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Messages - proudfather2

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TV-9D9 / Re: CLONE WARS Cartoon... Reactions
« on: November 15, 2003, 11:02 AM »
Just curious, but why was Asajj's lightsabers blue and green in the show last night instead of red like the pics we've seen so far? The show rocked!

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Wave 2 - Animated Clone Wars Figures
« on: November 14, 2003, 02:54 PM »
Oh yes, I forgot that the Clone Wars line is the hottest selling line on the toy market right now. That's why after a Target clearance, I can still find stacks of Wave 1 on the pegs. Whew, yes it is definately the most popular toy line available right now. Just watch em fly off the shelves....

Ah, snotty sarcasm! :o
Spin it any way you like but please don't give me crap about how Hasbro blew it by overproducing yet another new series of figures. This is nothing new. It has nothing to do with the popularity of the line but more the lack of common sense and over estimateing the popularity of particular figures on Hasbro's part. I doubt that this problem of over abundance won't persist with the last seven figures.
Walk into any retail store and ask the manager how Star Wars sells, it is not a popular line. It does well enough to squeak by, but when you can still find POTJ and Midnight-Madness Saga figures on the pegs, something must be amiss.

Knowing several people who are in the know as far as retail sales goes (God knows I'm not), I can honestly say that a manufacturer isn't going to keep pumping monies into a line, no matter what it is, if  it is not turning a significant profit. And cetainly not for decades at a time if the line is just "squeeking by".

Sorry to hear that you are sitting on so many old pegwarmers, that's certainly not the case here... yet! Nothing older than Pilot Jango's. What else can I say other than it sucks to be in your geographical location?  

If you're so sure these two lines are hot sellers, then prove it to ME. I figured it was pretty much common sense that these lines arent as popular as 80% of the other toys available.

Again, you throw numbers at me with no real way to back them up and even go as far as trying to avoid the question by asking another question. That's a load of bunk.

This line may not be as popular as other lines. But this line has what very few other lines have; Staying power. All the proof I can offer is a comparison between SW and Simpsons. When a new case assortment comes out in the SW line it is gone as soon as it hits the shelf. Sure the same could be said for the Simpsons for a while, but not any more. Again, this comes back to staying power.

I still love the "kiddie-junk" line. Hilarious! No matter how you try to slice it buddy, every single figure released by Hasbro is mainly for kids. Sure, they admit that they FOCUS on collectors, but they are still kids toys. If they weren't, then they wouldnt worry about making them as safe for kids. Matrix toys are filled to the brim with choking hazards, why? Because they aren't marketed to little kids. Star Wars figures are choking hazard free. Why? Because they are marketed to "kiddies" as much as adults.

First off; I am glad I could amuse you. And secondly; I am not your buddy.

No! Every single figure Hasbro makes is NOT for kids. Thus the "Fan's Choice" figures. They may be toys, but they are certainly not just "kids toys". Ephant Mon was for kids? Removable head Jango and Vader for kids? Tarkin, Slave Leia, Amananman, Aylas Secura, Barris Offee were for kids??? Judging by the play features and gadgets added with some of these figures Hasbro was hoping to sell them to the kids, as well as collectors, but they were not made with kids in mind. If you honestly believe that you are fooling yourself, not me. Now, you know as well as I do that the SW line has had, and always will have, choking hazards, save a few figures here and there. Hasbro would love nothing more for kids to get into SW the way I did in 77 when I was 10. They want to suck more in for the long haul the way they did with you and I. But it's not happening. Most kids today have the attention spans of lint and go through fads like underwear.

Yet another case of fanboyism. If someone doesnt like it, its crap, "kiddie-junk" or other. So yeah, I do take offense when you more or less insult people because of the items they are interested in, I take offense when some fanboy calls me out of touch, when I've grown up on Star Wars and collected figures since I was a toddler. I have seen nearly every Star Wars figure vintage and new on shelves, and I can rightfully say that through my years of collecting, I have witnessed the current lines selling much worse than any of the other lines before them.  And, well, the SAGA line and the CLONE WARS line have NOT been around 30 years, fanboy. I did not say ANYTHING about the other lines. Read my post next time.

