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Topics - Jeff

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Kubricks / Winter WF'08 Wicket (Ewoks Version) Be@r 2-Pack
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:23 PM »

100% & 400% Be@rbrick Wicket (Ewoks Version)
- Winter WonderFestival 2008 Exclusive
- limited to 2008 pieces (500 at the show, 1508 through the website)
- sells for 6090 Yen (~ $57 US, but you can expect to pay more)

I will definitely be adding them to my Be@r collections.  :)

30th Anniversary Collection / TRU "Hoth Patrol" Battle Pack
« on: January 18, 2008, 12:18 AM »
It first showed up at Celebration IV.  Then, at SDCC'07 we found out it was coming in 2008 as an exclusive.

Now, we know "who" picked it up - Toys R Us.  No idea on the "when" just yet, but if it's this far along, it must be sooner rather than later...  ;)

Box full of repacks?  An easy "pass" for me...  ;)

1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / Sideshow 12" ANH Luke Skywalker
« on: January 10, 2008, 10:26 PM »
Yep, another Luke...

Well of the Souls / Indiana Jones & Toy Fair 2008
« on: January 9, 2008, 12:36 AM »
So... what are you all hoping to see at Toy Fair?

I'm hoping to see more from Hasbro than just the upcoming KotCS stuff.  It would be nice to get a look at some of the things that they are planning for TLC and ToD.  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / The Great 2008 Collector's Challenge
« on: January 1, 2008, 09:35 PM »
Time for... The Official Thread for 2008.   :)

For Reference:
The Great 2007 Collector's Challenge
The Great 2006 Collector's Challenge
The Great 2005 Collector's Challenge
The Great 2004 Collector's Challenge


I am really, really hoping to get my spending back below the $1500 per year mark this year. 

I haven't been able to keep my spending that low since I started the Kubrick thing in late 2004 (damn 'brick addiction), but that won't stop me from trying to limit things (and failing miseably) in 2008.  ;)

30th Anniversary Collection / TFU Stormtrooper Commander
« on: December 20, 2007, 10:32 PM »
Another new pic making the rounds this week...

Well of the Souls / Hasbro Indy Adventure Heroes
« on: December 14, 2007, 03:17 PM »
Since it was hard to separate out the AH talk from the other SDCC and speculation threads, I thought I'd start this one fresh -

Wave 1:

We also know based on the SDCC pics that RotLA Marion is coming eventually too...

This line is an easy choice for me - the boys love the GH figures, so I er, we will definitely pick these up... :)

Well of the Souls / Gentle Giant Indy Statues
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:19 AM »
Indy Statue #1 - Indiana Jones on Horse:

From GG:
Galloping his way into your collection, this 7-inch scale statue of Indy stands 11 inches tall and will retail for $210.

Look for it in July 2008! :)

Well of the Souls / Gentle Giant Indy Mini-Busts
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:17 AM »
GG Indy Mini-Bust #1 - Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones:

From GG:
The Indiana Jones mini bust depicts Indy in his trademarked leather jacket, fedora and whip from Raiders of the Lost Ark.  Standing 7.5 inches tall Indy and retails for $55. 

Look for it in July 2008!  :)

The Legacy Collection / Legacy Wave 2 - Clone Wars Micro-Series
« on: December 7, 2007, 09:11 PM »
Let the speculation begin!   :)

From Hasbro:

Wave 3 will feature one character that will be an upgrade over a previous character released in an early 2007 Battle Pack. The rest of the characters in the wave will be from the same source (movie or otherwise) as that character. That's more than enough hint to get started, and that's all we'll say for right now!



Pre-Orders begin December 14th 2007 at 10AM PDT.

I may have to break down and pick up my first Sideshow 12" figure.   :-\

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Clone Wars Preview Figure - Captain Rex
« on: November 9, 2007, 02:43 PM »
OK, one of the things that popped up during the JD downtime was a SSG story on a possible preview figure for the 2008 Clone Wars line...


Looks like you can buy any 4 Saga Legends figures or 30AC figures and use the UPCs... here's hoping it's something that is worth army building as I have a LOT of UPCs from the last 12 months.  ;)

OK, so the rumors are finally officially confirmed - a large number of the 2007 figures will be re-released in 2008 with stands instead of coins.  I guess at this point in Hasbro's history, I really shouldn't be surprised by this, but it still blows my mind. 

Wave 8/9 will get here in Nov/Dec, then in January many of the same figures (Droideka, Fatigues Clone, Vanguard, Hakbat Clone, etc) will show up again with stands instead of coins.  I guess I'd understand if they repacked older figures with stands like they did in 2006 (or in Legends), but grabbing wave 7/8/9 figures that are only a month or two old and recarding them already?  Can you say OVERKILL?   ::)

Again, I know I shouldn't be surprised based on Hasbro's history, but it still makes me wonder sometimes...  and it makes me very glad I finally killed my whole "carded collecting" thing.   ;)

Other Collectibles / Gentle Giant Animated Princess Leia Monument
« on: September 20, 2007, 06:01 PM »
Life-size Animated Leia Monument.  No Joke:

It should be in the next issue of Previews magazine - around $800 bucks and is around 5 feet tall.

I thought that the Life-size Yoda they did was crazy... but this, this is crazy.  :o

(ps. don't poke your eyes out on those things...  :-X)

Watto's Junk Yard / Price of toys to increase 10% in 2008?
« on: September 14, 2007, 12:15 PM »
My pal Mike pointed something out to me today... apparently industry experts are expecting the price of toys to increase about 10% after Christmas (since most stores have their Holiday Orders set already).

The higher oils prices affect so many things - cost of raw materials (plastic), cost of shipping (raw materials and finished goods) plus added costs for the new set of safety testing (at both manufacturer and retailer levels) after all the recent lead-based scares.  It all leads to the presumed price increases...

So, will we see $7.75 for Star Wars figures in 2008?   Will high prices ultimately be what kills the line? 

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