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Messages - Keonobi

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Modern Classifieds / Re: FS: Modern Deluxe Figures and Multi-Packs
« on: October 15, 2008, 11:08 AM »

I was going to bite on the Geonosian War Room & Saga Cantina Bar Section.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Green Leader A-Wing Starfighter
« on: October 14, 2008, 04:10 PM »
And some sucker will buy it!

I won't doubt that, I just think their clearance policy on what should be fast moving products isn't very good.  If they have a product that they'll stock for a long period of time, I can understand that not being put on clearance, but Wal-Mart seems to keep items around too long in the hopes they'll make an extra sale or two at full price.  Items like video games, movies, many toys, books, etc.  Basically any item where the is a fairly constant stream of new items coming in.  They should have a more intelligent clearance policy and move that stuff out to get newer things in.  But then again I'm not looking at this as the typical Wal-Mart shopper.

I like the revised A-Wing, I like the pilot, not sure I like it $30 though.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Green Leader A-Wing Starfighter
« on: October 14, 2008, 02:02 PM »
I don't know, the Wal-Mart policy seems to be 'wait forever, and then when there is only one left in the store and its been opened w/ the figure stolen, we'll put it on "clearance ($0.50 off)" '

Even then, I didn't feel I was in the video game.  A lot of the action would be summarized.  There were only a couple instances of combat that were given great amounts of play by play.  I'm thinking of the fight with the Bull Rancor and the fight with the Emperor.  In particular I expected a lot more out of the fights with the various jedi and some of the imperial troops.  Like when the apprentice found the imperial troops on Kashyyyk, he does a mind trick on two Troopers, then suddenly he's fighting the garrison commander.  What happened to all the other troops?

I guess this is what you get from a novelization of a video game.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Jedi-Con '08 Shadow Troopers 2-Pack
« on: October 14, 2008, 10:50 AM »
It'd be more like 13 bucks at retail, and would only be available on eBay for $25 plus shipping.

That would be an exceedingly popular set.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Republic Commando
« on: October 14, 2008, 10:36 AM »
I think I saw that Karen Traviss has said she might be doing Imperial Commando.  I haven't gotten Order 66 yet, but I really like this series and would be really excited to see it continue.

Just finished the novel, pretty good, though I felt some of the action was forced.  I think it would have had a better flow if there had been more in between action.  It seemed the Apprentice went to a planet, fought some, then flew someplace else and fought some.  I guess that was needed, otherwise why would he need his own pilot, but still seemed rushed and forced.  I wasn't looking for filler, just more connecting material between his various missions.

When Juno was thinking about her old squadron mates, she mentioned "Red Stripe", was that a reference to (the future) Baron Fel?

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Rumors
« on: October 14, 2008, 09:49 AM »
The stripes that run front to back on the S-foils (wings).  The number of stripes denotes which X-wing it is, Red one has 1 stripe, Red two has 2, etc.

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Series Discussion Thread
« on: October 14, 2008, 09:48 AM »
This week's comic update is now up (its at the end of the current comic).  This previews this week's episode.

How come they don't include these comics at the beginning of the episodes?  I guess they want us to watch the show, and to go to the website to read this, etc.  That way we touch more of their media, meaning bigger advertising revenue, etc.  I just think this comics are neat and really complement the show well.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Rumors
« on: October 13, 2008, 10:35 AM »
Which Confederacy Tank Droid is that?  The snail looking one we see on Kashyyyk?

I'm excited about the Republic Tank Fighter, though the rest of the rumor list is very interesting...

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Series Discussion Thread
« on: October 10, 2008, 01:37 PM »
The channel guide for tonight seemed to show three episodes.  There was a repeat of Rising Malevolence, then a new episode, and then another show labelled "Star Wars", but there was no show info.  Anyone know what that third show is?  I've set it up to record anyway....

According to Cartoon Network's schedule, Rising Malevolence is on at 8:00 followed by an new episode "Shadow of Malevolence" at 8:30, then Ben 10 is on.

I think the third show was on at 10:30-11:00

Nevermind, I think its a rebroadcast of the Shadow of Malevolence.

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Series Discussion Thread
« on: October 10, 2008, 12:19 PM »
Who is the voice for Plo Koon, he sounds like Tree-Beard (you know the Ent from LOTR).

I didn't get to watch the first two episodes when the were broadcast, but I had recorded them.  Overall I have to say they were pretty awesome.  Sure its a kid oriented show, but I like how it explores a period of Galactic history which is very rich, but hasn't been explored to any great extent.  I've read a fair amount of the Star Wars novels, and we've been told a lot that Grevious is some sort of tactical and strategic genius, but we haven't been shown it.  Atleast the episode with the big ion cannon started to explore that idea.  Even if he was thwarted by Anakin (who was after all "the best start pilot in the galaxy").

Something I've never quite understood is how come anytime someone turns on their little holographic communicator the other person is ready to talk?  The only exception being when Thire tells the King that Yoda wants to talk.  (Think back to ROTS as soon as Grevious is ready to talk Sidious is already on the line).

The channel guide for tonight seemed to show three episodes.  There was a repeat of Rising Malevolence, then a new episode, and then another show labelled "Star Wars", but there was no show info.  Anyone know what that third show is?  I've set it up to record anyway....

It isn't Clone Wars specific, but I think it would be cool to get a capital ship gunner station.  It'd be like the LAAT/i and AT-TE in that you could put realistic or animated figs in it.  Something that looks along the lines of the Jabba's deck gun.

The armored Y-Wing would be cool though.

Yes, then he CGI half the Rebels in to Gungans ("Eeesa cold, lookie a wampa-ahhhhhggg".)    And give Wedge some more lines ("I'm already on my way out, yippeee!").

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Anakin vs. Sidious
« on: October 8, 2008, 04:18 PM »
A three way battle between them?  Hmm, that might have added considerably more depth to that scene.  Seeing the shift in Anakin.  Though they might have needed someone with more range to show that change....

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