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Messages - Brian

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Hall of Justice / Re: Mattel Batman
« on: September 13, 2004, 02:01 PM »
Anyone actively collecting anything Bats-related right now?  I really haven't been, although I have considered it from time to time.  Since I'm trying to actually "cut back" on figure purchases, I'm doing my best to stay away.  Anyone picking up the new animated series figures?  I have seen them around on toy runs, although I haven't really looked too closely at them.  The Batmobile they have out doesn't look too bad though, and we almost picked it up for our nephews, looks like it would be fun.  I actually happened to catch the new "The Batman" animated series last Saturday, and it wasn't too bad.  It was definitely no "Batman: The Animated Series", but I guess it was nice to see Bats have his own show on Saturday mornings again.  Plus, I'd rather kiddos watch something like this than Poke-Yu-Gi-Duel Masters Supremo show.  Plus, I always enjoy a good superhero cartoon now and then.

Anyways, reading comments the other day on the forums (between Scott and Brent if I remember right), talking about Batmobiles, made me think of the Batman line again.  He was my other favorite hero, outside of Spidey, growing up...and really outside of the Justice League/Superfriends stuff, the main DC hero I was into as a kid.  I will admit I am looking forward to the movie next year too, hopefully it won't disappoint.  Just wondering if anyone out there is collecting anything Bats (maybe the animated line is all that is new right now, not sure), or if you are considering it in the future?  Or even, what does your current collection consist of (did you collect the original B:TAS stuff, etc.?).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Funny Movie Edits...
« on: September 13, 2004, 12:00 PM »
One time we caught a little of the movie "Mallrats" on USA, if I remember correctly.  The dubbing on that was pretty funny.  If anyone has seen the movie, there is a part where Brody is describing "when I'm relaxed, I squirt"...referencing that he farts, in the edit he says "when I'm relaxed, I get sick".  Not really sure how "squirt" was inappropriate for television, but it was funny that they fixed it that way.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL 2004
« on: September 13, 2004, 11:14 AM »
Some thoughts....

-Culpepper=Good, Vikes could be tough this year.

-Broncos Running Game still looks nice (without Portis), with Quentin Griffin going for 150+.  As a Broncos fan, this is nice to see, hopefully it continues.  A win over KC is always nice too.

-Charles Rogers injured (collarbone) again.  Kind of sad to see this happen to any player, come all the way back from an injury and just get hurt again.  Hopefully he's not out the entire season, and not just because he's on my fantasy team :P  Always had a soft spot for the Lions for some reason, hopefully they can still be an improved team this year...maybe even .500

-Cincinnati could compete again this year.  Although they lost, they didn't give up...and Carson Palmer didn't look half bad.  Too bad for Kitna though, after the year he had last season.

-Although I'm not a big fan of his...heck of a debut for T.O. in Philly.  Looks like that could be a tough combo this year...still not quite sure if they are Super Bowl team or not, but very possible.

Anyways, glad to see the full NFL schedule on Sunday...nice to have it back.  Seems like football season came up faster than usual this year though.  Best of luck to everyone's teams this year.  Green Bay vs. Carolina tonight should be a good one.  Not necessarily a big Packers fan, but always root for Ahman Green, and hope he at least does well.

The Original Trilogy / Re: A&E Empire of Dreams Comments...
« on: September 13, 2004, 09:59 AM »
I noticed that too, and was telling my wife about it later on....the movie really looked pretty bad in those initial cuts.  I will admit, after hearing more about the troubles Lucas had in actually getting "Star Wars" out to the theatres, you have to respect that.  He has done some things wrong over the years, but to be honest, I still really thank him for getting his idea on the screen for all of us to enjoy.

The Original Trilogy / Re: A&E Empire of Dreams Comments...
« on: September 13, 2004, 09:25 AM »
Chewie's, "That Old Man's Mad." just rocked.

Ever wanted to know what Chewie said about Obi-Wan?  There ya have it, straight from the wookie's mouth.

Reminiscent of "Oh ****, Spaceballs...  There goes the planet", isn't it?

I found that pretty funny too.  Also, hearing David Prowse doing Vader's lines on set really makes you appreciate James Earl Jones even more :P.  I really enjoyed the documentary, and look forward to seeing the "full version" on the DVD.  Really brings up the nostalgia even more, once again.  It probably sounds ultra nerdy, but while watching stuff like this (particularly about the OT), it really reminds me "boy, I like Star Wars".  Anyways, nice to see these Star Wars specials on TV....VH1 is up next :).