First off let me address your "fanboy" and "fanboyism" issues. You know the way you say it is almost offensive to me... Almost.  Anyway, I collect most of the single carded figures, some of the ships, and some of the unleashed line. I touch nothing else. I loved Star Wars before it became commonly known as "A New Hope", loved Empire and didn't care much for Jedi, Phantom or even Clones. I don't have a Picture on my wall, car, headboard, or dresser of anything SW related.  As a matter of fact the only other thing SW I own is a custom made lightsaber I got from a friend a couple years ago. I don't know about you but I would associate "fanboyism" and being a "fanboy" with only the truest of true diehard Star Wars fans... Which I am clearly not. And again, I point out thwe fact that you say that like it's supposed to be a bad thing. If anyone should be offended it should be the real fanboys who may read this. I don't think you're one of 'em.

On to the "offense" issue; It wasn't my intention to insult anyone. I just feel very strongly about Hasbro bastardizing SW the way they did Flashman. I mean Batman. Star Wars has survived for thirty years without significant toon figures, save for the droids line. I don't begrudge anyone there figures. Just keep the toon stuff a completely seperate entity from the standard Star Wars line. I have no problems if the toon Clone Wars figures can be handled as well as the Droids line back in the eighties.

And not sure when you last checked, but Star Wars figures are right down or across the aisle from Power Rangers and Simpsons. I guess that's where they belong though, since THEY ARE ALSO KIDS TOYS! And you are out of touch if you believe otherwise.

Yesterday! I just checked yesterday. And you're quite right, they are with the rest of the toys, as they should be. I never said they weren't toys or even implied that they belonged somewhere else. Like  I said before, these are collectors toys that Hasbro hopes to sell to some kids along the way. Nothing more.

I see nothing wrong with a good public debate but please, if you can't loose the attitude I simply won't respond to you in the forum. I will however be happy to discuss this on your level via PM or email.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: What the heck do you want?
« on: November 14, 2003, 01:19 PM »
Here's somne things I'd like to see:

-Mon Calamari (repaint of POTJ version)
-Clone Troopers in "scuba gear"
-San Hill species (repaint of screen scene version)
-IG-88 like droid
-Quarren (repaint of POTJ version)
-Battle Droid Sniper
-Bothan Spie
-Jedi (generic and popular)
-Super Battle Droid
-Destroyer Droid

It’s simply asstonishing! I assume that ass a member of this forum I am free to use the word ASS without fear of being banned, scolded or worse yet harassed. I must say that I am truly flabbergassted by this news! A million thanks to you for making such an asstoundingly wise decision.  Well, if you will excuse me, I must be going now as my butt has fallin' asleep.

Betchya thought I was gonna say ASS again didn'tch ya! ;D

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Aayla, Barriss, Ashla & Yoda, Re-Carded
« on: November 13, 2003, 01:27 AM »
Yeah I think they look cool, but they just released these on SAGA cards.  I buy 2 of each figure, 1 to open and 1 carded; plus unlimited numbers of army builders to open.  But I draw the line at repackaged figures that physically remain unchanged.  So I'll admire these on the pegs, but won't be buying them.  That same money will undoubtedly go into building some sort of army.

Here's another option for your carded collection. Wait and see if you like the looks of the old figures on new cards better than the current ones. If you do, then replace the old version with the new version. Trade, sell or do whatever with the one replaced. That way it's not a loss for you.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Ayy Vida production error, already fixed.
« on: November 13, 2003, 01:15 AM »
I thank you much Bandar. :)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Ayy Vida production error, already fixed.
« on: November 12, 2003, 03:02 PM »
Still have not seen the corrected Elan Sleezbago figure yet or the Red ARC trooper. But I am sure they will be here soon.

I finally was able to finish this assortment today after running across remnants three times now. Anyway, refresh my memory if you could please David. I have the one with human ears and antennae; this is the incorrect version is it not? Is the other version simply missing the antennae?

