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Messages - Muftak

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TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 20, 2022, 05:54 PM »
I was more perplexed by what was going on with B2-EM0 this week than Luthen's heritage.

In the early episodes, the very clunky and odd bit of data about Bee needing extra energy to lie was delivered, they made a little joke out of it. In this episode, they made mention of the fact that he has been charging constantly ever since Maarva died, they showed that he's actively charging with the indicator light on his face blinking, and he wouldn't even leave home when it was requested of him.

Is this a hint that Bee is lying about something? Is Maarva up to something/was up to something and now he feels obligated to finish it, or potentially his apparent grief is his clumsy attempt to act normal knowing that Maarva's death was faked?

I have not been hypothesizing what will happen with this show because it has been so curveball-filled and I have been enjoying just letting it play out, but this all seemed to unfold in a very "payoff" way to that odd lying fact from the earlier episodes, so I got intrigued, but I haven't seen anyone else mention it around. Maybe I'm crazy.

Also I absolutely loved the Cantwell-class Arrestor, specifically since they gave it that class. I remember seeing the model in one of the early 90's NF Star Wars books. (Lucasfilm Archives or something?) and thinking how different a take on the Star Destroyer it was. Never did I expect to see one made to fit the universe...and from what I understand this was just fortuitous for the show, since the 3D computer model used was built up for the Solo movie but the scene got cut (It is still in the film, but just barely in the recruitment hologram on Correlia.) So it was unique, and ready-to-go, and already paid for! Good budgeting! Now get Colin's Landspeeder into a show, somebody!

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 17, 2022, 08:14 PM »
Luthen used a collapsible walking stick when he was on Ferrix. .

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 16, 2022, 11:15 AM »
Does the Ghost have a TVC crew? Do they come with it?

Jayson is now reporting that when the Target order page goes live today, it will do so with a $22.99 price.

So at least they seem to have been listening to concerns about the pricing.  >:D

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 15, 2022, 11:29 AM »
The first HasLabs out of the gate (Cookie Monster aside) were all the gimmes.

This latest wave has been HasLab proving it's worth to Hasbro. Imagine if HasLab didn't exist and they went ahead and did the Ghost Rider Car as a standard release and lost a ton of money on the deal because the value proposition on that one was horrible. They are saving a ton of money throwing these ideas out there  with minimal development involvement and seeing that nothing is sticking.

I don't think they are trying to have a perfect record, they have this minimal-risk option now to see if they can grab a bunch of money, without the years long development and retail risk. I hope they are breathing a sigh of relief when they don't have to ship 20,000 $500 lightsabers on an untested (and ultimately disliked) character at Lucasfilm's insistence, and then only selling 1,000.

There are still a couple 3.75" Star Wars gimmes: If they want something to succeed, the Cantina is there for the making. I'd love to see a Death Star but that is such a dicey proposition, no two fans have the same idea what it should be. The Cantina translates much easier as a massive display/playset.

Well, for instance the Wooof figure I missed out on back in 2010 when figures stopped showing up at retail with that ROTJ wave. I wasn't actively collecting then, and seeing it for $30+ at shops when I wanted it had me feeling like I was just going to not have that one.

And now I will for "only" $14.99 (Thanks, Adam Pawlus and EE!) I will grab the Weequay when he pops up for the same reason.

I collect loose so picking them up is cheaper in that regard, and honestly there are only about 10-20 figures left on my want list that would bring me to plunk down any serious cash for them. One is that Dagobah Landing Luke...I know I will probably have to really invest the cash into that one someday, but now I can justify it in my head because the Weequay, Wooof, and Nikto came back cheaper.

So Boba I'll gamble on. $21 at release is just too dang much.

The price may be the price, but collectors can take a stand and tell Hasbro to piss off.

Well yeah, but the meth addicts could tell Heisenberg that too, but we know that's not gonna happen.

I definitely am seeing both sides of this, I am not saying you're wrong at all. Collectors want this figure, and they definitely have a fear of drawing a line about the price because they don't want to kill the line by not buying it. It's a tough spot.

I plan to get the Retro Deco TVC Fett, because I love that figure sculpt, love that colorway, and have very real nostalgia for how that first Kenner Fett got into my 5 year old hands at the time. But I am not going to preorder it next week because of the price issue, just like I didn't preorder either of the '22 Fetts. I wound up getting a Morak Fett eventually.

I will get the new version eventually, playing the long game of collecting as I have in the past with the idea that eventually this stuff loses value and the things that do increase in value are balanced out by the rest that doesn't. And if this never price-corrects and becomes unattainable, then I probably won't get one, which I have to be okay with because I am not comfortable giving the retail price a pass. (I just bought ROTS Mon Mothma last week for the same price it was 20 years ago when I skipped it, because her Andor appearances have finally made the character "worthy" enough for me to pick up.)

This feels like the 'Jump The Shark' moment for TVC, because so many people see this offering for exactly what it is - playing on nostalgia to make money, and little else.

The devil's advocate in me wants to point out...

Isn't playing on nostalgia to make money the whole reason they switched back from being "3.75" Black Series figures" to TVC part II in 2018?

