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Topics - Brian

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I was curious to hear some of your thoughts on this subject.  My wife and I were discussing this at one time, and I was explaining how there is a fair amount of stuff at retail that is truly made for collectors (sighting obscure Star Wars characters as reference for ones kids wouldn't care about).  Of the lines out there now, at least that you pay attention to, which do you consider being "for kids", "for collectors", or maybe a little bit of both?  Obviously, non-retail lines like DC Direct, NECA, and other online lines are for the collectors, but what about the retail stuff?  For many of us who grew up in the 70s/80s, all of those lines were made for us kiddos - and later became a collector's market.  Things have obviously changed these days, with a big "flavor of the month" type of attitude with retail and a lot more lines competing for the bucks.  How do you view what is out there now?

Do you consider part of the Star Wars line (say, the VOTC figures) for collectors, and the rest for kids?  The action-feature figures for kids, and the rest for collectors for the most part?  What about Marvel Legends, DC Superheroes, GI Joe, POTC, Transformers, etc.?  I think a line like Star Wars is obviously trying to appeal to both markets, with specialized lines like the VOTC likely aimed squarely at collectors (although I would have loved to have figures like that if I was a kid).  The same can probably be said for other lines, with a mix of both the likely goal.  I get the feeling anymore that Marvel Legends is more squarely aimed at collectors at this point, and if they get kids, that's just gravy.  The latest lineup should reflect that, since I doubt kids know too many of the characters involved at this point.  "Classics" figures with action features are a mix of both most likely, and the same can be said with DC Superheroes and their Superman/Batman heavy assortments.  Other lines, like TMNT, Power Rangers, The Batman, etc. are likely aimed squarely at the kiddos - although I think almost every line in the aisle probably has their collector base to some extent.

Anyways, I guess a lot of them try to appeal to both markets, but I was just curious which you would consider more of a collector line over a kids line, or vice versa?

Other Toy Lines / Harry Potter Figures
« on: January 9, 2007, 10:41 AM »
Just happened to see some pics over at TNI of a couple of HP figures coming out this year from a company called Cards, Inc.  Apparently they are the group master toy licensee for the Harry Potter property throughout all of Europe.  There are pics of the Harry and Dumbledore figures HERE, if anyone is interested.  I don't know if these are available here as well, or if another company is producing them, or even if anything is being produced.  I'm not overly familiar with past lines, but I thought that Mattel used to do a toy line for HP, but there wasn't anything out for the last movie (at least as far as I was aware of).  Perhaps NECA or someone does a line/lines, and I'm not familiar with it.  Anyways, just thought I would pass it along.  I was surprised there wasn't a mass market line at retail for the HP movies, it seems like it would be pretty popular with kids and maybe even collectors.  Maybe the Mattel line(s) tanked though.  I really like the books and movies, but my wife would not be pleased if I was collecting "toys" from them :).  Just thought I'd pass the link along, and see what everyone has heard regarding action figures for these movies.

30th Anniversary Collection / Cloned Out?
« on: January 8, 2007, 09:51 AM »
I've been thinking about this topic for a little while, and after reading some responses in the "Final 22" thread in the TSC forum, I thought I'd post it here.  Is anyone out there getting a little "cloned out"?  Don't get me wrong, repaints of the super articulated clones are probably some of the few repaints that are welcome, but I think I'm personally getting to the point where I maybe have had enough for awhile.  I'm really looking forward to the Elite Corps/BARC trooper, the 501st/Appo troops (in both the Final TSC wave and Saga Legends assortment), the Neyo/Clone Bike packs, and the Galactic Marine and Airborne trooper in the first 30 AC wave, but after those are released I'm thinking I might be set for a little while.  Some of the EU/made up clones that have come out are kind of neat (I picked up Mace's squad), but others just haven't caught my eye enough to pick up I guess.  The one (and only, so far) time I saw Wave 8 at TRU, I had both the 442nd and 5th Fleet clones in my basket before putting them back.  I'm making attempts to cut back, and with my clone shelf already pretty full with those others (mentioned previously) on the way, I thought I could leave these out.  Like I said, if anything is repainted, I suppose its always good to have more clones - but is anyone else kind of getting enough of them at this point?

