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Messages - stormie

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Albums of 2006
« on: January 8, 2007, 11:45 AM »
There have only been two times in my life when I've bought an album because of it's cover; that Brand New CD and Elliott Smith's "either/or," and I ended up loving both of them.

Of all the Elliot Smith CDs, you sure picked a good one to pick up because of its cover. That's probably his best work...or maybe just behind his self-titled CD of the year before. Hell, they're all good.

Feedback / Re: Bobafett77's feedback
« on: January 5, 2007, 04:39 PM »
Completed my first transaction with Ray, and it couldn't have been better. Fast payment and great communication.

Thanks, Ray!

Feedback / rdm5777's feedback
« on: January 4, 2007, 12:13 PM »
Completed my first transaction with Ryan and all was smooth. Very quick payment and good communication.

Thanks, Ryan!

Modern Classifieds / Kubricks Series 1 and 2 SOLD!
« on: January 3, 2007, 12:33 PM »
All have been sold!

I have the following "extra" Kubricks for sale $6 each:

Series 1
IG-88 x2 (both in unopened boxes)
Bossk x1 (unopened box)
Boba Fett x3 (nonvariant, all in opened boxes with no silver bag)

Series 2
Sandtrooper (orange pauldron) x3 (two in opened boxes w/opened silver bags, one just in unopened clear bag)
Han Solo x2 (both in opened boxes, one with opened silver bag, one without silver bag)
Cantina Band Member x1 (nonvariant, in opened box with no silver bag)

Shipping is extra. Just let me know if you're interested.

Thanks!  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Bar's open! What'll you have...?
« on: December 22, 2006, 12:03 PM »
In keeping with the holiday theme, I fondly remember my mother's homemade egg nog she'd make every year for us (when we were old enough, of course ;)). It was her own recipe, but basically the same as all the others (except it seemed like she added enough bourbon and brandy to choke a rhino), mixing cream, eggs, sugar and liquor into a slurry of holiday heaven. It was the best alcoholic beverage I've ever had. I miss your egg nog, Mom, and miss you even more.

Anyone else dare to make their own nog?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: December 22, 2006, 11:54 AM »
Don't jump the gun. That might be a Ceremonial Leia.  :P ;)

Cute boys, Jeff!

Just received my Secret Santa gift yesterday, and it's awesome:

Kubrick Scout Trooper
Kubrick Death Star Gunner
Covert Ops Clone Trooper

Wow, Santa! You went over and above, and you really did know what I wanted!  ;)
Thanks, Santa! :)

Glad it got there okay, Robb. Hope it's what you wanted from Santa!

Conventions / Re: Live in CA? Big Toy Show!
« on: December 18, 2006, 12:08 PM »
A few years ago this show was call the Humdinger Toy Show. In it's heyday, when there were actually new Star Wars films on the way, there was a ton of Star Wars stuff there. I remember scoring some decent-priced vintage stuff there a couple times. The last one I went to was probably last March, and I was disappointed at the lack of Star Wars there, and what I did find was overpriced.

That being said, it's still fun to go and just see the stuff you've never seen before. I'm going to try to go in March, but it all depends how my two- and three-year olds behave.  ;)

Site Feedback, Suggestions, and Help / Re: Its.....SO WHITE!
« on: December 11, 2006, 01:21 PM »
I use IE and Firefox, and with Firefox, the new coloring is awful. There's this ugly, light muddy-gray color instead of the darker blue to differentiate posts in a thread (one after another) and in the listing of threads within sections, and even this page is gray (at least the reply box is...not the text box within the reply box). It makes the yellow-orange text not stand out so well...making it very hard to read.

Is this something that can/will be adjusted?

IE looks great so far.

Also, may I suggest having a link to the main page on the top and bottom of every page in the forums. It's just easier to snap up and go to the main page on a moment's notice.

In addition, I would prefer larger text links for the Forums > Community > Site Feedback, Suggestions, and Help > Post reply ( Re: Its.....SO WHITE! ) heirarchy at the top of the pages. Just easier to get to.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How were you affected?
« on: December 6, 2006, 01:49 PM »
Yes, we lost my brother (under my avatar, MBW) to suicide nearly six years ago, and it deeply, profoundly affected all aspects of who I am. I'm convinced that it had such a negative effect on my mother that it ultimately was an indirect cause of her death a little over a year later (NGW). As a parent, I could not imagine outliving my children.

The most important concept I've gained from it is that it needs to be discussed frankly, openly and constantly because it's something that just can't be totally understood, and probably never will. When it first happened, most of my family were reluctant to discuss how he died, and my dad would even become angry if he suspected anyone had told anyone else. There's just this overwhelming stigma attached to suicide, and talking about it openly is the only way for the living to accept and gain some semblance of moving on.

Sorry you're having to go through this. :'( It's not easy, but you're not alone, and do try to discuss it with your family and friends. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Do You Still Use (Or Have) a VCR?
« on: December 4, 2006, 10:57 AM »
As of about a year ago, our household is officially VCR-less. My wife ran that machine into the ground.

I bought my wife a tivo for Christmas last year, and got a splendid deal where all I had to pay for was the lifetime subscription ($300). I'm glad we got it then, too, because that lifetime subscription program was eliminated in March, but we're unaffected.

My wife uses tivo so much that I have no clue how she ever managed to survive with just the VCR.

Though I'm genuinely disappointed that SantaMAC won't be participating, further diminishing my chances of celebrating Christmas in May :-*, I'm in again, too.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: November 13, 2006, 02:30 PM »
I've been listening to (streaming) the new Cat Stevens Yusuf Islam offering An Other Cup and am overjoyed by it. It's been far too long (like 30 years too long) since we had any new mainstream stuff from him. It's vintage CT and it's great!

Have a listen here

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