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Topics - Brian

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Long title, sorry :).  Maybe this belongs better in Watto's, I couldn't decide for sure where to put it.  I just got to thinking, after inspiration from the "Collectors Challenge" threads, what I would spend all this money on if there wasn't Star Wars stuff out there to collect.  I'm curious to see what becomes of the SW line after this final movie rush, and what will be around to collect.  There will always be something, I'm sure, since there is such a plethora of Star Wars products and lines these days....but the action figures themselves might start to slow down, at least a bit.  I'm not saying I want Star Wars to go away, not at all, but it just got me to thinking that if the line does disappear (or at least the ones I collect), or comes to the point where it is mostly just repacks or something, where would your money go?  Would you continue to collect something else, would you start a new collection, would you save more money, or would you put it towards other ventures (cars, electronics, etc.)

Looking at my spending last year, I was over $600+ on Star Wars stuff alone, with another $150-$200 on "other" toys.  Not as high as many people here, but still a big chunk of money for us personally, and a big piece to throw elsewhere.  Aside from pursuing some vintage Star Wars stuff (and any other lines that would remain, possibly Unleashed), I think my collecting budget would be considerably smaller.  I'd like to think I wouldn't pick up any other lines at that point, and probably just stick with Marvel Legends as long as that line would continue/be relevant.  I really enjoy collecting that line, and there isn't quite as much stuff so it wouldn't be quite as financially overwhelming either.  I'd probably also start picking up a few more comics here and there (I limit that now), and maybe DVDs too.  Figuring on averages, even if I picked up all that Toy Biz put out in the ML line, as well as being a consistent buyer of 4-5 comic books, I'd still probably only spend about half as much, which in a way is a nice thought.  Anyways, like I said, I'm not looking forward to Star Wars being done...and I hope that it won't be.  I think we'll always see collectibles in some shape or form, because we see so many other lines surviving, being basically "collector-based", and Star Wars seems to have as big of a fan base as any.  I was just curious that if/when it ever happened, where Star Wars was less of a buying area, would you continue to collect anything.  Would you hang it up all together, or would you maybe pursue a new avenue (or just save the money)?

Other Collectibles / Star Wars "Force Battlers" Figures
« on: January 19, 2005, 08:55 AM »
First off, minor SPOILERS because this is technically an Episode 3 line, although the pics at the following link aren't necessarily anything monumental.  Anyways, has a couple of pics up of some figures from the upcoming "Force Battlers" assortment.  Apparently they are 7 inches tall, and to me look somewhat similar to the Jedi Force figures, although not quite the same.  I wonder if this means the end of Jedi Force, or this is the new direction they are going, or what?  If not, Hasbro is starting to over-do it a bit with the different action figure lines :).  You can see pics of two fo the figures HERE.  What do you think?

Looking back on any other non-Star Wars lines you have checked out, dabbled in, or jumped in full force to, do you have any regrets?  Are there any figures/lines that you wish you never would have started, or maybe just individual figures that you feel might not have been worth it now?  Or, on the flip side of things, are there any figures or lines that you passed on, but now wish that you wouldn’t have?

I haven’t ever really dove in full force to any other line, with Marvel Legends and Lord of the Rings probably being the largest representation at around 10 figures each.  I don’t regret any of those purchases, I’m very happy with the figures I have chosen to buy so far, but maybe a little disappointed that I passed on some others along the way.  But, most of what I passed on can still be obtained relatively cheap if I still wanted to.

As far as other purchases that were more single, or a couple of figure purchases, I do have a few regrets.  Being a Batman fan, I bought a few of the new animated show’s figures.  While I think the figures are nice, and really like the Batman, looking at it now I don’t think I really “needed” them.  I also picked up the Batman/Superman Mattel 2-pack (for the Supes), but now that I have the DC Direct JLA Superman, the other one seems a little silly.  I do still like the figure, but again, probably didn’t “need” it.  I have a few MOTU figures (He-Man, Roboto, Sy-Klone).  I don’t necessarily regret any of those, and specifically not He-Man or Roboto (who is my favorite), but while I also liked the Sy-Klone character growing up, I bought it at the time because I thought I was going to collect the whole line…that never happened.  Again, probably didn’t “need” to purchase that.