Watto's Junk Yard / There is Another...
« on: January 5, 2007, 11:54 AM »
Now that our little "waiting period" has passed, I can now let everyone know that my wife and I are expecting our first child in July.  We finally told our families over Christmas, after waiting awhile to make sure everything was going ok.  Its been a bit of a stressful year (2006) for our family, so it was nice to end it with some good news.  We're really excited, and I just wanted to share the news with all of the great people and friends here at JD.

Watto's Junk Yard / Do You Still Use (Or Have) a VCR?
« on: November 30, 2006, 04:09 PM »
Just curious if anyone here still uses (or even has) a VCR?  To be honest, we've always kind of been people tape stuff - when we're gone, or just taping our favorite shows to pop in when we're bored on a weekend or something.  This year we finally got a DVR, so we've been using that more and more and its much more convenient.  We still use the VCR from time to time, but fairly rarely at this point.  With DVRs (or Tivo), DVDs, and even online content it seems like you don't have to use them as much anymore.  Our VCR in our main living area seems to be pooping out now, and we're debating on whether or not to even get another one at all.  We have another VCR in our basement (DVD/VCR combo actually), so we're still set for things that are currently only on VHS (like family home videos, wedding video, etc.) - but I'm guessing we'll eventually get those converted to DVD as well.  Anyways, just curious if anyone here still uses a VCR or if you even have one (or many) hooked up in your home?

Watto's Junk Yard / Your Opinion on a Possible Christmas Idea
« on: November 22, 2006, 10:44 AM »
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I wanted to get some of your opinions on a Christmas gift idea my wife and I were thinking about.  We have two nephews (ages 7 and 5), and we're in the process of picking up their Christmas presents.  They have always had an interest in Star Wars, I think particularly because of me, but the only movie they have seen is AOTC.  They know the basics from toys/commercials (they know "Skywalker", Vader, Yoda, Chewie and Stormtroopers), but I've always wanted to show them a little bit of the Original Trilogy.  I know they've never seen any of the movies.  Anyways, my question is, we can't afford to get them the whole trilogy with the other toys/etc. we've gotten them, but I thought about picking up one of the movies for them while th single disc versions are available.  Although Empire is my favorite, and Jedi might be more "kid" friendly, I was leaning towards the original Star Wars (A New Hope) because it is a fairly self contained story, introduces all the characters (Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Vader, Obi-Wan, etc.), and it was the one that captured so many of us years ago.  Do you think kids these days would enjoy these the way we did, or would I be better off getting them one of the Clone Wars DVDs or maybe even Revenge of the Sith?  I'd really like to show them some of the OT, but maybe they wouldn't find it as interesting as so many of us did/do.  I know many of you have kids, or maybe just opinions on this, and I was curious what you thought about this idea.  Thanks for any advice.

The Original Trilogy / Proto-Fett: The Birth of Boba
« on: October 20, 2006, 12:47 PM »
Kind of an interesting article on the origin and beginnings of Boba Fett is up at the Official Site.  They even have a slideshow taken from an early screen test shown to Lucasfilm insiders (in his original "white" costume).  I wonder what this character would have been like had he been dressed in all white in the movies.  Its kind of a fun read, and really takes me back to when I was a kid and we would sit around trying to figure out what his origins were, and what he looked like under the helmet.  He was cool then, and still is now ;).

Saga Collection '06 / State of the Hobby
« on: October 18, 2006, 12:17 PM »
After reading various posts over the past few weeks/months about some collectors losing interest, prices possibly going up, the continuing trend of repacks, kids' general disinterest in action figures in general - it got me to thinking about the state of our hobby.  Obviously, the collector landscape seems to be changing a little - with more and more people migrating towards the higher end products (if they can afford it), and - possibly due to the many years of collecting, higher prices, and/or repacks other issues - are cutting back on Hasbro product.

