink tube from a ballpoint pen...what do you think?

Richard, actually a battle damaged Shaak Ti with electrostaff from the end of season 2 would be a cool and different spin on a 12" ... and you could get a cy girls body that would be a cooler body with more articulation (less barbie-esque)  if i could find one on clearance at wally-mart for a good deal i would pick it up in a minute, but its gotta be a good deal b/c i am stretched pretty thin this month due to a bunch of house expenses.

The ROTS Female jedi actually have very articulated bodies...I haven't opened Shaak Ti, but i did open Bariss Offee (i only have enough desk space to open one) But, aside from not having feet on account of hasbro glued a post into the ankle socket, then glued the boots to the legs, and not giving them posable dooku style fingers, they're actually more poseable than some of the male figures i have. I have to say i was pleasantly surprised by them, despite calling them "jedi barbies" myself. I've heard from other forums all sorts of good things about cy-girls bodies, but i'm up in canada, so aside from this one place in winnipeg that sells dragon figures, i don't know where i would find one. 

I've got the following characters that I'm considering.

SaeSee tinn in clone armor
IG-88 Style Lancer Droid
Wolfman Jedi
Hammerhead Jedi
Snow Bunny Padme

Now, I just need to stop talking about these guys and start making them.

I know what you mean. I have all these ideas for customs coming out my ears...but i don't have the fodder or skills, in one case to do them. It's doubly hard since most of my customs are 12 inch.:(

a few I've been toying with:
Captain Typho- this was the one i was getting so excited about the other day, until i realized i don't have any red cloth for the uniform. I was thinking of using what i've got so far for my "Unnamed Padawan" Kitbash as either Quinlan Vos, jedi Luke (all i need is a head, which will be coming from a buddy in Ontario), among other ideas.

Snowbunny Padme (was thinking of doing this one before the challenge came along...ROTS Bariss Offee would be perfect, seeing as how she has the cowl thing already under her hood, just in black. Just repaint the face, and add the Arena Padme outfit (if available)

Season 2 Anakin- more or less just add the shoulder plate from Ultimate Anakin/Vader to his regular jedi uniform, only painted a brown/rust color, to match his robe, along with a cape. The gloves might be tricky to do, since the UV vader hands look more than a little like Lobster claws, the left one particularly.

Shaak Ti- heh...potentially the easiest one of the bunch...take a regular Shaak Ti, and just add a brown robe, and an electrostaff made from a bamboo skewer or even a piece of wire cut from a coat hanger

That's just a few for now...

Reference pictures for snowbunny Padme.

<smacks his forehead> OF COURSE!!! Master_Phruby, you're a genius! I can't believe i never thought of this before! Thanks man! <goes to rework his kitbash in progress all over again>

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