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Messages - speedermike

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The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:26 AM »
Just curious, what is that extra helmet in the Fordo from?  I don't think I ever saw that.  Was it really like that in the mini series?

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:25 AM »
Believe me, you are right.  I walked into TRU today and found the entire wave 7, plus Jango.  I bought them all.  I only left a few older figs on the pegs.  The next shopper will have no choice at all.  The quantities are nuts.  But the quality is way up.  What a great wave!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 'The Hobbit' movie
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:17 PM »
I'm looking forward to this more than I ever looked forward to LOTR.  I think Freeman will be very funny and charming, as opposed to Wood who had to play the straight man.  I'm also curious how they do Smaug's talking.  In the LOTR movies, the beasties didn't speak or have personalities.  Could be cool.  And I at least know that Jackson will deliver an action adventure film with style and substance.  He's earned his right to stir up the Tolkien narrative a bit.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: June 28, 2011, 02:31 PM »
Picked up all of Wave 7 at TRU.  (pricey!!)

Anyway, they look nice but I don't know when I'll get to mess with them.  However, this is exactly what happened with Wave 6.  I got to TRU early, picked up one of each, and then they had nothing new on the shelf.  And I never saw them again.  I'm glad I got mine, but it really seems like a crap shoot to get these things.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: June 23, 2011, 10:02 PM »
Trench! I forgot about him.  If Kenner had the line we'd have him in a heartbeat.  They loved the freaky looking figs.

It's funny, if they announced at the end of this year that they weren't making more realistic figures I would be totally fine with that.  Don't know why.

As mentioned above, I do think that could do very well with some OT figures in the animated style.  I believe (but have no proof) that many of the long term collectors started with the OT, and it is closer to them.  Some, who normally wouldn't buy CW figures, would certainly buy a new Luke and company in a new style.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Green Lantern
« on: June 22, 2011, 03:16 PM »
I really follow reviews, so that's why I passed on this.  I really wanted to take my kids, but after seeing that 26%...I figured that I'd hold off.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: June 21, 2011, 11:28 PM »
Maybe they will go the other way as well.  I want to see an animated style ANH Luke, Vader, Han, Fett, Stormtrooper and Chewie.  (Ooops, he's coming out.)

All they have to do is plaster the package with a "Classic Character" sticker.

The Vintage Collection / SDCC 2011
« on: June 21, 2011, 04:12 PM »
Alright.  We're about a month away from Comic Con.  If I remember correctly, all sorts of stuff started leaking about this time last year.  Maybe I'm wrong.

Either way, what are your SDCC expectations.

I'm hoping to see a few more Vintage waves, and what they have planned for the 3D E1 release.  Maybe that Tuantaun. I know, I think, that I kinda remember hearing something about there maybe being some possible surprises and stuff.  Any guesses?

Will we get a sneal peak at the next BMF?  Or will that be at Toyfair?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Apple iPad Thread
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:54 PM »
Thanks guys.  Yeah, I won't be able to use it for actual artwork as the dpi within the illsutartion programs is very low.  I think many are 72dpi and just meant for the web.  But I really want to use it for sketching and working out ideas.

I'm also hot on the idea of having a notebook/sketchbook that is non linear.  I have a few sketchbooks going at all times.  But one night I might work on some fun drawings, then some notes for a story, them some life drawing.  A few nights later, if I want to make story notes once again, I've got pages of sketches in between, and sometimes feel like I overlook ideas because they are all spread out.  (Does that make sense?  I know I'm a writer and all, but man, it's late.)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Realistic Clone Wars 3D Figures
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:46 PM »
I'm cool with this idea as it will put some newish stuff in the line.  But I do hope we get Cad, or Snow clone, or something very different.  Curious, but not wildly excited.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: TeeFury
« on: June 15, 2011, 07:11 PM »
Not my bag either, they have had some really cool SW shirts though over the last 18 months (Calvin and Hobbes as Solo and Chewie!)...I'll just keep posting them as they come up in case someone is interested

I gotta say, this one pisses me off.  While I'm sure they are paying Lucasfilm a fee, I'm pretty sure that Bill Watterson isn't getting any.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Apple iPad Thread
« on: June 15, 2011, 07:08 PM »
Hey.  I'm thinking of buying an Ipad mainly for use as a multi-media sketchbook.  I can use some apps for drawing and some for writing and have it all in one place.  I'd also like it for the e-reader stuff, and will hopefully see my children's books on it soon.

Anyone have one?   Thoughts?   Warnings?  Rants?  Let me know.---Mike

These are just so friggin awesome.  It really is a shame this line didn't run for longer.  Even one full year would have been enough!


5 )  Black Tuniced Imperial Officer (any of the ones who had lines in ANH would be nice, but Daine Jir is my personal favorite pick...  Dude talks back to Vader!)

Plus the humans were even in the Cantina, just hard to spot.

Daine Jir?  You mean like danger?  Ha!

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Old Republic... The Figures
« on: June 7, 2011, 10:17 AM »
Ugh...was I the only one who thought this trailer was just...corny?  It's everything I hate about most modern day genre entertainment.  The "angst" --- the slow-mo martial arts moves---and, it is just a retread of everything we've wever seen.  Even the smuggler ship is a Falcon "type" ship.  I agree that the prequels weren't fantastic.  But they at least had the guts to be different.

I don't have time to go into every detail...but why does the male Jedi stay and fight?  What's the point.  He and the girl could have made it to the ship.

Second...I couldn't tell who was fighting who in the shootout.  The good guys and the bad guys both are armored up.  That's just bad design work.

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