I wonder what prompted Hasbro to switch from their originally announced Shuttle Tyderium (the stolen rebel shuttle), to this final version of the Imperial Shuttle instead... I'm glad they did - it's an Imperial Shuttle after all, whether the Rebels had swiped it or not - and most of us think of the Imperial version surrounded by the Imperial troops anyways. Besides, what the heck kind of cool box art could they have come up with for the Shuttle Tyderium? Whatever it may have been, it wouldn't have been close to being as cool as the Imperial diorama.
I'm also stoked to see that they darkened the cockpit window up more accurately, which was one of my two gripes (three if you include FAO's price). They didn't fix my other gripe unfortunately - the upside down side guns at the base of the wings. Oh well...
I never got the Vintage version, so I've been looking forward to scoring this one for quite a while, despite it's ridiculously high price. Bring it on!