Author Topic: The "Final 22"  (Read 142469 times)

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #375 on: February 23, 2007, 07:45 AM »
I finally opened an Appo, and am very bummed at the way the head is just looking to pop off due to the shoulder pad harness pushing his noggin up. Would it be that big of a deal to give him a little neck peg so his head stays on? I sure like this figure on the card, but there will be a bunch of headless variants in the future secondary market (assuming any kids get these so they get the chance to lose the head).

Offline Dressel Rebel

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #376 on: February 23, 2007, 09:20 AM »
Ha!  I wasn't aware that anyone actually accepted this as a Commander Appo figure.  I've been army building him as a 501st trooper and ditching the pauldrons.  They look fabulous.

As far as I'm concerned, this is Appo:

(Courtesy of Michael Rey's custom at the Custom Alliance)

Suspenders, green tinted visor, no pauldron, holstered sidearm.  At least that's how he's been shown in every source up until this point.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 09:21 AM by Dressel Rebel »
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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #377 on: February 23, 2007, 10:02 PM »
 :(I'm still looking for an appo and Vader's droid to finish the set :P
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #378 on: February 24, 2007, 01:09 AM »
Since he's just a regular looking 501st in the movie, that's how he is to me. :)  I've only seen one Appo though to "army build".  Bummer for me, but he's been the first to go every time. 
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Offline Greg

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #379 on: February 24, 2007, 06:03 PM »
I picked up the following today:
Padme Amidala
Obi Wan Kenobi Hologram (Light Variation)
Dath Vader's Astromech Droid
Elite Corps Clone Trooper x3  ;D
Clone Engineer

Now I have all 74 figures from the Saga Collection. I still want to pick up more of the five Episode Three clones from the Final 22, but for now I'm very happy.

Offline Mister Skeezler

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #380 on: March 6, 2007, 10:53 AM »
Are the camo battledroids made of sturdier plastic than the earlier releases? I'm sick of getting battle droids that don't stand. I'd like to get a few of these 2-packs, but I don't need a spaghetti-leg army.
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Offline Jayson

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #381 on: March 6, 2007, 10:56 AM »
They seem a tad rubbery to me but until it gets warmer, I'm not sure how they'll hold up. Owner/Content Manager
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Offline Mister Skeezler

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #382 on: March 6, 2007, 10:57 AM »
They seem a tad rubbery to me but until it gets warmer, I'm not sure how they'll hold up.

Thanks. I guess if they're rubbery now, they'll be bend-ems by July.
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Offline JangoTat

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #383 on: March 6, 2007, 09:12 PM »
just get the new SBD. its the better one of them all i think.
School has been on strike all month. so much for the summer job I was hoping to get D:

Offline Dressel Rebel

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #384 on: March 6, 2007, 09:25 PM »
They seem a tad rubbery to me but until it gets warmer, I'm not sure how they'll hold up.

How big of a temperature fluctuation is there inside your house in different seasons.  Usually in the winter I set the heat so that the house is always at least 65-68 degrees, and in the summer the air conditioner goes on to keep the house cool at least 68-70.

Unless your collection is outside frying like an egg on the hood of your car, I don't see how your plastic would soften in the house.  Does it?
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #385 on: March 6, 2007, 09:30 PM »
Unless you don't have A/C for your whole house, which I know I don't...  BD's definitely drooped more in summer than winter for me, though I have a small AC unit for my collection room, but still I dont' run it 24/7 either and it gets warmer sometimes. 
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Offline Mister Skeezler

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #386 on: March 7, 2007, 05:18 PM »
Yeah, I'm in an apartment in NYC so there's no central air for me either. I have an AC in that room, but like Jesse, I don't run it 24/7.
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #387 on: March 10, 2007, 02:15 AM »
Did anyone else find that the Final 22 weren't overly abundant, and generally this line ended similar (not quite as bad, just similar) to 2005?

I found some of 2005's repaint waves here and there...  Wound up getting them all of course, but never saw much of anything, and some things I only saw once, maybe twice...  With Saga '06, the same thing happened, even with an extended shipping period, which was my fear.

WM, Target, TRU...  none of them stocked heavily.  KM had cut shipments it seemed after the Endboo Wave.  They seemed to come, sell well, and leave...  Never saw cloens in much bulk.  Passed on some here and there but really I never saw many that matched the totals I was hoping to meet on the Clones.  It seems to me Hasbro didn't plan well for this again, or retail just bailed on ordering these in great quantities.  A little disappointing as I'd really hoped we were going to have an extended period of time where these things were readily available at retail and you could grab extra clones here and there on your daily travels.  My area, this didn't pan out at all.  Things were pretty much "grab it when you see it", like usual.  That's something I hate about Star Wars collecting sometimes.

