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Messages - BrentS

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Star Wars Action Figures / Brent's Customs - Update 1/22
« on: January 8, 2006, 01:23 AM »
Here is new custom I've started working on - a Jawa Sith Lord. This is a work in progress.  I have a bunch of Jawas that I've collected so it seems like a good idea that one of them would have found the dark side.  So far, its just a simple repaint.  Let me know what you think and what additions I could consider.   When I looked at the photos close up, I realize there is a lot of spots that still need touch up paint too :)

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Special project question
« on: January 7, 2006, 09:16 PM »
Sure, I'd be game to play along

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: The Generals Customs
« on: January 7, 2006, 04:07 PM »
If you camera allows for a "Macro" mode then thats the best way to take pictures.  Many above average camera's have this feature (sometimes looks like a little flower icon too).

Good luck!  Looking good so far!

Chewie, in the version his hair seems to "wide" just above his temples.  I like the previous version a little better I think

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Matte vs. Flat
« on: January 7, 2006, 04:05 PM »
I've had problems with sticky touch after spraying matte coats.  I'm looking forward to hearing the answers from this one.

I'd like to start building out my custom fodder.  I have a lot of ROTS Fodder available (especially clones of all variations).  I don't have any specific fodder requests because I don't know what I really need.  I'm basically trying to figure out a system for building up my fodder base w/o bankrupting my paypal account through eBay.

Works, for me.  I'll have to try it with photoshop.  Just sounds like a couple of layers to me.  I like it.  Thanks

can we have multiple entries? Can we enter clones as long as we also enter a non-clone characters?
Since I'm new this forum, I kind of have the same question.   I assumed this wasn't so much a "constest" as more a motivation to get us to work on common themes/characters.  As such, I assume that would could have multiple entries (aka Bounty Hunters, Sith Lords, etc?) But like I said, I'm new and I don't know whats going on  :) :)

A little off topic, but is there an easy explanation on how to create the lightsaber effects with Photoshop?  I've been wanting to try that but I'm not sure where to start.

I've actually got a few ideas for this line.  I'm thinking about a IG-88 lancer, a Saesee tinn, and I'm still planning on a Padme snow bunny.  I recently finished a Clone Wars Republic Gunship that was sold to cover some SW collecting expenses.  Maybe I'll include that with my entry(ies).  I'm looking forward to my first Group Project!!!

I must admit, I'm a little confused on the dates for this group project.  Is this group project different than the other challenge thats running (Diorama challenge?).  If so are they occuring simultaneously? 

I really really liked the black battle droid.  Where did you get the armor for the Wookie Warriors.  I've got several of those figures that I want to customize.

. A frozen snow trooper would be cool.( hint , Hint) ;D

That would look great!

He looks maybe a tad bit too muscular.  You may want to consider black paint to match the hood.

I've also already started a snowbunny.  Although I was hoping to sell it on eBay to cover some of my recent expenses (its a pain to have to buy your fodder).  I hope I can make mine look half as good as the one that Owen made.

Brent, I'm pretty sure the last couple pics of him standing are just for fun.



I figured this, I was just trying to have a little fun  ;)

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