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Messages - StBrianOfMinneapolis

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The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC Tantive IV Hallway Playset
« on: August 21, 2020, 04:34 PM »
Preordered two to send a message. Now I need at least 4 ::)
Two for one full hallway and two more for alternate hallways.

The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC Tantive IV Hallway Playset
« on: August 21, 2020, 11:57 AM »
I am going to wager this is the most we'll ever see of a Tantive playset. I'm ok, with that though I would like a side hallway with escape pods.

Its an 80's toy line.  They didn't get figures out until later in '78 and the bulk of the line (Empire, Jedi, POTF) were all delivered in the 80's.  Its maybe not mentioned in certain material because it died out quickly after the movies ('85ish?) whereas the other properties were heating up through the mid-to-end of the 80's.  If you haven't already, check out "The Toys That Made Us." episodes that cover all these lines, along with Barbie, Lego, etc.  Great docu-series on all the behind the scenes happenings that led to some of the greatest toy lines in history.

Yeah, my first thought was it was probably almost 1979 when the toys were in full swing and obtainable.  If that's true then the time on toy shelves would be roughly 1979-1986. I know POTF was 1985, but I'm assuming they might have been around until clearance time in 1986.

Am I correct? If yes, or mostly yes :) then one full year in the seventies and five to six years in the eighties should count as an 80s toy line.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 29, 2020, 01:19 PM »
I won't turn down a Razorcrest. If it's an OT item I'm guessing it's the Cantina.

A sure fire launch would be the Razorcrest with two Blurgs, Quill, IG, multiple childs (in pram, in backpack for IG to wear), Karga and Moff Gideon, plus special edition Mando.

I've been thinking more about a Haslab Razor crest.

I'm convinced there's no way they would do a decent retail version. The biggest recent 3 3/4" releases were the TFA and Solo Falcons and those offered very little for $100-$130.

When I was a kid my cousin had the GIJoe Cobra Rattler. The engines had roughly 5 pieces and I would disassemble and reassemble engines for maintenance every time I got my hands on it.

Hasbro could add an amazing amount of features if they made a Razorcrest with many pieces and panels that could be disassembled to mimic looting by Jawas. Maybe this could be a stretch goal? Maybe that would also include Quill's trailer to hold a bunch of looted parts.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 28, 2020, 12:45 PM »
Paging Adam Pawlus!

That's weird that its a vintage box with TVC logo.

Does anyone have any good Intel on whether these will be a focal display at multiple Targets or just the "Disney" Targets? That'll matter a lot on availability I imagine.

What's a Disney Target?

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2020 TVC Haslab Project
« on: July 20, 2020, 11:55 AM »
Yeah, that's not always the case.  For example, I'm someone who made space for the 4' Barge.  But I'm basically tapped out.  Not sure where I'd be able to put a 4-6' Blockade Runner.  If that's what it is, and it's enormous, it's going straight into the basement with the hope that I have space some day.

So, what if the item where 4-6 feet tall instead of wide with a 2 foot squared base?

My dream is to turn a six foot display rack I bought at a closing Sears into a Death star cross section with multiple hangars, multiple control rooms, a throne room and a trash compactor. I'm kind of hoping the next project is not a big fat round death star set because I'm really in love with making this tower, but I probably would not do both.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2020 TVC Haslab Project
« on: July 15, 2020, 05:02 PM »
A Tantive would (obviously) be under-scaled no matter what.  But it would either have to be so hideously under-scaled as to be silly, or it would have to be barge-sized or bigger, and then no one has space for it.  I kind of hope they never try that one, or if they do they make it more of a play set than a proper vehicle.

Oddly enough I never think of the Tantive being more than an ANH item. Having one would serve as a background resistance set for a ROS diorama. we would just need them to make 30 figures for that diorama...  ::)

The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC Carbon Freezing Chamber Playset
« on: June 23, 2020, 11:13 AM »
The orange panels kind of look like they might be translucent... we can hope!

Now I'm realizing how much of the chamber I do not have memorized. This dude has gone crazy with visualizing all the background details.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2020 TVC Haslab Project
« on: June 23, 2020, 10:16 AM »
The thing with the Razor Crest is, they don’t need HasLab to sell that thing. It would fly off shelves no matter what.

I definitely agree with this idea... though the level of detail and scale would only be appropriate with a Haslab release.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2020 TVC Haslab Project
« on: June 22, 2020, 07:52 PM »
I won't turn down a Razorcrest. If it's an OT item I'm guessing it's the Cantina.

A sure fire launch would be the Razorcrest with two Blurgs, Quill, IG, multiple childs (in pram, in backpack for IG to wear), Karga and Moff Gideon, plus special edition Mando.

I was excited about the stand until I looked closer. It suspends the ship a centimeter off the surface it rests on. It’s “flying” vertically in a position where it might as well be parked in. It’s not wrong for the ship to be parked horizontally on a shelf, but it is wrong to be suspended horizontally on a stand similar to the action fleet version. This stand solves that action fleet problem without providing much.

I don’t see the value here. I think this was a cheap way to put out a Mando ship without giving us the Razor Crest. If this new stand were an action flight stand I would have a reason to be really excited.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2020 TVC Wave 1 (aka New TVC Wave 11)
« on: February 29, 2020, 01:15 PM »
This wave just appeared at a Target near Minneapolis.

How well did Knives Out do?

Pretty well, I'd say -  $306 million box office vs $40 budget; Oscar nomination for best original screenplay; 97% critic, 92% audience at Rotten Tomato; sequel has been greenlit.

"Scheduling" could very well be cited if LFL or Disney deems a personnel change is warranted.  If Rian Johnson's availability is called into question because of a Knives Out sequel?  Oh well!

I think TLJ was great.  It challenged the audience which I thought was a good thing, and I found it refreshing.  But just as much as I found that movie really broke some new ground and defied story expectations, there were a lot of fans who wanted a story that would make them feel more comfortable.  I don't see Rian Johnson as that kind of filmmaker who wants to appease an audience.

I'm just now considering that Canto Bight was mix of the Cantina and Cloud city. TLJ is almost reverse ESB with a fancy setting that is above it all near the start of the movie and a big ground battle at the end.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Modern Vintage Repros and Bootlegs
« on: February 27, 2020, 02:45 PM »
That's pretty cool. I never knew what the rest of the body looked like.

I think the maker took some liberties on body. I've seen other bodies from other customizers

Phrubruh, I'm pretty sure there never was a body.

Either way, I really want an official Cane Adiss. Hopeully they do a Haslab special pack of 5-10 characters that we would never see otherwise.

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