As far as non-purchasing regrets….I guess they all turned out for the best.  I always regretted not getting into the Lord of the Rings line right off the bat…but it turned out ok, because most everything has been re-released or improved upon (at cheaper prices) since then.  The same goes for Marvel Legends for the most part.  I initially regretted not starting in with the Muppets line off the bat, and still do regret that somewhat, although I guess I didn’t really have the room for it anyways (got the Indy Kermit though, which I am happy I purchased).  The biggest regret would probably be the Simpsons line.  I’ve watched that show, and thoroughly enjoyed it since it began…and always looked at the figures but never took the jump to buy them.  I still consider picking up a few of them through the secondary market (or through re-releases), and someday I might.  That is a line I think I could have gotten into, but I guess that would be a bad thing too since I can’t really support (financially or space-wise) another “large scale” collection.  Anyways, this got longer than I intended….but do any of you have regrets from your “other line” collecting?

Hall of Justice / DC Direct Figures
« on: December 2, 2004, 08:48 AM »
I didn't see a thread for this company/line yet, so thought I'd start one.  I really know very little about the line, but I did pick up my first ever DC Direct figure yesterday (via the mail).  I got the JLA Superman.  It basically looks like this version (although the picture here is "technically" the Superman from the original Superman group of figures.  The one I purchased came with the American flag, and did not have the "angry" face variant that showed up in the JLA line from what I understand.  Anyways..looks like this:

I've always been a Superman fan, and from what I have seen and read, this was the best action figure of the character that we've seen so far.  I got it via Tower, if anyone is interested.  Although the articulation isn't too bad on this particular figure, it (along with the rest of the line) is lacking when compared to Marvel Legends.  However, I have to admit that the figure itself looks great.  The sculpt, paint applications and pose really make for a nice looking Supes.  Looking at the back of the card, the rest of the JLA figures are a little bit tempting as well.  Much of DC Direct's product has been tempting to me over the past year or so, but I've stayed away mostly due to price and availability.  Anyways, do any of you collect anything from DC Direct, any comments on what you have (or would like to have)?

A new webdoc is up for Hyperspace members over at the official site.  This is my favorite one so far, as it features Chewbacca and his wookiee buddies.  It is a pretty good watch if you are interested and well....if you have Hyperspace I guess.

The Prequel Trilogy / ROTS Picture Thread
« on: November 29, 2004, 01:29 PM »
Wasn't sure if we had an official thread here, and if we do already, sorry.  There is a nifty picture of the space battle that can be found at the forums...or by clicking here.  "Lock S-Foils in Attack Formation" :).

Original Trilogy Collection / 2005, After the Cantina Wave, ROTS Only?
« on: November 19, 2004, 02:57 PM »
I can't remember if we have heard for sure whether or not it would be all Revenge of the Sith figures/product for 2005 (after the initial waves that we've already seen), but while looking at the ROTS packaging, I was wondering if all we would see is ROTS product.

I fully expect the majority of product to be ROTS related, since it is a movie year, but in the past the situation/set up has been a little bit different.  With Episode I, there were two lines (sort of) going at once, with the Red Carded Episode I line, alongside the POTF2 line (commtech figures mainly).  Then they were later consolidated into POTJ.  Then, with AOTC, the initial figures were on the all encompassing Blue Saga cards, so figures from all the movies were able to be released on these cards (and were, in some form, until early this year).  Now, with this ROTS packaging, it just seems a little more movie specific than we're used to, and I wasn't sure if we would see figures from the other movies on these types of cards.  However, I also thought I remembered seeing/reading something at one point that Hasbro didn't want to go back to any "2 collection or 2 cardback" type of scenarios.  Maybe I just dreamed that up, but if that was true, what do you think is the fate of non-ROTS merchandise in 2005, or at least the majority of the year.  Will we see figs from any other movies, or will there be another card change that quickly (or maybe later in the year).  Any opinions?

Watto's Junk Yard / Star Wars Movie Fan and Collecting: Hand in Hand?
« on: November 19, 2004, 09:47 AM »
I just got to thinking about this earlier, and was curious on some of your opinions on things.  Do you think that the majority of Star Wars fans (more than just casual movie-goers) are also collectors in some capacity?  Are there fans that are just really into the movies, but don't collect any of the different lines?  I'm sure there are people out there who are, and before I got back into collecting in 1999, I didn't have any Star Wars merchandise in my possession other than my childhood toys, and I was still a big fan of the movies themselves.

I know I read of a number of people, even on these Star Wars "collecting site" boards who don't really buy into the action figure line(s) at all, or if they do, it is quite limited (some just came out of retirement for the VOTC line).  Others just collecting the higher end things...busts, statues, prop replicas, etc.  Some collect a little bit of everything that has the SW logo on it.  Anyways, I was just curious what some of your opinions were on this.  What do you see the most of?  What do you think is the most common combination (movie fan/action figures, just movie fan, movie fan/high end, movie fan/everything, etc.)?

