I love this wave. I found and opened the rest up yesterday and couldn't stop messing around with them.
Luke/Han Stormtrooper - Although I made my own, these are slightly better. While the modification to the holster is slight and not what I expected, it is actually a subtle and vast improvement. Also, it seems the legs on both of these are more solid than the TAC Stormtroopers.
Spacetrooper - Very cool, but it's a tad disappointing that it doesn't use the new holster, especially since he can use it more that the Luke and Han.
Jawa/Droid - this might be the figure/set of the wave. Both are just cool as all get out. What's weird is that the droid seems a tad too big whereas the droid with the previous Jawa seems a tad too small.
Ben - about as perfect a figure as you can make and hands down the ultimate "old" Ben.
Wiosia - well done, but are those legs from the concept Grevious figure?
Pons - previously commented on, well done.
Trinto/Dice - Again, nicely done, great sculpts and paint jobs. Some are going to complain about Trino's lack of ball jointed elbows, but that doesn't bother me.
BAD's - best BAD R units to date.