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Messages - Jeff

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Kubricks / Re: Power of the Kubricks!
« on: September 20, 2004, 01:43 PM »
Um....  I should have been clearer.   :-\

If my case is all orange Sandtroopers (as I assume it will be), then my plan is to trade a Orange Pad Trooper from the case to one of those guys I am splitting the case with for the White Pad Sandtrooper.  He has the white pad sandtrooper (he bought at comics shop), but he doesn't really care which one he has, so he's willing to swap white for an orange if I need to find one!

Under this scenario, it'll look like this:
1x Greedo - for me
1x Tusken - for me
1x Obi-Wan - for me
2x Cantina Band Member - sell 1 to pal #1, sell the other to pal #2
3x Han - sell 1 to pal #1, sell 1 to pal #2, 1 extra/leftover
4x Sandtrooper (Orange Pad) - Trade 1 to pal #1 (for white Sandtrooper), sell two to pal #2, 1 extra/left over

BUT, if my case does indeed have white pad sandtroopers, well then, I'll just get one from the case and pal #1 won't care about trading since he has a white Pad Trooper.

Under this scenario, it'll look like this:
1x Greedo - for me
1x Tusken - for me
1x Obi-Wan - for me
2x Cantina Band Member - sell 1 to pal #1, sell the other to pal #2
3x Han - sell 1 to pal #1, sell 1 to pal #2, 1 extra/leftover
4x Sandtrooper (White Pad) - 1 for me, sell two to pal #2, 1 extra/left over

Either way, I end up with a White Pad Trooper :)

Sorry for the confusion, I was just trying to cut to the chase without all the messy details that I have now caused you to read!  :-[


Kubricks / Re: Power of the Kubricks!
« on: September 20, 2004, 12:58 PM »
Won an auction for a full box of Series two for $99 shipped.

I'm going to split the case with two friends, so that way, I get the last four I need (Obi-Wan, Greedo, Tusken, White Pad Sandtrooper) and I'll only be stuck with 1 Sandtrooper and 1 Han (and I may have a lead on selling those two as well). 

Plus, with a whole case, I'll end up with 3 chances at Indy... maybe I'll get lucky?  :-\


JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football
« on: September 20, 2004, 12:50 PM »

What a strange world Fantasy Football is...

The starters for my two FF teams were basically identical (seven common players between the two teams), yet it looks like I am going to WIN in one league and lose the other.  Not only that, but I'll probably end up 0-2 in one league and 2-0 in the other so far despite having basically the same team!   :-\


Twins Magic Number is down to 3!


Sweeeeet.  I'm going to try to head out to the game on Sunday to see Santana pitch... should be a good one!


Revenge of the Sith / Re: Episode III line....April 2nd, 2005
« on: September 17, 2004, 12:03 PM »
Well there's a blast from the past.  How's it goin' Matt?

I think someone posted an early general wave lineup somewhere, a while back (w/o specific figures), and it totaled about 24 or so at the initial Ep. 3 release.  Maybe someone else can confirm that a little better though.

From the news front page:

The JediDefender Spy Network has reported in with a sneak preview at what may be arriving for the Hasbro launch of Revenge of the Sith!

It appears that spring 2005 will see a return to the Collection 1 / Collection 2 separation of the basic figure line for Episode 3. Collection 1 will once again showcase the main characters (Ani, Obi-Wan, Padme, Palptine, Mace, Yoda) with Action Features, while Collection 2 focuses on the secondary characters (along with a few main characters) and posability.

Currently, there are plans at Hasbro for about 17 unique Collection 1 figures and 12 unique Collection 2 figures are in the works for the launch of Episode 3 (expect another Midnight Madness party at TRU as well).

There are plans for 2 or 3 different case assortments that include the 17 Collection 1 figures and at least 2 different case assortments of the 12 Collection 2 figures.

The hard-working staff here at JediDefender bring you the news as soon as we hear it, but please realize that with Hasbro, as always, everything is subject to change.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Time for some new flip-flops.
« on: September 16, 2004, 04:59 PM »
Well, last night I went shopping with the Mrs. and we hit Kohl's to look for shoes (great BOGO Free offer going on for lady-shoes).

Well, as I was perusing the clearance aisle (I'm a cheap bastard when it comes to buying shoes  :-[), I came across these beauties: Gotcha "Cuda" Surf Gear Sandals. 

They look similar to this (the VooDoo version), but the detailing on the top is different.

Really comfortable for a thong-style Flip-Flop, and a great price to boot!  They normally retail for $49.99, but they were on clearance for only $10!   :o

I scooped them up and they will be the perfect "lounging on the deck shoes", as well as getting in some duty as "taking out the trash shoes".



All Central Division jealousy aside, the Minnesota Twins just keep rolling!

We whupped the Chicago White Sux two games is a row to extend the old Win Streak to 8 games to an 85-60 record, as well as opening up an impressive 12.5 game lead over those same Sox.

If we can hang on to the #2 seed in the playoffs, we'll get Boston instead of the Suckees Yankees, and as a baseball fan, I'd LOVE to see a Schilling/Santana and Pedro/Radke for game 1 and 2.