Watto's Junk Yard / AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes
« on: November 18, 2004, 02:48 PM »
The American Film Institute has announced its next "100" list will be the top 100 movie quotes.  You can download/view a PDF file detailing 400 eligible quotes via their site, lots of good ones contained within.  Looks like 4 quotes from our beloved Original Trilogy have made the initial cut:

"May the Force Be With You" - Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Star Wars, 1977

"Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're My Only Hope" - Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) Star Wars, 1977

"I Am Your Father" - Darth Vader (James Earl Jones), The Empire Strikes Back, 1980

"Do, or Do Not.  There is No Try" - Yoda (Frank Oz), The Empire Strikes Back, 1980

Nice to see the trilogy represented well.  A lot of other classics included on the list, as well as some you wouldn't expect.  I would sure think at least 1 or 2 of these would make the final 100.  Oh, and where is the following quote?

"Yippee" - Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), The Phantom Menace, 1999. [/sarcasm]

Other Collectibles / ROTS Burger King Promos
« on: November 17, 2004, 11:47 AM »
RS has a story up covering this in further detail HERE.  We usually stay clear of eating much fast food, but after seeing this pic I have the feeling we might be visiting Burger King next year.  Check the big "poster" pic HERE

Edit: Removed the ginormous pic, you can check it out at the linky above. :)

Other Toy Lines / What Do You Think is the "Most Scalped" Toyline?
« on: October 28, 2004, 04:01 PM »
Although I don't really have the knowledge/experience with scalpers that many of you likely do, I think the majority of us have either witnessed it in some way, or seen the remains afterwards.  These days, it seems like the majority of toylines (or action figure lines in particular) that are in the aisles, have to be collector-driven.  Aside from the occasional kid-rush during new movie times, I would say overall they are more interested in Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, etc., and maybe the occasional superhero figures (usually Spidey or Bats).  Anyways, of what you have witnessed, what line do you think is the worst scalper fodder nowadays?

Star Wars is always a tough find when they are new releases, but I don't know if it is quite as bad as it used to be.  They do still get bought up a lot I think, but with some cases (VOTC for one), it might just be collectors buying them up.  The ROTJ VOTC wave in particular has a lot of shortpacks, and it basically just takes one or two people picking up a figure each and they are gone.  I continue to see a fair amount of scalper-like people checking out the LOTR stuff from time to time, although there hasn't been anything new here since the Morgul Lord wave.  I'm not familiar with all of the lines, and don't always check them out, but of the ones I do (and read about), I think Marvel Legends might be one of the worst right now.  The fact that many figures are being shortpacked now doesn't help much, but I haven't seen anything other than Nick Furys, Silver Surfers, Colossus, etc. hanging around here anymore.  I'm not sure if the newer figures have even shown up here yet, but if they have, they are gone rather quickly.  Anyways, what line do you think is the most scalperrific nowadays?

Original Trilogy Collection / How's Retail In Your Area?
« on: October 19, 2004, 02:16 PM »
Thought it might be interesting to see what people are seeing/finding/buying in their respective areas of the world.  It seems like a kind of slow time right now, at least around here, and I suppose it will continue that way for a little while yet.  Thanks to Amazon, I'm caught up with the VOTC, although I'd like to find another Chewie...and there isn't too much from the basic OTC line that I'm looking for either (mainly Gam. Guard, maybe a couple others), so I haven't been hunting quite as much lately.  Anyways, here's how the stores around here look, the last time I was there:

Wal-Mart (1) - OTC Pegs stocked full, consisting mainly of Endor Generals and LOTS of Bespin Leias.  A few other repacks here and there as well, from the beginning part of the line.  Also still several vOTC Han, Obi, and Leias.  Oh...and lightsabers, plenty of lightsabers.  They have stocked Unleashed there, and I've seen Sidious, Hoth Luke, and the Bossk wave there on occasion.

Wal-Mart (2) - Been a week or two since I've visited, but last time they had several OTC Bossks, IG-88s, and Bespin Lukes.  VOTC pegs were overflowing with the ANH wave (including Luke).  No Unleashed there yet.  Several of each of the carrying cases last time I checked.

