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Messages - Dave

Pages: 1 ... 154 155 156 157 158 [159] 160 161 162 163 164 ... 182
The Force Awakens / Re: TFA 3.75" Jungle/Space/Snow/Desert Line
« on: January 23, 2016, 05:35 PM »
I believe each repack has a new pack-in.  So if you aren't buying the repacks or the carry-forwards, you're not going to get all the worthless pack ins.

The Force Awakens / Re: Where is Rey?
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:17 PM »
Nick - thanks for the breakdown of all the different offerings.  I think that is an interesting way to look at it, and certainly a collector focused viewpoint where we care about all the different flavors.

Jman - I agree with you that there are virtually no differences between any of Rey's outfits.

I think Hasbro's biggest failure is not the lack of different versions of Rey available, I think their failure is not having Rey repacked in more cases.  I think they could probably safely pack her (and a Stormtrooper) at least one per case in every case for the first four waves.

The Force Awakens / Re: Where is Rey?
« on: January 21, 2016, 06:25 PM »
The part that I don't get is the whole Monopoly piece thing.  I'm not sure how many characters they provide as Monopoly pieces, but lets assume its only four.  Not having Rey be one of those four is nuts. 

I get it that boys buying action figures will generally be less interested in girl characters, but we're talking about board games which I assume are much closer to 50/50 in their gender share.

Maybe it was an easier call to make a year ago when Poe had a larger role and Rey's didn't seem as prominent as it is in the final cut.  But hindsight being what it is, I can't imagine not having Rey be all over everything associated with Star Wars.  As Jman pointed out, the whole movie revolves around her.  She is probably in 80% of the scenes.

The Force Awakens / Re: TFA 3.75" Jungle/Space/Snow/Desert Line
« on: January 21, 2016, 03:52 PM »
Pete - I share your concern.  I know this is the 3 3/4" thread, but I'm particularly concerned about tracking down the 6" figures.  There are at least four waves (waves 3-6) expected out (via the etailers) in the next two months.  I have a feeling whole waves could be incredibly hard to track down depending on what Target (and TRU and WM) gets.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: January 20, 2016, 03:31 PM »
From a movie perspective I really don't care when they release it, so long as its done well.

From a toy perspective I would much prefer to have them release it in May, or any time other than December.  With Disney/JJ's desire for secrecy and the close proximity with Christmas, it turned out that the toy release time frame was way too compressed.  I'm sure Hasbro did their best, but you're asking for trouble if you're trying to hold half of your movie based toys for the week before Christmas.

Collector's Tips / Re: Cases for carded figures?
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:22 PM »
I'm getting ready to display one version of each card design created and was trying to figure out what sizes to buy.  Does anyone know of a guide that lists which "style" of case fits each card back?  I know there are "A", and "B", and "C", and so on styles.  Just trying to figure it all out and can't seem to match up the card backs with the cases.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: January 15, 2016, 02:22 PM »
Don't really care how it happens (abortion, miscarriage, whatever), just don't want to have watch Maggie go full-term with this thing. Aside from the purely selfish reason of not wanting to see Lauren Cohan made up to look all fat and gross, the show already has a baby. It doesn't need another one.

My wife and I joke about Judith.  It seems like they use a new baby actor every show, and she is really more a prop than anything.

I'm not a reader of the comics to know her importance in the comics, but she seems like a complete waste of space in the show.  She is never in jeopardy, she hasn't been important to any of the plot points since they had to go on runs for formula, so why bother?  You would think they would have just killed her off when the prison fell.

I read that and most of the US stores closing are their Walmart Express line, an experiment that seems to have failed.

What is "Walmart Express"?  Is that where they have enough cashiers staffed to check you out in less than 10 minutes.  Epic fail.   ;)

NO!  Not Hans, Hans Bubby!!!

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: January 14, 2016, 11:21 AM »
I'm completely on board with not making this in to a movie.  For some reason a movie seems like too big of a deal, and I see a lot or risk around casting for this role.

But I'm 100% behind having a "Smugglers" TV/Netflix series featuring young Han, Chewie, Lando, etc.  I think a TV show would have a lot more room to develop the character, create a backstory, find its footing, have a larger supporting cast, etc.

Not sure if they ever got serious about having Ewan do some Kenobi anthology movies, but I would love to see Ewan reprise his role a couple of times.  He was well cast and I think there is plenty of room to tell some Kenobi stories in the 20ish years between ROTS and ANH.

Feedback / Re: Master_Phruby's feedback
« on: January 11, 2016, 03:05 PM »
Thanks Paul for hooking me up with another Disney exclusive that I couldn't otherwise get outside of eBay.  Thanks for always helping out the JD community!

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« on: January 11, 2016, 01:23 PM »
[Original Trilogy Character] Set to Appear on Rebels on 1/20

I know this is a spoiler thread, but I protected it in case there are some folks out there looking to be surprised... ;)

Didn't click through on the link, but is this supposed to be the next new episode?  The kids keep bugging me for when the next new episode will air and I haven't been able to find any info on that.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow - Vintage eBay Auctions
« on: January 8, 2016, 12:04 AM »
Aren't there only like four of those that are certified legit?  I didn't realize any of them were carded.

I agree with pretty much everything stated.  Walmart is trying to drive foot traffic, and Walmart sucks big time.

My biggest gripe with Walmart getting Star Wars exclusives is the randomness of how they run their stores.  A good example is the Battlefront Stormtrooper and the rumors that only 25% (or whatever) of the stores received this.  If it weren't for the good karma of Star Wars traders (thanks JediJman), I wouldn't have this.  I've never seen this in stores.

You don't get this randomness with Target, TRU, or even Kmart.  Every store gets at least one case of an exclusive, and are rarely all that hard to track down with a little bit of persistence.

I'm fine with Walmart not offering their exclusives online, although its annoying when they say they will and they don't.  I just wish that with a reasonable amount of effort I could track down their exclusives.  There really shouldn't be an excuse for getting an exclusive without enough stock to satisfy demand.

I stopped at dozens of Walgreens in December and never saw these at retail.

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