I'm not much of a "hunt" kind of guy I guess.
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Offline Ben

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #388 on: March 10, 2007, 03:23 AM »
This happens at the end of every line in this area.

Last wave of POTF2, with Motti and Leia- never here.
TC-14 and R2-B1- Ditto.
The last wave of POTJ showed at a couple stores, not in any quantity.
Saga did alright.
OTC did OK, until the Jawa and Tusken wave came out. Post-OTC showed at one WM, and that was it.
The last three or four waves of ROTS were an absolute bear to find. The last wave that had any kind of presence was the #41 Clone wave. The Gree wave showed pretty strongly too, but no Tac Ops or holo Jedi for us.

That's why I greeted news of the Final 22 in the Saga line with much disgust, especially when I heard the Elite Corps Clone was numbered among them. I wish Hasbro would just stick with their plans. These add-ons at the end of the year are annoying.  If they'd had rolled these Final 22 into the 30AC, maybe they wouldn't have had to delay that series by two months.

So yeah, I feel your pain.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 03:25 AM by inadvertent imitation »
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Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: The "Final 22"
« Reply #389 on: March 10, 2007, 09:31 AM »
Don't forget the worst offenders of all time in the "end of the road" scenario for a line:  The last three waves (one for C1, C2, and C3) in 2000 for Episode I and, more notably, the last POTF2 EU wave of the Space and Darktroopers in 1998.  Hasbro does not have a good track record for these things to say the least.  Let's take a look back for a moment:

-Final POTF2 Collection 1 wave (1998):  Prune Face, Boussh's Bounty Chewie, Lobot, and Mothma.  Anyone who was around at that time remembers how hard these were to find.  As it was, I never saw them at retail and only had them because of JCPenney selling a four pack in their Christmas catalog that year.

-Final POTF2 Collection 2 wave (1998):  Spacetrooper and Darktrooper from the EU line.  Enough said.

-Final POTF2 Collection 3 wave (1998):  This one can go two ways, but neither looks good.  The last actual C3 wave to show up at retail was Ree Yees and the Death Star Trooper, and they were impossible to find.  The last actual wave of C3 was the FC4 of Snitkin, DSD, AT-AT Driver, and Hoth Leia whose placement there was because retail was sick of Hasbro shipping the same crap over and over and leaving them stuck with a mountain of Rancor Keepers for months on end. 

-Final POTF2 wave (overall; 2000):  Admiral Motti and Princess Leia in the CommTech line.

-Final Episode I Collection 1 wave (2000):  Swimming Jar Jar, Battle Damaged Destroyer Droid, and Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn

-Final Episode I Collection 2 wave (2000):  Pit Droids 2 pack, Sio Bibble, and Ascension Gun Amidala

-Final Episode I Collection 3 wave (2000):  TC-14 and R2-B1

-Final (non-sneak preview) POTJ wave (2002):  Bo Shek, Teebo, and R4-M9

-Final Saga wave (2004):  AT-ST Han, General Madine, General Lando (to Hasbro's credit, all three were immediately reissued in the OTC line)

-Final Clone Wars wave (2003):  Pilot Saesee Tiin, Mon Calamari Kit Fisto, and SA Clone Trooper

-Final OTC wave (2005; technically post-OTC):  Dannik Jerriko, Myo, and Feltipern Trevagg

-Final ROTS wave (2005):  501st Legion Clone Trooper, Holographic Plo Koon, Holographic Aayla Secura, R4-P17, and Wookiee Heavy Gunner

-Final TSC wave (2006-2007):  Commander Appo, Combat Engineer Clone Trooper, Kashyyyk Elite Clone Trooper, Holographic Obi-Wan, Arena Padme, Darth Vader's Astromech Droid, and Yarael Poof

Outside of some of the last TSC stuff (Padme and Poof, I'm looking in your general direction), nearly every figure I've listed above in these lists has become highly sought after for one reason or another, with the biggest reason being that Hasbro hardly shipped any of them and stuck them at the end of a dying line rather than give them prominent places in their next, more widely shipped lines.  That's why when Hasbro swears up and down that the tons of Greatest Battles/H&V figures clogging everyone's WMs has nothing to do with the stores getting more basic TSC figures, I do nothing but laugh.  Sure, they might have different UPCs, but to the stockers, it's all just SW figures and as long as the pegs are full of Padmes and Threepios, there is no reason to order or stock anything else, different UPC or not.