« on: July 16, 2008, 04:17 PM »
Ha! That reminds me of a time when K-Mart had a buy 2 tins get 1 free deal. I had gone in 2 days in a row for the buy 2 get 1 free, and each time they tried to weasel out of it saying "We don't deal with the website stuff", finally after talking to a manager, he let me have them, but tried to keep the circular that i had showing the sale. The second time, i had the same checker and she still gave me a hard time. While she was talking to the manager, a woman behind me asked why i had so much Star Wars stuff in my cart, so i told her about the sale, and she asked if she could have my circular with the ad in it so i gave it to her in front of the manager and the checker, Boy were they ever upset... i waited to see if they gave the woman behind me any trouble. I stood watching as they rang her stuff up and the checker looked in my direction to eye @#$% me, i just smiled and the woman behind me thanked me for giving her both the scoop on the sale and the circular. That was good fun!