And not for nothing, but the general consensus seems to be that this is a figure in a colorway that has been asked for for a long time.

The big contention is the price point...but that ship sailed with the even-more-expensive BOBF Tatooine Fett a year ago.

To quote Jesse Pinkman, "The price is the price, yo."

Nah. You're wayyyyy off. Sim Aloo will be a surprise reveal next year. He's just a new head and a soft goods robe on any old body they want.
The last 96er figure will be Hammerhead. He's too much new tooling.

The Vintage Collection / Re: We need more VTC figures!
« on: November 8, 2022, 04:09 PM »
I'd like to see them split the line like they did back in the day.  Have TVC for mostly new figures at the premium price point, and come out with a "Greatest Hits" line that is repackaged main figures and a bunch of trooper repaints that they could offer at a discount vs TVC.

I see where you are going with this, and I agree to a point, but since the packed/repainted figures are currently subsidizing the line, the "premium price point" line would not even be as cheap as $17.99, it would be well over $20. I don't think I am ready to go there, even for new sculpts, except for a few holdovers from my 2008 OT "want list" that I've waited for forever.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 6, 2022, 09:19 PM »
I can see Dedra going against her better judgement and turning to Syril to have somebody on the outside to do some dirty work for her, since it is apparent her assistant is now overstepping his bounds in a possible play for her job. She was warned to watch her back, and now has someone hopelessly devoted to her...will she be able to resist that advantage?

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 4, 2022, 04:19 PM »
I have really enjoyed the characterization of Mon Mothma, it has very much colored my interpretation of her even in Return of the Jedi.

She was so horrified to learn what Luthen had done on Aldahni. She made it known she cut ties with Saw's Partisans because of their willingness to act as terrorists, and even was absolutely resigned to let the Death Star rule the galaxy through fear in Rogue One (at least until Admiral Raddus's military leanings forced her hand.) She was so broken up over the deaths of Bothan spies that she couldn't even finish her speech in Jedi. Now we see she doesn't want to further her cause through the use of "thugs" who operate outside the law.

This is a person who truly believes she can topple the Empire by talking sense and appealing to people's better natures. Every military action is a concession for her, a failure of reason. Yet she winds up heading a paramilitary force, not because it's the only way necessarily, but because it's the only group of individuals in the galaxy that seems to align with the bulk of her views.

I heard that in the Rebels TV show she had this big moment of breaking from the Senate and the Empire and declaring her own Rebellion, but that might be playing it a bit too thick. I hope Andor gives more nuance to the fact that she has to leave that life of Senatorial opulence behind and find her own way.

I really do love everything this show has thrown at me.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 4, 2022, 01:32 PM »
I just realized that Kino must be using the tasteless food paste dispenser as the pomade to keep his hair so slick and now I can't think of anything else.

Well, except that I still want to try a box of Syril Karn's Galactic Crunch cereal.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Re: 2023 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 29)
« on: November 4, 2022, 08:23 AM »
I was pretty much done collecting in 2008 before TVC started, but I cherry picked new stuff I liked if/when I saw it in stores after that. I don't feel like I really got back into it until 2016, when the Rogue One 5POA line really added a ton of OT-adjacent designs that I really wanted. I would love to see a "20-40 new figures a year" 5poa line still going to give the Disney+ show lines some depth and true world building.

But without kid and retailer support, that ship has sailed.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Re: 2023 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 29)
« on: November 3, 2022, 04:33 PM »

Regarding the price point?  It's interesting that the Target exclusive Axe Woves got rolled out at $16.99, and people thought that was just Target pricing an exclusive figure a little higher.  But no - it's the harbinger of Hasbro hiking the price on TVC figures to $16.99.  At this price point there should be more new sculpts in this line.  The trooper repaints are getting out of hand.

Everything I see Hasbro doing regarding the Star Wars lines tells me that new TVC figures ought to be around $25, no joke -- like, if the current tooling went away and they had to start from scratch, every TVC figure would cost $25 (Unless it was a Deluxe figure, they would still be more.) Be it the complexity of their construction and paint apps, the ever lower order quantities they can sell as the brand struggles to retain relevance as a kids toy, or the licensing fees being squeezed out of them by Disney, we are kind of lucky the line got rebooted in 2018 and luckier still that it seems to be maintaining a foothold in stores.

My hat is off to the fact that they can work some brilliant budgeting math to get figures out at the prices they currently do. It is all precipitated on the repaints of previously released figures, the rereleasing of figures, and yes the near constant trooper rereleases. I think there is a machine in a factory in China that has had the Stormtrooper tooling in it for 4 years straight now, running 24/7, trying furiously to subsidize the line with all the repaints and rereleases they can get out of that tooling.

But what running decisions through that equation means to the line has become very clear now: Troopers and "part-swap friendly" designs will always get preference over one-off characters when it comes to new tooling. In 2022 I don't think there was a single new figure that was designed as a one-off...even the Dark Troopers came out immediately as a Deluxe release and as a battle-damaged version in the Exclusive multipack.

I enjoy seeing new sculpts as much as the next collector, but I have embraced that not only are they are going to be few and far between, but that they are going to be more and more sourced from the Disney "entertainment" and are going to be less and less anything I want to collect.

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