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Messages - Jeff

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Covert Ops Clone Trooper
« on: September 20, 2005, 11:18 AM »
Is it just me or is this guy looking a bit better in the new Hasbro photo?

Less metallic and purple-y, more black and gray?  I guess it's just the lighting difference.  I'm still not exactly thrilled about shelling out $20 for one fancy clone....

JD Sports Forum! / Re: MLB Regular Season - 2005
« on: September 20, 2005, 10:58 AM »
I wonder if the Yankees are more likely to go through the Red Sox (1/2 game back) to take the AL East or go through the Indians (1 1/2 back) to take the wild card.

Well, if the Indians keep playing the way they are (especially beating up ChiSox last night), I think it'll be the White Sox that are on the outside looking in at Cleveland, Boston, and the Yanks...  :P

I can't believe that the Sox had a 15 game lead over Cleveland/Minnesota in August, and now it's down to 2.5 games!  Plus, I'd say that Cleveland has an easier schedule remaining...

Cleveland has the following 10 games left:
Chicago White Sox - 2 games
Kansas City - 4 games
Tampa Bay - 3 games
Chicago White Sox - 1 games

While Chicago has these 11 left:
Cleveland - 2 games
Minnesota - 4 games
Detroit - 4 games
Cleveland - 1 games

Too bad the Twins crapped out or they could be in the mix too...  :(

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« on: September 20, 2005, 10:30 AM »
EDIT: Jeff beats me to the punch.   :P

Yeah, but all I had was the pictures of the 501st that I got in an e-mail.  Thanks for the link to the index with the rest of them...    ;)

Man are those Holo figures lame.  I mean, sure I'll buy them (OCD), but that doesn't make them un-lame.  No offense to those that want to re-create a Holo Jedi Council, but I would rather have had Cody or a Mygeeto "Galactic Marine".

edit:  as an FYI, I have spun the #65 off into his own thread since I'm sure that once the word gets around, his #38 Gunner body will be a hot topic of ranting discussion...  ;)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: EP3 Clonetroopers
« on: September 20, 2005, 10:22 AM »
Now that we know the Red Commander's name, we just have to figure out the Green Commander's name.  Also, just to jump the gun, did it happen to say where Deviss was stationed (planet, division, that kind of thing)?

Well, given that the other Green Clone Commander's name is Gree, I'll go ahead and Dub the new Green #33 as Clone Commander Reen.  :P

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« on: September 20, 2005, 10:08 AM »
Let the speculation begin...

These pictures were e-mailed to me, but it looks like they came from a member over at Rebelscum who got the figures early... according to him (he hasn't opened them yet) you can see the AT-TE Gunner head under the helmet and it appears that it is definitely the AT-TE Gunner sculpt.   :-\

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Return of the Band with One Good Song
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:32 PM »
Thought I'd bump up this guy up as I'm getting pretty excited... I've got tickets to see tBwOGS* this Friday. 

The tix were my wife's B-Day present (she's a bigger tBwOGS fan than I am) and are on the main floor.  tBwOGS always put on a great show, and having seen the set list on-line (23 songs!), I'm pretty sure that this outing will be no different!


* = the Band with One Good Song

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Collectors Collections (at RS)
« on: September 19, 2005, 04:55 PM »
is anyone else consistently (and severely) underwhelmed by the collections that RS constantly shows on its front page?

I had a similar thought to yours when I saw this guy's collection featured on the main page a few weeks ago...

Azad Firat's "collection"

I guess it must be hard to be a collector in Turkey... but hey - different strokes for different folks I guess.

You know, with the front page mention (thanks JD!)

You are welcome!   ;)

My figure is progressing a bit slow (I finished up my Pilots whilie I waited for paint to dry on my BH), but I think I should have him done in time for the reveal next week.   :)

Anyone have any recomendations for a nice "tech" backpack?  I was thinking of using a modified Dash Rendar pack, but I don't really like it...

Revenge of the Sith / Re: NEW TIE Fighter
« on: September 19, 2005, 01:57 PM »
You know, I was just thinking about what if the price was lower? How many of these would I buy? I think they're great ships, but they are huge and take up a lot of space, so even if they were at a lower price point, I don't think I could pick up more than I bought already. And frankly, I don't have room enough for the ones I have. :P

Yeah I agree.  Even if they were only $30, I would have still only bought one.  I know others here probably would have bought more though at a cheaper price...

As for the $40 price tag, in the end it doesn't really bother me.  Of course I wish they were cheaper (who doesn't), but I guess I kinda understand it.  I figure, to get the correct cockpit, it cost me $30 plus shipping from KB, so to pay another $40 to get the new wings, it just the price I have to pay I guess. 

Sure, I could be all noble and say I hate it, but in the end I'm a sucker who paid the asking price so I've really got no place to complain.  If I really hated the price, I would have had the courage to pass on it.   :-\

Kubricks / Re: Kubricks and Minimates
« on: September 19, 2005, 11:44 AM »

I've managed to stay away from MArvel Kubricks (just can't afford to collect everything). 

I was considering trying to do the X-Men only, but then I saw the prices for some of the series 1 X-figures and the chase Nightcrawler and decided to stick to DC Kuby for now.   :P

Speaking of DC, the Batman Begins set is starting to hit ebay at a $33 price range...

Anyone grab it yet?  I'm waiting for the price to come down before I jump on this one...


Kubricks / Series 5
« on: September 19, 2005, 11:39 AM »
a bit quiet nowadays.. any news when the TRU set will be released?? or any star wars kubrick gonna be released next?  ::)

Hmmm... last I heard was 10-31 for Series 5 and then December for the next TRU Box set.  I haven't heard about them being delayed, so I think those are still the target dates.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Jeff's Custom Figures - Updated 9/17
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:18 AM »
I like the Porkins body with the Snivvian head.

Me too.   ;)

It gives him that "plump" look you'd expect from a pig-like ceature.  I had that Takeel head for a long time, never quite sure what to do with it.  Turned out pretty good with just a minor paint job to liven him up.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy hockey 2005 - Round 14/15 underway
« on: September 19, 2005, 09:54 AM »
Marc Denis, Col, G for the IceMuskies please.  On to Rob...

That's Col as in Columbus (Cls) and not Colorado (Col), correct?  :P

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy hockey 2005 - Round 14/15 underway
« on: September 18, 2005, 04:34 PM »
Sheldon Souray, Mon, D

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL Regular Season 2005-06
« on: September 18, 2005, 04:31 PM »
Woot, what a day for Daunte!

Only 233 yds with 3 INT, 2 Fumbles, 0 TD passes!   >:(


The Moss-less era sure is off to a crappy start...

0-2 and Daunte = 155 yrds with 5 INT and 0 TD Passes (though he managed to finally run one in).

A ratio of 8 INT to 0 TD passes to start the year = 

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