Target (1) - Target has been pretty good this year around here, but the last weeks (months) have been pretty sparse.  They basically had nothing out for the sale, and that trend continues.  All I have seen there recently from the OTC line is Dagobah wave, Luke repacks, Han repack, and that is about it.  VOTC Han used to hang out here, but has been cleared out.  Saw one VOTC Vader there a week ago, which I saw a kid buy...was glad to see that.  Unleashed is stocked pretty regularly.

Target (2) - Same story here.  A few VOTC Hans and Obis.  Not much of the OTC, but what there is consists mainly of Spirit Obi, repack Han, and least last I checked.  Latest Unleashed wave seems to restock here pretty regularly as well.

**Also of note, both of the Targets in town have sold out of their Falcons.  I was hoping for a big "red sticker" Target-style clearance on these, but unless there's more in back or on the way, looks like that might not happen**

TRU - Haven't been there for awhile, but was going to check today after work for the Bounty Hunter GH sets.  Otherwise, the status quo:  VOTC ANH wave, plenty of all the ships, some OTC figures (early waves), and plenty of Saga figures (Jabba's Palace and Yavin wave mainly).

KB Toys - Stopped here a week or so ago, although I don't know why.  Basically a wasteland.  Had about 5 OTC figures, priced at $7.99.  Had Jawas (which I'd like to get), but I couldn't bring myself to pay $8 for them.

All in all, kind of a slow time right now figure-wise.  I guess I can't complain, because I am somewhat caught up, and the wallet could use the break...but I wouldn't mind seeing the GH waves show up, and some more of the latter two VOTC waves as well.  How are the stores looking in your area?

Revenge of the Sith / "Midnight Madness" Have You Gone/Will You Go?
« on: October 12, 2004, 03:04 PM »
With another inevitable round of "midnight madness" for the release of the ROTS toys, I was wondering how many of you have gone to these events in the past, or plan to next year?  I didn't go for Phantom Menace, and really just got into collecting around that time again.  I was working at a department store during college, so was able to pick up the figs I wanted at that time, when we stocked them.  I don't remember the date even, but it was likely well after the big name stores had them.  For AOTC, we still lived in a small town, so I drove to the nearest Wal-Mart (35 miles away) shortly before midnight, and got there as they put them on the pegs.  That was the most other collectors I had seen in an aisle at the same time as me, with probably about ten of us there.  I was able to pick up about all the initial waves, with the exception of Dooku and Royal Guard.  I just wanted to see what I could get, and mainly wanted to come away with a Yoda and the main characters, and was able to do that.  It was an interesting experience, and still by far the most Star Wars figures I have ever bought at once.

I've been trying to decide what to do about ROTS.  We now live in a city, with more shopping options that we used to have (2 Wal-Marts, 2 Targets, TRU, KB), and all within 10 minutes or so of home.  But, I'm sure there are a lot more collectors here as well, and I don't know if I feel like "battling" them at midnight madness to get the figures.  We don't eve know which characters will be out that day, and how they will look/will be, but I'm sure there will be enough good to be tempted by that line pretty quickly.  Especially if there is a Chewie/Wookiees in the initial assortment(s).  Anyways, I was wondering if any of you have gone in the past, and if you plan to go next year, or just wait until the next day (or later).  I'm kind of thinking about just going the next morning and trying my luck around town.  We'll see, awhile to think about it yet ;).

Watto's Junk Yard / Home Computers: Desktops vs. Laptops
« on: October 12, 2004, 09:39 AM »
One purchase that we'll have to be making in the somewhat near future is probably a new computer.  I work on our computer all day, so it gets plenty of use, and our current one is about 5 years old now (Dell Dimension XPS, Pentium III, 20 GB Hard Drive, 256 RAM).  It has served us very well, and we really haven't had any problems with it, but it is just getting to the point where it is time to upgrade.  I'm not sure how soon we'll be doing it, but we've started looking at them a little bit.  We'll probably be going through Dell again, because we (and our family/friends) have all had very good luck with the, and I do like their machines.  Anyways, to my question, one thing we have been considering is a desktop vs. a laptop.  I've always thought laptops were pretty spiffy, but they are obviously a fair amount pricier as well.  We'd like to get something that takes up less space, so if we go the desktop route we'll likely be opting for the flat panel monitor.  Plus, you do seem to be able to get a little more "bang for your buck" with a desktop.  Anyways, I was curious what some of you have/use for a computer, and whether you prefer laptops or desktops.  Is one way the better way to go?  I've heard some people say that laptops have more problems, but then there are others who swear by them.  Anyways, just curious if any of you have opinions on your 'puters.

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