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Messages - Jedi_Assassin

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CHEWIE's CUSTOMS
« on: June 30, 2006, 12:46 AM »
an explosive device set to blow up the target of the hit that the latest re pn left nameless. on naboo it looks. thats input.

NOOOOO! What are we going to do without your awsome custom figs and vehicles! LOL. Seriously, hope you get your computer fixed.

I have had a really bad year, with my Aunt, losing my camera, my computer crashing, my dog. I'm sticking to a regular film camera with my scanner, for now. My new photonovel will hopfully be up by mid-July. Here's the background:

The force is the ultimate power. Unknown to the Jedi or the Sith, one being exists. One who posseses the ultimate power. The power to destroy all. This being is the force. He is life. He is power. He is The Phoenix. He controlls all. Omri Vaono is the Phoenix. He has sat and watched all evil come to power, all that is right be destroyed. He has had enough. After spending eternity fearing his power, he has come to embrace them. In one swift strike, the Phoenix returns. He has one mission, and one only, stop the pain. Stop the death. Stop the Empire.

I really like the color scheme. Very nice.

Well, I've sent in about three now, only to Master Phurby, and one to Chewie. Here's one off the top of my head:

Planet name: Palacious

Capital: Phoxis

Population: 6.2 Billion

Species: Human, Rodian, Bothan, Zabrak(sp), Mon Calamari

Geography: a large continent of crystal covers half of the planet, several small islands dot the oceans

Climate: Average temp 35 degrees, farenheit, one snowy season(3 standard mos)

Planet history: In 1,682 BBY, a large group of scientists set up a laboratory on a large, cold, planet in an uncharted part of the Outer Rim. This planet they named Palacious for its large continent of blue crystal, on which the one of the planet's cities resides, its capital, Phoxis. The city cascades up as a cone with many caves in the wall where many homes and buisnesses are located. A large magnalev train carries the inhabbitants to and from the differnt caves. One of the smaller cities, Osharzin, contains a large group of the planet's wealthy reside. Phoxis was home of the scientist's main lab where they mined the blue crystals, known as Oceanisaas. These crystals were sold for great profit to the Core Worlds' wealthy for jewlery and decoration. The people of Palacious lived in peace until the Empire was formed in 19 BBY. That year, the Empire took over the planet's government and its miing buisness. The planet's poor and middle-class were plunged into poverty, while the wealthy sold their share of the mining industry. A tall, looming, Imperial base was constructed on the small island of Osharzin at the top of the crystal. over 1,000 feet of crystal on the top was blown off to accomidate a low alttitude base. Over 1,300 people were forced from the area. The Empire currently rules its wealthiest aquisition with an iron fist.

if i can get my scanner hooked up, i'm in.

were still talkin now DE. come.

Im on look 4 me. its channel UGP.

i know that i seem flakey in this catagorey, but ive got full support from my parents here and ill help.

I'll help with this. I've studied every style of architecture in SW. I ve got alot of ideas. maybe not EVERY style. but i was taking high school drafting courss online in the 5th grade.

I'll be thaere.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: OUtrider's Customs UPDATE 6/22
« on: June 23, 2006, 12:19 AM »
1st to reply!!! I like this one alot. It has a big OT feel, yet I could see him maning the helm of a Republic cruiser under attack by the CIS.

yes! 1st to reply! I relly like this one. this is my favorite of all of the tanks/speeders you've done.

sorry. i'll edit my post.

i sent my background story in to Master_Phurby.

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