The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: September 13, 2004, 09:21 AM »
The Wal-Mart nearest us had the Fantastic Four boxset on Friday this week as well.  At one time I really wanted to pick this up, but have since had to scale back my figure buying (outside of Star Wars).  It was still quite tempting, since I didn't have any of the characters.  I did dig through them just to see if they had the variant set, to help someone else out.  No dice.  They did have about 6-8 sets on the shelves overall though.

Middle Earth / Re: LOTR Trilogy Figures
« on: September 13, 2004, 09:19 AM »
Nice to hear this wave is starting to show up.  I'm really looking forward to the Aragorn and Frodo personally.  I got into this late, and don't have versions of either of these characters yet, and was holding out to see what these were like.  If you have the time, when you open them Scott, I'd like to hear your opinions on both of these...if they are the "best" versions of these characters, or at least in these particular forms.  Even though the movies are through and done with, this is a line that continues to tempt me to expand it more and more.  The latest figures have all looked pretty spiffy.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Vehicle discussion/speculation!
« on: September 13, 2004, 08:26 AM »
I was wondering if these might start showing up soon.  This is a vehicle I'm actually really looking forward to.  I don't have a "Boba Fett" version of Slave I, and it is a ship I've always wanted to get a hold of.  Hopefully they won't be too hard to come by, vehicles often times are not, but with Fett...and the recent upswing in interest in Star never know.  Good luck in your hunts everyone.

Thanks for the shots Scott, I was taking a few to put up for LandotheScoundrel...but yours look clearer than what our camera is probably capable of anyways.  It was a nice surprise that the pattern ended up being on there.  I think Lando might be one of the best figures of the line so far, honestly.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Figure by Figure Game
« on: September 9, 2004, 03:35 PM »
Ok...I'll try:

620. Han Solo - Hoth Rescue (Blue Coat)

Other Collectibles / Re: What is Your Favorite "Other SW Collectible"?
« on: September 9, 2004, 03:20 PM »
Just bumping this up, wondering if anyone's "favorite" other collectible (in Star Wars) has changed...or maybe you've picked up a new line that is your current favorite.  I really enjoy everything I collect in Star Wars, and I am still tempted on a weekly basis to join the ranks of the Kubrick collectors (maybe once I have some more $ to spend), but I think one line that I am really digging right now is the Unleashed series.  This is a line I hope continues on for quite some time, as long as it makes sense, and there are tons of figure options available for them to still visit.  There aren't so many of them each year that we get over saturated with them either, which helps to keep it fresh I think.  Plus, I can't afford the great product put out by Gentle Giant really right now, so it is a nice "statue/adult collectible" alternative for me personally.  I also really enjoy the Galactic Heroes line, which is just fun, and relatively inexpensive to collect.  Any lines you are particularly enjoying right now in the Star Wars world?

Not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere or not, but I cracked open the VOTC Lando, and the inside of his cape does have the pattern.  I know the first pictures made it appear as if it was solid colored, and not patterned like the POTJ one, but this one does have a pattern.  It isn't exactly the same as the POTJ one, but a little more detailed.  Nice surprise at least, Lando really turned out to be a great figure...probably one of the best of this line, at least so far.

C-3PO on the other hand, I wasn't real impressed with.  It isn't the worst thing ever, but I think I like the "Hall of Fame" (or MMC one) I just picked up a month ago a little better to be honest with you.  The detailing is very nice, but the pose is odd, and something is just wrong with the facial/head sculpt, at least on mine.  His mouth, lower face in particular looks strange to me.  Then again, maybe its just me.  Happy to have him either way, but not quite the "knocked out of the park" 3PO I was hoping for.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Official Simpsons Toys Thread
« on: September 9, 2004, 02:46 PM »
Quick question for you Simpsons collectors.  I have always been interested and tempted to pick up a few (just a few) figures from this line.  I know that it has now been cancelled, but I was checking the Simpsons Collector Sector page today, and noticed an (older) news blurb about them re-releasing some of the earlier figures (main-ish characters).  I was curious if this was still going to happen, or if I should go on ebay if I do decide to get a few figures?

This is the article is was talking about.  Thanks!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: When Puppies Take the Law into Their Own Paws
« on: September 9, 2004, 01:30 PM »
Saw that this morning on the news as well, definitely serves that guy right for what he was doing/trying to do.  Funny how things work out, the Lord works in mysterious ways I guess.  Poor puppies...I see a few didn't make it.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NBA Offseason
« on: September 9, 2004, 12:00 PM » had an interesting article discussing who will be the new "villain" of the NBA, discussing the Lakers.  You can check it out HERE  I found it funny (and nice) to see that someone else noticed that Kobe tries to mimick his speech patterns and mannerisms after Michael Jordan.  My friend and I always wondered if it was just us.

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