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Messages - Jeff

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Kubricks / Series 4
« on: June 10, 2005, 03:18 PM »
But Jeff, what about the boxed stuff (Max Rebo band, Speederbike, TRU 5-pack)?  You trying to go with both of those too? 

I thought about both boxed and loose, but like you said it's pretty easy to repackage them if you want, so I opened all my boxed stuff (EB, Speederbike, TRU, Rebo).

I have all the packaging saved in case I ever want to re-box them and display them that way (when I run out of room in my cases perhaps), but for now they are all loose.   ;)



Is anyone out there truly "hardcore" about completism in this line? 

What I mean is, is there anyone that does have all the Series 1, 2, and 3 figures both loose and boxed?  After all, it'd be really tricky to have a "MIMB" chase figure, but with an x-ray machine or by pulling them from a master case it would be do-able I guess.   :P

Kubricks / Series 4
« on: June 10, 2005, 02:03 PM »
I've been watching the carded auctions every once in a while looking for a "bargain". 

I don't have any yet, but eventually I'd like a carded set and a loose set for the "new" ones - Holo Leia, Droids R2, Droids Fett.  I can pass on an opener Luke, Fett, and Sandy since those are so close to the regular figures.

As for the Series 4 delay -  :(

Patience I guess...


Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Exclusive Clone Trooper
« on: June 9, 2005, 11:48 PM »
Eh, I still consider the figure one of Neyo's grunts.

On Utapau, there were grunts with both style helmets:

The "medic" Clone has the Neyo style helmet.

I just figure the same was true for Neyo - that is, he had some of these Target Clones off doing something else while he was tracking down and killing Stass with the other style helmet clones...  :P

Either that, or it's entirely possible that Hasbro got the color sceme and then LFL changed the helmet style after the fact.  It isn't the first time that we got a figure that was slightly different then what we saw on the screen.

Personally, I'm not too worked up about it and I actually like the figure.   :)


Feedback / Gregorbian's feedback
« on: June 9, 2005, 11:16 PM »
Yet another fine trader here at JD.  It is my honor to start a feedback thread for Gregorbian.    8)

We swapped some customs fodder and everything went super-smooth.  Excellent communication and lightning fast shipping!

Thanks again!   :)


Other Collectibles / Re: Star Wars "Force Battlers" Figures
« on: June 9, 2005, 04:02 PM »
I'm sorry, I don't think the Yoda/Sidious wave is technically the "next" wave in the line...just the next one they have announced.  I personally am not sure of the order, but beyond the four that are on the pegs now (Obi/Anakin/Grievous/Vader), we've seen upcoming figures of Chewbacca/Mace/Clonetrooper, Han/Luke/2nd Vader, and now Yoda/Sidious if I am remembering correctly.  I'm not sure if that is the order they are going to be released or not.

Yeah, Brian that is still the planned order:

Wave 1:
Ben / Anakin / Grievous / Vader

Wave 2:
Mace / Chewie / Clone

Wave 3:
Luke / Han / Vader (#2)

Wave 4:
Yoda / Emperor

I think so many places are swimming in Wave 1 that the rest haven't had much chance to get out yet...


Revenge of the Sith / Re: KB 9-pack Exclusive w/ Silver Vader
« on: June 9, 2005, 02:02 PM »
New exclusve set from KB.  8 Existing figs and what appears to be a new Silver Vader fig.   Pretty pricey for $50.


Eight repackaged figures with ONE "new" one that is really not that new since this is the THIRD Silver Vader?   >:(

I'd rather have the $50.


Feedback / Diddly's feedback
« on: June 9, 2005, 10:01 AM »
I just finished up my side of my first (and apparently JD's first) trade with long-time member Diddly

Travis sent me some money for a figure I was happy to help him with and he sent payment quickly with no hassels.    :)

Thanks again, Diddly!


JD Sports Forum! / Re: MLB Regular Season - 2005
« on: June 8, 2005, 12:10 PM »
Is it wrong to be happy that the Yankees have lost two in a row to Milwaukee thus falling 2 games below .500 and are firmly entrenched in 4th place in the AL East?   :D

Great game last night by the Twinks.  Crappy pitching was saved by two HRs by Hunter.  About time he got hot, maybe this is the start of something good for Torii.   :)


JD Sports Forum! / Re: NBA 2004/05
« on: June 8, 2005, 12:03 PM »
I think Duncan and his boys will win in 6 with Duncan picking up another Finals MVP and really showing KG up...  :-\

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Spider Droid
« on: June 8, 2005, 11:00 AM »
I tried searching for the post that talked about the spider droid but I cannot find it.

Anyway, is it just me or does the new spider droid "walk" and stand better than the old one.  The legs on it seem to be harder plastic than the old one and the overall wind up apparantus seem bigger. :-X

Anybody else notice that or am I making stuff up to justify yet another purchase? ::)

Here were some shots I took for the Deluxe Figures Thread.  There are definitely differences between the two.

The gun is different on the new one (the missile is the same, just the launcher part is changed).  Also, as you said, the legs on the new one are definitely more study (less bendy).  Didn't notice the wind-up being any different though.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart "Early Bird" Exclusive
« on: June 7, 2005, 04:38 PM »
At first, I didn't want it figuring I'd grab the figures later.  Then once I was pretty sure this was the only chance to get these figures (learning that it was a -time deal, NOT the kick-off of a new line), my OCD kicked in and I got one.

When I was at C3 and got a chance to look at the figures, I decided I was happy with the decision to get one.  I accept them for what they are.  Granted, $7.50 is a bit steep for a rehashed R2-D2, but then again, I paid $13 for a Target Clone so what the hell do I know about $ value?   :P

I guess I won't know for 100% sure until the figures come in the mail, but for now I'm not upset I grabbed one and sent away for my set of 4 figures...


Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
« on: June 7, 2005, 04:20 PM »
Plo Koon Jedi Starfighter - Cancelled?

"June 3 2005: This item is not available at Entertainment Earth. Entertainment Earth has not received any units of this item from Hasbro."

Does this mean it's not coming or just that EE won't be carrying it?

Maybe it's now it's going to be an exclusive someplace else?

Hmmm...  :-\


Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS Wookiee Helicopter with Wookiee
« on: June 7, 2005, 04:18 PM »
A little birdie told me these are now shipping to some e-tailers.  They should be here soon...


Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Figure with Cup Sets
« on: June 7, 2005, 04:01 PM »
I never heard of anyone actually getting them, but Rebelscum's report made it sound like they did come out at some point.  Really glad that's not the case, but I still despise OT product in ROTS packaging.

What?  An innaccurate/misleading report at Rebelscum?   :o   ::)

Seriously though, I'm glad Pawlus confirmed what I said, I'd hate for you to have to take my word for it...  :P



Revenge of the Sith / Re: Any ROTS figures you will pass on?
« on: June 7, 2005, 03:58 PM »
I've picked up all the basic figures I've seen so far (#1- #44).  I might not like them all, but I bought them all.   :-[

I think the only 3.75" stuff I've been able to skip so far is:

Deluxe Figures
Clone 3 Pack (Series 3) -- Haven't seen them yet, but I don't think I want them

Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (TRU Green Version) -- repaint ship + rehash figure = pass
Republic Gunship -- repaint ship = pass

I think the only other 3.75" scale thing I am planning on skipping so far is the Plo Koon Starship (repaint).  Everything else I'll probably end up with...  :-\


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