Community > Joe Defender

2011/2012 GI Joe Club Figure Subscription Service Figures

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--- Quote from: iFett on October 25, 2011, 09:51 PM ---Wow.  That dude looks evil.  Legs look familiar.  So glad I never read comic books or I'd probably want this guy.

--- End quote ---

pretty sure the legs are from that Destro that came in a comic pack with the IG soldier.

so anyway, after I posted this last night I was actually getting in to the fact about ordering all of these - then I went to the website and read this...

--- Quote ---The Figure Subscription Service (FSS) is only available to Officer Level (paid) members. Trooper Level members will need to upgrade to be eligible. The FSS is an optional feature and is not included in the cost of your annual GIJCC membership. Keep watching this website for more of our exclusive figure updates!
--- End quote ---

So I have to pay for a membership, $42, just to even have the opportunity of getting these!?!?!?!  I'm not feeling it so much anymore...  I guess, if I understand correctly, I would also get Footloose by doing this...   hmmm, gonna have to wait for more details.  It really comes down to cost per figure for me here.

I buy Joe stuff, but for my son.  He's only 4-1/2 years old, so I'm not paying premiums for stuff like this. 

However, I wish they did something like this for Star Wars... would be nice to get some more obscure characters out there this way that might otherwise never be made.


****. I had talked myself out of the club...'till now. She looks awesome.

Mikey D:
I'm still debating. If I do subscribe, I have to buy the membership first.  I want Footloose, so that works.  I still need a Grunt figure and although I would much rather prefer a green one, the tan one works.  Topside is ok, I guess.  He came out when I started to get out of Joes when I was younger, so I have no real attachment to him.  At least he looks like his RAH figure and that's one of the big keys on which figures I decide to buy.

With Jinx, I want her red hooded look from RAH and what she wore in the movie while hooking up with Don Johnson.  Other than her, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, I really have no love for the ninjas, so Slice isn't grabbing me.  Iron Klaw, while cool looking, is from a bad time in Joe lore with the whole Extreme! ****.  I get the nostaliga with the foreign figures, so Quarrel is worth it to have, even though she is really plain looking.  I have no desire for neon green BAT, but at least it's an army builder that I can hide behind the other BATs I have.

I think the two figures that will sway me into buying are Cover Girl and Big Boa.  Depending on what they look like (especially Cover Girl) will decide if I'm all in or not.


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