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Messages - Brian

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Television Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 01:33 PM »
Thought about checking out Lost as well, looked kind of good from the previews that have been shown.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: 2004 NEW NEWS ON SANDCRAWLER
« on: September 16, 2004, 01:30 PM »
Just curious who here is planning on ordering/pre-ordering the Sandcrawler (or maybe already have)?  Which place are you going with to purchase it?  I'd kind of like to get one, although it is usually more than I like to spend on one item.  But, I never had one as a kid, and it looks pretty cool (although undersized).  Anyways, who here is picking one (or more) up, and where are you planning on ordering it through?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Television Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 09:55 AM »
Well, the new television seasons are slowly staggering out and starting now, so what shows are you looking forward to returning, or new shows starting?

NBC has rolled out most of their new seasons, with ABC and CBS following suit in the next week or so I think.  Fox has a few new shows, but many favorites won't be debuting until November (after baseball).

Here's some shows that my wife and I watch, and try to catch pretty regularly:

Scrubs (NBC) - Maybe its just me, but I think this is one of the funniest shows on television.  Probably our overall favorite show right now, and we don't miss it.  If you are willing, check it out, I think you'll enjoy it. (9:30/8:30 Central)

Arrested Development (FOX) - Not debuting until November 7, but we caught the entire first season (and will be picking it up on DVD next month), and this is a very funny show.  It is a little bit different type of humor, but we really like it.  Definitely a show to give a chance if you have the time, and it will be shown right after the next show.....

The Simpsons (FOX) - Everyone knows about this show.  Some say that the quality has fallen off as it has gone on, but I for one still enjoy it and am really glad it is continuing.  Another show that doesn't debut until November (14th? I think).

Family Guy (FOX/Cartoon Network) - A little ways off yet (2005), but we're looking forward to catching the new episodes of Family Guy.  We watch the reruns regularly on Adult Swim (as well as Futurama).  Now if they would only bring Futurama back as well.

Smallville (WB) - Actually only saw this show a couple of times during its first few years, but we've been catching the reruns over the summer, and it is a pretty good show.  Maybe its the fact that it is based on a comic book hero, but we've really enjoyed watching it this summer...I think we'll try to catch it this season if we can.

That 70s Show (FOX) - Another show we catch pretty regularly.  Maybe not "as funny" to me personally as Scrubs or Arrested Development, but still pretty consistent and quite enjoyable.  Plus, its always good for a couple Star Wars references per season.  This is one Fox show that has debuted already.

Other Shows.....

We catch shows such as Everybody Loves Raymond (last season), King of Queens, and Still Standing on CBS.  All are fairly funny I think, but not ones that we "must see" necessarily.  Hadn't really watched King of Queens much either until this summer, and have started to enjoy it more and more.  My wife originally started watching "The OC" last summer, and eventually got me hooked as well.  I know, that is sad, but we will probably be watching the second season as well.  Although I know some people absolutely hate it just to hate it, we have been catching "Joey" so far, because we were fans of the Friends series.  The first episode was ok, funny in spots, but nothing spectacular.  Will probably continue to watch it though.  Also caught the first couple shows of "Father of the Pride" on NBC, for the most part.  It is an animated "adult" comedy (how it was advertised), much along the lines of Shrek (from the same creators).  Not too bad, nothing spectacular here either though.  We are also good to watch the "home shows" from time to time on TLC....Clean Sweep and Trading Spaces being the most common ones we see.  Otherwise, the rest of our TV viewing time consists of sports, cable/VH1 special type stuff, old shows from Nick at Nite or TV Land, and the occasional cartoon (Justice League, The Batman, old Spidey/X-Men reruns, and occasionally Nickelodeon stuff).  Oh, and of course, Adult Swim.  Seems like a lot of TV I guess, but it is one of our main forms of entertainment.  After working out in the early morning, working all day, then walking the dog and house work, we're usually ready to plop in front of the tube at night.  Really just a few "mainstays" that we catch each week anymore though.  Kind of "sitcom" type people, and those are either getting not so good anymore, or falling by the wayside.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Hasbro Update: 2005 Figures
« on: September 16, 2004, 09:07 AM »
I just saw that report as well.  The army building figures are nice to see, although it is strange to see Han, Chewie, and Yoda there again.  It would be nice if they were new figures (or VOTC re-releases), but I highly doubt it.  I'm a big Han and Chewie (and Yoda) fan, but if they re-release the sames ones already found in the OTC (and other places), that is really getting out of hand.  The Dagobah Yoda is a nice (and new) figure, so if that is out again I suppose it wouldn't be so bad...but if they are going to re-release another Han and Chewie, I think I'd rather see different ones, like the POTJ Bespin Han or the Cloud City Chewie (or the VOTC versions, if possible).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Sesame Street
« on: September 15, 2004, 03:43 PM »
I see now that I was wrong, the correct spelling is Snuffleupagus.  :)  I know what you mean Jeff, I started to think the same thing about the Sesame Kubricks.  Whatever happened to the toy line, is it tanked for now?  Last I read (from you Scott) was that it was delayed until December and that the company that was making them filed for bankruptcy.  Hopefully they'll find their way out yet, I might be tempted to pick up a couple.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Sesame Street
« on: September 15, 2004, 02:48 PM »
This thread jogged some nostalgia for me, so while looking up info on Sesame Street....I came across this site, pretty good for character info:

Sesame Encyclopedia

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Sesame Street
« on: September 15, 2004, 02:43 PM »
Wow, that sounds like things have changed quite a bit.  I guess if kids still enjoy it, that's good...that's who it is for, but I think it was a pretty strong show the way it was ran when we were growing up.

