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Messages - Swede

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Here's some more current sculpts of some the characters:
TSC C-3PO-Ewok Diety
TSC R2-D2-Hoth
VTSC X-Wing Pilot Luke Skywalker
Besides the old figures *excluding the Gonk droid & his lil' buddy* the PN is pretty good.

Yeah, I do know what you're saying.  I'm actually not a super die-hard collector, money's really tight at the moment and I've tried to limit myself to ANH themed figures and vehicles over the years.  If you can't tell, thats my favorite of the OT ;)
By limiting my collecting to this one movie, it really helps with ye olde' budget; especially when you have a one year old toddler that eats everything under the sun :D  Every once in a while though, I do crumble and buy a fig that is just too cool. 
But this is why you'll notice a lot of older figures in my PNs, they are just from my older collection and the characters happen to work for my story.  They really aren't THAT bad are they? ... so long as you know who the character is?  I am working on getting a newer Fett though, hopefully the 300th one.

I'll be throwing up old chapter 2 in a few days.

Before I get working on my  chapter 4, I'm actually going to do a really quick pn which will be sort of a tribute, in a way, to one of the mods on these boards ... one Mr. Jesse James.

Thank you for the input Artoo, it is appreciated ....but some older figures will be the norm in these pns :(

Man, this is what photonoveling was meant to be.  One huge, incredible story!  I love it!  I'm still somewhat new to your work, but I've been meening to write for quite some time.   Talk about detail, and your dialogue is top notch. 
What can I say ... I love clones (especially 501st) ...  many people put them in their  PNs, unfortunately most don't pull off the feel of the movie ... you don't seem to have that problem  ;)   I actually like your clone interactions better than some of the movie scenes.    Can't wait for more.

Oh yeah, loved the trooper beach skit.

You da man, Longhorn.

I hope that you get more replies here than at RS, where your work goes tragically underappreciated.  In fact, I have been meaning to write a post at RS about the lack of feedback that many stories unfortunately seem to get.  It's a shame.

Bud, you just totally made my day.  Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment.  I can't believe it, my old 1st pn has already garnished more responses from individual users in a day, than my latest edition has in over a week at RS ! ...LOL

I've never wanted to be the kid in class, jumping up and down yelling "Look at me!!!"  Yet, when a compliment or critique comes along, it's a great feeling because you know someone took the time to check out your work.  After I posted my third chapter at RS and recieved hardly any feedback, I was getting pretty bummed.  That story may not be super huge on action, but the custom fig and dioramas took me quite a while to build and paint and I was kind of proud of it when I  finished.  In the end though, I do pns for the pure fun of it.  Being able to pull out pieces of your collection and put together some crazy story from scratch ... it's like being 8 years old on Christmas morning ;D
...and when people give you input on your finished story, ...  that's just awesome!

Thanks for all your feedback guys, it really is appreciated.  I've been enjoying JD quite a bit, since I've joined.  It's hard to describe ... just seems to be a more positive vibe in this corner of the net.

jeesh, this post is rambling ...sorry ...later.

Hi everyone ...

I just joined JD about a week ago, I really like the site alot.  I've been working on a PN and have completed a few chapters.  I've posted them at RS in the past.  I was really suprised to recognize so many names when I came over here, and was really impressed at the custom work and PNs I've seen!  I understand that some people prefer keeping the chapters in one thread while others want to split them up into seperate topics, if I could get some feedback on what you prefer ...  that'd be great, as far as I can tell it doesn't seem like people mind seperate posted chapters too much. If you've already read these on the other site, I apologize for cloggin' up the boards with old stuff.  But if you haven't, please feel free to let me know what you think.  If you think it sucks, I can dig it ... just try to tear it apart contructively if possible  ;)

Hey Lance, when am I going to get an update on your story ... I reread them over a week ago and now I'm hangin'  ;D

Oh yeah ... total noob question, how do you get that highlighted "NEW" Icon in your PNs title?

The Original Trilogy / Re: size of tusken raider tribes???
« on: July 14, 2006, 04:34 AM »
As others have already said here, I believe Lucas based Tuskens roughly on the Native American tribal aspects.  So I'm sure some tribes are small, while others could be huge.  Maybe what we saw in AOTC was just a small segment of a bigger tribe.  Fun stuff  to think about  :)

Newbies / Re: Just your average noob ...
« on: July 14, 2006, 04:06 AM »
Hey, it worked!  Thank you JediMAC.
Oh, and I'm actually not from Sweden.  Both sets of grandparents were from there.  You know the Swedish chef from the Muppets? ... I kid you not, my grandparents actually used to sound like that!  I just inherited their goofy last name, and my buds coined "Swede" as my nickname.  I guess there could be worse nicknames out there  :D

Newbies / Re: Just your average noob ...
« on: July 13, 2006, 05:07 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, Jesse; I think I remember you from over at Scums ... I'd always  dig on your insight when it came to OT topics.
Here's my first noob question, is there a test area on these boards?  I''ve been having trouble, posting pictures as of late.  I didn't see one, but I'm also the same type of guy who'll ask a used car saleman if his prices are good deals ... kinda clueless   ;)

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Henry Phoenix #1 - The Order
« on: July 13, 2006, 01:05 PM »
Cool.  Fun story.  It looks like you had a lot of fun making your customs.  That's an area where I really need to improve.  Keep them coming! ;D

Newbies / Just your average noob ...
« on: July 12, 2006, 10:11 PM »
Hi all,

Just joined this site.  Seems like a really great setup.  I normally posted over at RebScum, but heard there was a lot of fun stuff also going on over here. I've been collecting since 96 and have  primarily an ANH focus.  I've also been dabbling in photonovels as of late and would love to post some if people are interested in that sort of thing over here.  Look forward to meeting some new people, although I deffinately recognize some names from other sites.  :)


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