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Messages - Jeff

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Feedback / Re: Morgbug's feedback
« on: November 23, 2005, 11:23 PM »
Brent sent me yet another speedy payment to complete our "large pile of loot" transaction.

Thanks Brent!   :)

Kubricks / Series 5
« on: November 23, 2005, 01:54 PM »
Per today's Medicom Update, it  looks like the TRU set is still on track for December!

Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial)
Imperial R5 Unit
Ten Numb
Wicket (Ewoks Cartoon) - guess that explains why they re-used the wicket mold  :P

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NHL 2005-2006 Thread
« on: November 23, 2005, 12:03 PM »
The Avs and the Wings renew one of the greatest rivalries in sports tonight. I can't wait. I've been looking forward to this game from the first day I looked at the schedule. It should be a great one.  :)

Hopefully the Wings can put up a good fight...

You'd have to imagine they will either come out flat because their thoughts are someplace else (Fischer) or they'll come out with all guns blazing looking to take their minds off the last game.

Either way, it will be interesting to see how the Wings respond to everything that has happened over the last few nights.

Kubricks / Series 5
« on: November 23, 2005, 10:24 AM »
I think its time for a new thread! This one is getting pretty long now.
Return of the Kubricks maybe?

Return otK was already used as part 3 I think...

Let's see there was:

New Star Wars Kubricks (part 1)
The Kubricks Strike Back (part 2)
Return of the Kubricks! (part 3)
Power of the Kubricks! (part 4)
Revenge of the Kubricks! (part 5)
Attack of the Kubricks! (current)

As for a new thread, I'll let Matt or Dale handle that one... at one point we discussed keeping just one thread from now on, but it is really hard to find anything in this one, especially for newbies trying to get info on upcoming series 5 (which is buried way in the middle of this beast).

The Kubrick Menace?

Do the pics show up now? I had this in a seperate thread...the pics might have been screwed up when someone moved my post...

The pictures work fine for me (I fixed the image tags when I smooshed your post in this thread). 

Sure!  Much better.   ;)


OK, I merged these all together because I thought it'd be a handy place for folks to update when they have a new photonovel they want people to check out...

That way, it's one thread and not a whole bunch of threads bumping the great customs threads!

And did someone change the title of this thread? 


Kubricks / Series 5
« on: November 22, 2005, 12:15 PM »
The transactions I`ve had with RoBby, they email and ask you to OK the charge.
Check out the invoice and if it is ok, just email back and say it is ok to charge it.

Thanks!  I sent off a reply saying "yes, please!"

Because I am ordering a full master case (4 boxes), I chose EMS (well, the fact that I am an impatient bastard also played into my decision  :)).


Saga Collection '06 / Re: Bonus Mini Hologram Figures
« on: November 22, 2005, 12:05 PM »
If it is truely random, I feel sorry for all the variation hunters.

Well, let's see -

Early reports on the figures say that the "good-guy" holos (Amidala, Han, Luke, Ben, Yoda, Rebel) will come with the "good guy" figures and the "bad guy" holos (Vader, Emperor, Maul, Dooku, Fett, Stormtrooper) will come with the "bad guy" figures.

So that means that each carded figure should only have 6 variants possible (barring any errors which may likely happen).  That means you carded uber-completists can look forward to:

   approximately 56 basic figures
@ approximately $6 each
X 6 holo pack-ins possible

= $2,016 total

And that is just for starters - each additional variant/running change adds another $36 to the total...  :P

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2005 Holiday Figure - Vader?
« on: November 22, 2005, 11:35 AM »
A question for anyone that ordered this guy...  Has your pre-order been changed?   :-\

I've been getting e-mails from people pointing out that the pre-order date is now January, but my pre-order still has a December 9th ship date stuck to it.

Upon investigating, it seems like:

- if you pre-ordered the Holiday Vader while he had the 104370 product number, you may still get yours in time for the holidays (ship date = Dec 9th)

- if you pre-order one now with the 104615 product number, you will have to wait until January to get your Vader

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Bonus Mini Hologram Figures
« on: November 22, 2005, 09:58 AM »
Hasbro has a nice update on these...

Q. The Star Wars basic figures for 2006 come with a hologram figure – how many figures are there?  Are they randomly-assigned?

A. The hologram figures are randomly-assigned – there are 12 in all:
• Emperor Palpatine
• Darth Maul
• Queen Amidala
• Darth Vader
• Yoda
• Count Dooku
• Boba Fett
• Han Solo
• Rebel Trooper
• Obi-Wan Kenobi
• Luke Skywalker
• Stormtrooper

Kubricks / Series 5
« on: November 22, 2005, 09:52 AM »
Just got an invoice from RoBby!

Me too!   ;D

Being my first transaction, do I need to respond to the e-mail or not? (it's kinda hard to tell)   ???

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL Regular Season 2005-06
« on: November 21, 2005, 05:17 PM »
Colts game was amazing and all I saw were the highlights.  Can't believe CBS showed the Chargers/Bills blowout instead. 

We got that game (Colts/Bengals) on the local CBS and I watched the first half...  it was nuts.

I thought for sure I was going to see an NFL record set for points.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: SAGA price hike?
« on: November 21, 2005, 05:08 PM »
Like with everything else right now, I am sure that the prices will list at $6.99 since the ROTS are listed usually at $5.88 or $5.99 depending on the store. The $4.97 or so price that we see now is an adjustment.

Yeah, I'd guess that the $6 price is probably going to be the start price.

I think the reason that Wal-Mart and Target can charge less ($4.79) is due to volume.  In other words, if Wal-Mart and Target are still ordering (and then selling) tons of figures, the price will stay low.

If the sales droop because it's a non-movie, non-TV year then you'll probaly see the $5.50-$6.00 range again.   :-\

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: November 21, 2005, 05:05 PM »
See what I mean?!?  These guys are all totally cruel, every last one of 'em.  Buncha internet bullies, they are...  >:(


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