Too bad to hear about Grover, that's how I remembered him too...being funny.  The "near/far" stuff, the skits where he played a waiter in a restaurant, things like that were pretty funny.  That's funny you mentioning "Sesame Street on Ice" Jeff, I remember wanting to go to that pretty badly when I was a wee lad.  Ah...nostalgia...Sesame Street was good times.  I watched 321 Contact and the Electric Company as well.  Always remember being pretty psyched when Spider-Man was on the Electric Company.  Let's about some favorites of the Sesame Street characters (from what I can recall right now):

Cookie Monster
Snuffaluffagus (sp?)
Barkley (didn't do much, but I always have been a dog person)
Don't remember their names...Aliens (yep yep yep, uh huh, uh huh)
the Count
Kermit (really liked the Muppets, enjoyed the "cross-over")
Big Bird
Telly (sp?)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Sesame Street
« on: September 15, 2004, 02:17 PM »
Although I haven't really seen "the Street" in quite some time, I do think you make some great points Scott.  I was raised on a fairly healthy dose of Sesame Street as well, and I do think I learned a lot of things early on because of it.  Heck, I can sometimes still remember lots of the skits from those days, they just seem to pop into my head every so often.  It really was a great show in its heyday, hopefully the new incarnation isn't too bad either.  Glad to hear your kiddo enjoys it.  By the way, not to be ignorant, but what happened to Grover?  He was always one of my favorites as a kid.  Hopefully Cookie Monster is still in the house as well ;)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Kneel Before Zod!!
« on: September 15, 2004, 01:31 PM »
Happy belated birthdays to Alan and KBZ.  Hope both of you had great birthdays!

The Original Trilogy / Re: Star Wars Trilogy DVD Impressions
« on: September 14, 2004, 03:35 PM »
I always thought that sounded a little off too, glad to hear it has been spruced up.  Can't wait for these DVDs, nice reviews Tydirium.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: OTC DVD Sets
« on: September 14, 2004, 03:21 PM »
I'm kind of undecided on these sets.  Like many of you, I do have all of these figures already....but part of me thinks I might end up picking them up.  I'm not usually one to care about packaging, since I'm an opener, but it might be a nice, "something different" part to the collection.  I think I will pick up the ESB set for sure, because of the characters, but I'm not sure about the others.  I heard a $9.96 pricepoint for these too, which...while they are repacks...isn't so bad when you think about it.  3 to 4 figures for $10.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: VH1's "Totally Obsessed"
« on: September 14, 2004, 02:35 PM »
Actually, I noticed on the series' page on that there are some messages posted.  The woman who was the LOTR person had posted on there a few times (says that it is her anyways), and it sounds like VH1 producers had her do some things out of the ordinary to make it a little crazier (along with editing).  Either way, the show is something to check out....entertaining if nothing else I guess. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / VH1's "Totally Obsessed"
« on: September 14, 2004, 02:09 PM »
Has anyone happened to see this show?  I've come in at the tail end of it twice, so don't really have a full grasp for it, but what I did see was kind of.....yikes.  Basically, the show chronicles the lives of "superfans" of particular areas.  You can read a few details at the above link about what has been covered (no Star Wars...yet...but I'm sure it is coming).  One that I happened to see was a woman "obsessed" with Lord of the Rings.  She of course had all the merchandise, but the "odd" thing was her relationship with life size cardboard cut outs of the characters.  They had footage of her playing "duck duck goose" in the front yard with them, and also taking Smeagol and Gollum out to eat with her family (which she apparently does quite often).  She then proceeds to do their voices, arguing whether they want chicken or fish (if i remember right) to eat, when the server asks for their orders.  I also saw part of a guy "obsessed" with Pac-Man, which was just....a  Not judging though, to each their own.  Just in case anyone was wondering, both people I saw were married (and the woman had children).  Definitely some odd behavior in some people's opinions I am sure, and you just know a Star Wars one has to be on the horizon.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football
« on: September 14, 2004, 01:54 PM »
Yeah, I lost a receiver right away too (C. Rogers), and he couldn't even manage to get a catch or something before he broke that collarbone :P  It is sad when you see a player lose extended time (or entire seasons) in back to back years like that though.  I staged a heck of a comeback in my head to head matchup with dustrho (thanks to Ahman Green), but ultimately came up 0.67 points short...blimey! ;)

Other Toy Lines / Re: McFarlane Sportspicks
« on: September 14, 2004, 10:55 AM »
Not sure if anyone is really interested in the NBA Sportspicks other than me, but I see they have pictures of Series 7 online HERE

I know that I'll be on the lookout for this one:

Also, on the subject of Sportpicks, what is the average retail for these figures?  I guess I could just check the stores next time, which I will probably do, but just thought I'd post it while I was thinking of it.  I was considering picking up an Ahman Green (not really a Packers fan, but he is my favorite player), and I see it is available online at Amazon for $10.99 I believe.  Just curious if that was about right, or a little high.  I guess it might be my best bet, because I doubt many are available here in Lincoln ;)  I did see one at one time, but skipped it because I had picked up some Star Wars stuff already.  Anyways, thanks for any info/advice.

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