More Props for Santana

Other Collectibles / Re: Playskool (original) & Galactic Heroes Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 03:31 PM »
Picked up Ani/Padme and Jango/Obi-Wan yesterday and nabbed a Yoda/Clone set today over lunch. 

Dang, Yoda is a small figure!  He's scaled great with R2 though.  Padme is also a very slim figure, but looks good with the rest of them. 

Bring on the Bounty Hunters!   8)


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: 2004 NEW NEWS ON SANDCRAWLER
« on: September 16, 2004, 01:36 PM »
Just curious who here is planning on ordering/pre-ordering the Sandcrawler (or maybe already have)? Which place are you going with to purchase it?

I pre-ordered mine through using the $50 Gift Certificate from the March fiasco.

The total with shipping came to $17.94 ;)

I was pretty sure that my local comic shop couldn't beat that price, so I decided to pull the trigger on the pre-order.  Now we wait until November to see if it ever gets released... and if I ever get it from them since their track record is so great.  ::)


Kubricks / Re: Power of the Kubricks!
« on: September 16, 2004, 10:30 AM »
Picked up my Fett/4-LOM/Zuckuss/Dengar package at the Post Office today on my way to work!   ;D

I cracked open each of the boxes and they are all really cool!  Now I just have to finish off my Mos Eisley set so I can get cracking on the early bird set and the speederbike set...

I'll have to update my picture of my "collection" when I get home from work.  ;)


I opened my boxed Fett... two green gauntlets.  That's the regular version, yes?  No chase for me :(

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Sesame Street
« on: September 15, 2004, 03:20 PM »
For some reason, I really want a set of Sesame Street Kubricks now.   :-\

My Top Five - all classics:
The Rubber Ducky  lovin' Ernie
The Paper-Clip collecting Bert
The Count, ah-hahahaha
Grover (or SUPER Grover)
Cookie Monster

I could really take or leave the Elmos, Prarie Dawn, Telly, Zoe junk they have on now a days.   IMHO they suck, but my nephews seem to like them a LOT.  Dumb kids.  ::)


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Sesame Street
« on: September 15, 2004, 02:33 PM »
Heck, I can sometimes still remember lots of the skits from those days, they just seem to pop into my head every so often. 

Glad to hear I'm not the only person that has this happen to them.   :-\ 

To this day, old skits pop into my head when someone says something to trigger the memory....

- When a family member says, "Duh" I'm always tempted to respond, "Ooor.  Door."  or maybe "Og.  Dog."

 - When ever someone asks me if something is NEAR or FAR from my house, I always picture poor Grover running around yelling "NEAR!" or "FAR!"

Gone are the days of 3...2...1...Contact! and The Electric Company too, both of which I watched as much as I watch Sesame Street.


When I was about 3, I went to see "Sesame Street on Ice".  I was picked out of the audience to ride on a sleigh with Bert and Ernie... in the photos my mom took, I look about as happy as any 3-yr old could ever look!   ;D

Other Toy Lines / Re: McFarlane Sportspicks
« on: September 15, 2004, 11:57 AM »
Just an FYI...

All McFarlane is 25% off at!

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Naboo Wave
« on: September 14, 2004, 11:35 PM »
$79.99?!?  :o


I guess that means that the retail on these suckers is gonna jump back up to $6-7 per figure!   >:(

I wonder if TRU/Target/Wally will jump before or after Christmas?


Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC SW Miniatures checklist
« on: September 14, 2004, 11:28 PM »
Well, I'm back again. 

The two extra boosters I ordered on-line arrived in the mail today (FAST!).  So, with those 2 plus the original booster I bought and my recently  completed trade (thanks, Matt!), I've got the following:

Common figures (16 of 16): :)
  6  Elite Rebel Trooper
  8  Hoth Trooper
17  Rebel Pilot
18  Rebel Trooper
19  Rebel Trooper
20  Wookiee Soldier
35  Snowtrooper
36  Stormtrooper
37  Stormtrooper
38  Stormtrooper
41  Bespin Guard
45  Ewok
51  Jawa
53  Mon Calamari Mercenary
57  Tusken Raider
59  Twi'lek Scoundrel

Uncommon figures (10 of 16):
16  Rebel Officer
23  Elite Snowtrooper
24  Elite Stormtrooper
32  Royal Guard
33  Scout Trooper
39  Stormtrooper Officer
44  Duros Mercenary
47  Gamorrean Guard
49  Ithorian Scout
58  Twi'lek Bodyguard

Rare figures (2 of 16):
  3  Chewbacca - SWEET! ;D
46  4-LOM

Very Rare figures (0 of 12):
31  Probe Droid - had, but traded away

So, I picked up 3 boosters so far and nabbed 2 R and 1 VR.  Not too shabby, especially since one of the rares was one I REALLY wanted!  Plus, I was able to trade away my VR to get a bunch of the C/UC figures I still needed.

AND, I've got a coupon to a local gaming store in Oakdale for BOGO 50% off on Rebel Storm, so I'll likely stop by after work tomorrow and grab two more boosters!  :)


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