Not any more: I used to collect a carded and opener of all the figures.... then along came POTC..... and the repacks galore. About this time in 2006 I decided a few things concerning my collecting habits. As a musician, I decided to focus primarily on the musicians and aliens and even then mostly OT. I also decided to "liberate" most of my boxed vehicles and figures (
The Great Unboxing of 2006) which has become an ongoing process. My ROTS figures are nicely displayed carded at the moment so I'm inclined to leave them there until later, and I still need to make a decision about my POTJ figs (I really like the packaging of these).
Now, I'm pretty much just buying OT figures they haven't made (esp Cantina/JP Aliens) and "significantly upgraded" versions of OT figures. I've discovered that my "musician" focus may be a little too narrow but I did just pay up the nose for the "holy grail"- the GG Electronic Holiday Max Rebo of which only 200 were made and (I believe) I'm getting number 1 of 200. One of my best friends has a unique sketch of the Modal Nodes with a bunch of signatures on it but he won't part with it

I'm also collected the Sideshow 1/6 figures but with the way they're headed, I'm sticking to OT and just figures I want. I really loved the Unleashed line and have a complete set of them and I'm into the larger LEGO sets (working on Death Star playset atm)
Advice: don't collect just to collect.... collect to enjoy!