At this point, what do you think the state of our collecting hobby is?  Although it might be due to some overshipping, it seems like our stores (especially Wal-Mart) is just packed with figures from the Greatest Battles, Heroes and Villains, and Endor waves.  Even to the point where (although I haven't gone looking in a week plus) I could fairly easily find clones, gunners, and other army builders.  I know I've seen the same Shocktrooper even hanging on the Target pegs for close to a month now - which surprises me.  Do you think interest is waning a lot in the line, or is just that "time of year" where things are slower, aside from a glut of figures most of us already have - so it seems like the pegwarming problem is worse than usual.  I don't collect a lot of other lines - mainly Spidey/Marvel - so I can't necessarily give a great comparison, but I do try to take a look at some of the other areas to see what is selling and I wonder if other lines have the same pegwarming/sell through problem that Star Wars occasionally has.

That said, there are times where it is next to impossible to find the new stuff too, so it is still selling.  But, then again, around here one person could clear out the new wave when it first arrives in one trip.  Sometimes the "new wave" restocks are slow to show up.  I also noticed, at least at our local Wal-Mart, that Star Wars seems to be low on their totem pole.  We basically have three aisles of action figure/related stuff.  The first (main/highest traffic) aisle has stuff like Turtles, Power Rangers, Avatar, and Sigma Six....the second aisle has Superman Returns, DC Superheroes, Spidey, Marvel Legends/etc., and Pirates of the Caribbean.  The final aisle has a small section of Star Wars, and then the rest is mostly seasonal stuff (some Transformers too I believe).  On the other side of things, it seems like Target and TRU have a nice section devoted to Star Wars (or at least on par with other lines).

Anyways - long post to get my point across - but what do you think the state of the line is right now?  Are people (collectors and kids) losing interest, or is it just a down time now with few new figures and lots of repacks?  Is there just too much product out there (figures, Transformers, Unleashed BP, Force Battlers, Galactic Heroes, etc.) that people are getting "Star Warsed out"?  There are just piles of the Falcon Transformers everywhere I go, Target is already clearancing the 7" Unleashed that have barely been there a month or so, and it just seems like a lot of product is sitting right now.  Where do you see our hobby at now, and where is it headed?  I sometimes wonder if the "kids" that came on board with the prequels will be collecting in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond the way much of our generation has (or came back to collecting later on, as we have)  The world's definitely a different place than it was in the 70s/80s and even 90s, so maybe that isn't that realistic anyways.  What is our hobby looking like to you?

I'm not sure what forum this exactly fits in, since it kind of covers all the time from vintage to now - but I thought I'd place it here.  If it doesn't belong, feel free to move it mods :).  I was just thinking about this today.  If we wouldn't have had the prequel movies, and the Original Trilogy is all we ever had from the Star Wars movie universe - would we have seen more product?  Would some of the other companies involved ever have come about?

The Star Wars action figure line was relaunched in 95 with the Special Editions on the horizon.  Say that still happened, but there were no "new" movies beyond that.  We probably still would have seen the Special Editions released in theatres, but I know that was in part to promote the new Star Wars on the way (TPM) as well.  What do you think the Star Wars collecting landscape would look like now, had Lucas decided to just leave the Saga as is with the three original movies?

Of course, the prequels - ROTS in particular - have really created a lot of new collectors and interest recently, but we've always had a strong fanbase.  Things fizzled out in 1985 with the vintage line, but there wasn't necessarily the collector market then that there is now.  Heck, quite a few of us were kids then and some of us weren't even born yet.  When I see all the different movie, TV, and other franchises out there that have action figures/statues/other products (comics, LOTR, Simpsons, LOST, Trek, Galactica, and many, many more) I'd have to think we'd at least be seeing something in the way of Star Wars product.  There would likely still be the replicas and some of the other higher end stuff, since those companies cover a number of movie/TV licenses.  Would we still be seeing action figures?  Maybe not at retail, but in some sort of special order/online type of line?  Would we have even seen great things like the VOTC/VTSC if we never had the prequels?  It would definitely be a different collecting world, and to be honest, it (Star Wars) might have even effected the development or creation of other action figure lines.  Many of those might not even be here if it wasn't for the ongoing success of Star Wars, and other companies/lines trying to imitate that formula.