Thanks for the scoop,

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Wave 2 - Animated Clone Wars Figures
« on: November 12, 2003, 11:00 AM »
Hey i am a minimum-waged paid teen!
But i do care where Star Wars figures, go?  :D ;)

No offense meant to anyone particularly. But I am sure you know the type of which I speak.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Aayla, Barriss, Ashla & Yoda, Re-Carded
« on: November 12, 2003, 03:03 AM »
I'm all for repacking figures. It keeps some of the htf figures available to collectors and possible newbies as well as gives completists more collection fat to chew on. Problem is, I fall somewhere in the middle of that fatty mess. :-\ I really like the looks of the Jedi babes on the new cards, that new card is just swell lookin' man. And thanks for pointing out the fact that they changed the titles on these figures, that's pretty cool too.

TV-9D9 / Re: CLONE WARS Cartoon... Reactions
« on: November 12, 2003, 02:52 AM »
I just watched the third chapter tonight. This series is very impressive and manages to capture the Star Wars universe wonderfully. On the downside, I don't like watching it in five minute chunks; it just goes by way to quick. I can't remember specifics, but isn't there supposed to be twelve chapters in the entire series? If so that will make a much better program to watch once it hits DVD. And, if they keep airing new episodes every night, they could theoretically get this released by Christmas. That would kick serious A$$! Personally, I think this is so well done that I’d like to see at least two hours total running time devoted to the Clone Wars exploits.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Wave 2 - Animated Clone Wars Figures
« on: November 12, 2003, 02:42 AM »
Let's not forget about that minimun-wage paid, under-anxious teen that could care less what Star Wars figures go where. It will happen time and time again. Seriously though, I'm not apposed to these. Just keep 'em over by the Simpsons and Power Rangers where they belong.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Wave 2 - Animated Clone Wars Figures
« on: November 12, 2003, 01:49 AM »
I really like the animated shorts and the current Clone Wars line but, I just can't justify something that makes the "regular" line that much harder to obtain. If this kiddie-junk is going to be taking up the same peg-space as the Saga and now Clone Wars lines... well, you figure it out. >:(

If only "die-hards" are going to buy them why not make them exclusive to the Fan Club thus saving those precious four to eight pegs for the two lines currently competeing for space on them.


This "kiddie-junk" isn't going to take up any of your precious peg space dedicated to the crap selling Clone Wars line, and the barely surviving Saga line...

The entire line will be exclusive to Target; as such, Target will assign this new line a new DPCI, which means it will have its own dedicated peg space. So even if these sit on the pegs for decades, the would never make the other figures any harder to get.

No offense, but you are seriously out-of-touch if you think the standard figures are "crap selling" and "barely surviving". If you consider a line that has lived for nearly thirty years, with a ten year hiatus, "crap selling" then all toy lines should be so lucky. More importantly, can you back your accusations with actual sales numbers or is it just in your opinion?

And as for the Toon Wars figures being exclusive to Target; I'll believe it if in six months you can still only find them at Target. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you cleared that up for me. I want nothing more for this junk (IMO) to live a separate existence from the standard line. Hell, if they give it its own section then let Hasbro make all the Toons you anime-fans can stomach. But, I am not buying!

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Wave 2 - Animated Clone Wars Figures
« on: November 11, 2003, 10:03 AM »
I really like the animated shorts and the current Clone Wars line but, I just can't justify something that makes the "regular" line that much harder to obtain. If this kiddie-junk is going to be taking up the same peg-space as the Saga and now Clone Wars lines... well, you figure it out. >:(

If only "die-hards" are going to buy them why not make them exclusive to the Fan Club thus saving those precious four to eight pegs for the two lines currently competeing for space on them.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Bail Organa wave is OUT!
« on: November 7, 2003, 10:09 PM »
I was lucky enough to have found some of these this evening at a Mid-Michigan Target store. Most were gone, but I did get Bail, Padme and Janus. I'm happy. ;D

That Red protocol droid is indeed at Hoth...  :)  Check the hangar scenes.

Indeed it is. But the droid is a photo-chopped TC-6, not R-3PO. R-3PO doesn't have the silver highlights if memory serves me right.  ;)

The figures look good. I can't wait to get them.

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