Anyways, long story/question short, what do you think Star Wars collecting would look like if the prequels wouldn't have happened?  Not saying they shouldn't have happened, or that we dislike them, I'm just curious if you think Star Wars movies from the 70s/80s would still have the power to support the product we see today.  I'm thinking we still might have seen the POTF2 line, or at least the early part of it, as the Special Editions were released and beyond that its tougher to say.  I think a specialty line could always be supported, but would Hasbro/Kenner have even messed with that - or maybe let the license go?  I'm just curious what some of your thoughts would be.  If there was a line (or lines) what would they look like as far as number of releases, online/retail, etc.?

The Original Trilogy / Star Wars Trilogy Soundtracks
« on: September 26, 2006, 02:56 PM »
I wasn't sure where this belonged in the forums, but I thought I'd ask it here.  I've always wanted to get the OT soundtracks, but have just never gotten around to it.  I was wondering if there is anything I should know when looking for these - is there one version that is better than the other, more expansive, etc.?  I know there were soundtracks out with the re-releases in 1997, and then again with the DVD release in 2004, and I'm sure several other times.  I was thinking about getting the actual CDs, since I thought there might be some nice material included - but if not, I see the albums are available on iTunes as well.  What would you recommend as the best option (price and extras wise) to pick up?  Thanks for any advice.

Watto's Junk Yard / Spaceballs: The Animated Series
« on: September 21, 2006, 12:02 PM »
According to TVGuide, it sounds like Mel Brooks and company is currently in development on Spaceballs: The Animated Series - set to debut on cable network G4 in late 2007.

Edit: Bad/redirected link removed.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: September 20, 2006, 11:25 AM »
I must have missed this last week (posted on Friday the way it looks), but over at the Galactic Hunter Blog they have a few rumors about a possible (large) action figure line accompanying the upcoming Clone Wars 3D cartoon.  Grain of salt and all of that, but I just thought I'd pass it along here in case anyone else had missed it like I did.  Sounds interesting.

Saga Collection '06 / Have You/Could You Give up the Basic Line?
« on: September 19, 2006, 10:43 AM »
This is stemming a bit out of some of the posts in the "future of" thread.  It seems like more and more people are stopping collecting the basic (Hasbro) figure line, cutting back, or maybe thinking about one or the other.  I was curious to hear some of your thoughts on this.  Have you already given it up, or cut back considerably?  Are you thinking about it?  Or, is there a specific point in the line (or maybe a specific figure or figures) that would be the point of "ok, I've got what I want now" and call it quits.  With more and more people opting for the higher end stuff all the time, I'm curious how much life the line has in it.  It sounds like next year could be a bigger year with toys based on this upcoming video game and/or cartoon, as well as some nice figures that we got a glimpse of at Comic Con - but things do seem to be slowing down overall.  Are you at the point where you feel you are "almost done", or maybe you've already passed this point....or maybe you are in it for the long haul.  How do you feel about the line, and your personal collecting in the future.  What is driving you away (feel complete, other collectibles, or just tired of collecting in general)?

Personally, I think I'll always collect the basic figure line in some capacity.  It is starting to get the point where there might not be a whole lot of all-new figures that I necessarily "need", since we really are getting some background characters at this point.  Of course, I'll pick them up if/when they get made - but I don't know that I need them to feel complete.  A lot of the figures I look forward to now are what are essentially resculpts - whether it be in the VTSC line or in the regular basic line.  New figures are nice too of course, and I always look forward to those.  I've always leaned a little more towards the OT, so when you take out the nice PT clones/Jedi that could be on the way, there might not be a whole lot left to do (as far as all-new characters) in the OT.  At least not to the point that it could drive a line.  The background stuff is great, but after a couple of years they could have much of that covered as well.  Anyways, I'd likely be in this in some capacity til the end (as long as it wasn't all repacks) - but I could see cutting back more and more.  I like the high end stuff as well, and would collect it more if I could afford it, but its always started with the action figures for me - it would be tough to give those up.

Watto's Junk Yard / Current/Future Video Game Systems - Opinions?
« on: September 5, 2006, 04:02 PM »
With all the "next gen" systems starting to hit (or coming this fall), it seems like we're really starting into a new area of gaming.  Where my friends and I used to get a new system when they came out (back in the days of NES/SNES/Genesis/PS1/etc.), now its getting to the point where the prices are getting so high its harder to justify the spending.

Personally, the last game system I bought was the Nintendo Gamecube.  At the time, I got it because it was the most affordable and because I really wanted the Rogue Leader game (which was GC only then).  Also, along with some of the other Star Wars games, some superhero-type games (or movie), and sports games - that's pretty much all I play.  I also got the Nintendo at the time thinking I would buy some of the Mario/Metroid/Zelda games that were on the way, bringing back the nostalgia of the original NES.  Anyways, I have been happy with the Gamecube, but it does seem to be a little more limited as to what games it carries.  Now it looks like 2006 will be the last year that has new games for the Cube, at least according to the releases listed on IGN.

Going into the future of gaming, how many of you are planning on buying a new system?  The 360 is out, the PS3 is on its way (in $400/$500 ranges the way it sounds), and the Nintendo Wii is supposed to be out before the end of the year (at I read around $250 pricetag).  I'm not sure that I could justify getting a new system at the new prices, although if the Wii was $250 it might at least be an option.  I've also thought about getting a handheld system, since they are cheaper, but I've never owned one.  Or, I might just have to hang up on getting a new system altogether.  I guess I was just curious what many of you were thinking about video games as we move ahead into the next generation now.  Things are more expensive than ever before (hardware and software), and I guess I personally don't have as many "gaming hours" as I did in high school and college.  Are you getting a new system - if so, which one?, sticking with a current one, or just passing altogether?

The Original Trilogy / Favorite Version/Look of the Characters?
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:22 PM »
Out of the characters in the OT - I guess the main characters mostly - what are your favorite "looks" (or clothing/outfit) of each of the characters?  Do you prefer one over the other?  Do you like the "classic" looks how they originally appeared in Star Wars/ANH, or do you like some of the later versions better?  I guess I'm thinking more of the movie appearances, not necessarily what action figure you like the best.  Just a few examples - feel free to add any others:

Luke Skywalker
Tatooine/Farm Boy
Stormtrooper Disguise
Yavin Ceremony
X-Wing Pilot
Hoth Snowspeeder
Endor (Poncho)
Jedi Knight

Han Solo
Stormtrooper Disguise
Yavin Ceremony (basically the same as Cantina)
Carbonite (if you want to count this version)

Princess Leia Organa
White Gown/ANH
Yavin Ceremony
Boussh Disguise
Jabba's Slave
General (Endor/ROTJ)
Endor (Poncho)
Ewok Village

Lando Calrissian
Smuggler's Gear
Skiff Disguise

Darth Vader - just minor differences, but maybe some have preference
Star Wars/A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Anakin/Vader without Helmet

And, even though they are different "troops", which design do you like the best?

TIE Pilot
AT-AT Driver
Biker Scout

Others (Chewie, R2, 3PO, Yoda) stay pretty much the same throughout the movies, although there are some small differences.  What looks do you like the best?  I pretty much like all of the looks in the OT, and the SW/ANH are often the "iconic" versions, but I have always sort of liked the Bespin outfits.  Luke and Han in particular, and Leia as well.  Of course, my favorite two action figures (that I had) as a kid were the Endor Han and Jedi Luke.  They're all good, but I was just curious what some of your favorites were.

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