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Messages - stormie

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Other Toy Lines / Re: Diecast: Dinky-Matchbox-Hot Wheels
« on: March 12, 2007, 03:56 PM »
Showing my ignorance (maybe) here, but is there anything special (other than the red line wheels) on that green Chevy Truck, Brent? I've got the exact same truck sitting on my desk (sans packaging) with the intent of taking it home to my girls, simply because they don't have a pickup in their "collection" yet.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: radio stations changing format
« on: March 6, 2007, 03:08 PM »
The funny thing is that less than two years ago that station switched to the "whatever" format from country because country wasn't working.

Yeah, that is sorta funny. I just wish they'd pick a format and stick with it. Coincidentally, 104.9, which switched formats to Musica Latina or something, switched back to their "new rock alternative" format just a few days ago. I'd have never caught this change if I wasn't searching stations to reprogram my preset for that station that just went country.

Satelite...  Satelite...  I'm telling you guys, it's outstanding. 

Yeah, I hear ya, Jesse. And I do believe it's in my future...eventually. Right now, I just can't wrap my mind around paying $12 a month to listen to the radio, no matter how outstanding it is. I'm actually afraid to listen or read more about it just because I don't want to want it even more. If that makes sense.

Watto's Junk Yard / radio stations changing format
« on: March 1, 2007, 11:27 AM »
Ya know, this one just gets to me and I need to just let it out.

There was this great local station that I'd been listening to on my commutes for the last year or so. It played a mix of 70s, 80s, 90s and aughts; hardly ever repeated a song; played stuff I hadn't heard in forever; didn't have a stupid morning show; and didn't have any DJs. It was almost perfect. Well, beginning yesterday afternoon on my drive home, the station began just playing this computerized voice that would utter a countdown in hours, minutes and seconds. I began to sense something bad was going to occur and, according to the computerized voice, it was going to occur in sixteen hours, 28 minutes, and so-and-so seconds. Uh oh.

So, this morning, as I drive in to work, the computerized voice is still counting down, but it's down to just a couple hours. When I get into the office, I do a little search on the Web to see if there's any info, and it seems as if the station is changing formats to "something fresh and exciting that will appeal to the greater Bay Area." Uh oh.

I checked again just a few minutes ago, and the station has changed modern country. Guess I need to reprogram my presets.

But this is just the last in a string of sudden format changes by local stations. All stations that I have listened to. And most of these format changes are to stuff that I can't understand would have a big audience here. I mean, this isn't exactly "modern country" around here. And the previous format change I remember was from popular rock to Romantic Spanish music. Talk about a niche market.

Basically, it's just a very rude thing to happen.

So, it's back to sports talk radio for me...and CDs.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Shamrock Shake Lovers Unite!
« on: February 28, 2007, 09:57 AM »
I have the fondest memories of consuming Shamrock Shakes when I was a wee lad in the '70s. Those were definitely the best.

I remember trying to get one several years ago, only to receive a rather blank (blanker, I guess) expression from the zitty, porcine-faced McD's cashier. Then, only like two years ago, my wife, after hearing my endless bleatings of how this delicious green concoction wasn't available any longer, told me there was a McD's up the road that had them advertised. Needless to say, I jumped in the truck and picked up the largest size they had.

It was totally not how I remembered it.  :-X

However, I may have to try to get a hold of another one this year just to make sure it wasn't just an off-day for the Shamrock Shake machine. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Your commute... How bad does it suck?
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:43 PM »
My commute situation has changed a bit, too. Though I'm still at the same company, our office has moved to a different building in the same city. As a result, taking the train isn't viable anymore. The new office is much farther from the train station, so I'd either have to bike or take a shuttle from the train station to work. The streets are totally not bike friendly and the shuttles are only on the hour, so those solutions don't work. So, I now drive to work. Luckily, the drive to work at 4:30-5 am is pretty smooth, so it only takes about 30 minutes. The drive home in the afternoon takes about 45 minutes.

I'd love to live closer to work or work closer to home, but moving to where I work would take a much larger paycheck than I get. And moving to a different job would entail a company actually looking for and willing to hire someone with my "skills." Or, in a best-case scenario, forcing me to work 80-hour weeks.

However, I'm trying really hard to get a research/analysis position within my current company, which will definitely help monetarily, so everyone, please keep your fingers crossed. This'll make the commute all the easier to stomache.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Question for the Collectors with Kids
« on: February 23, 2007, 10:40 AM »
My girls are still a bit young (2 and 3) for the regular figures, but they do have a few of the Galactic Heroes, and they actually know them by name (of course, one's a Stormtrooper).

Most of my collection is either packed away in the basement or displayed at work, so there's not much opportunity for them to play with it. In addition, it's mostly vintage and a lot of it is carded, so there's not much play value anyway. I do plan to introduce some vintage (inexpensive) figures to them eventually as they age. I've experimented a bit by letting them play with a couple modern figures, but it was only minutes before the arms were popped off and pieces were everywhere, thus, limiting the play value. I once made the mistake of leaving a Kubrick out, and I still haven't found parts to that.

Another big stumbling block for us is the price of figures. As I mentioned in another thread, when my girls have been especially good during trips to the store, I'll usually treat them to a toy. And that toy has mainly been hotwheels because they're a heckuva lot cheaper than Star Wars. Plus, they roll. I fail to understand why the little hunks of plastic that are the Galactic Heroes are like five-times as expensive as a HotWheels car. Heck, I hardly buy any new stuff because it's too dang expensive. 

Other Toy Lines / Re: Diecast: Dinky-Matchbox-Hot Wheels
« on: February 21, 2007, 04:49 PM »
My girls have taken a particularly keen liking to Hotwheels, which I had never really paid any attention to. Whenever I've taken them to Target or some other place with Hotwheels, and they've been especially well-behaved (not an easy task; they're two and three), I get 'em each a Hotwheel. A well-spent $1.98.

What I couldn't believe is how cheap these are. It seems that SW figures should be a lot cheaper if these highly collectible cars are only $99 each. Of course, SW has the licensing costs and other things, but still, seems like SW figures...even the Galactic Heroes, should be way less.

And this all ties into me wanting to buy my girls (and me, I guess) more Star Wars related stuff instead of or in addition to Hotwheels.

Haven't ever seen a Treasure Hunt, or the cereal editions, but we do have this cool gray Mustang and a Green Dodge Challenger that I'm particularly fond of.  :)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave - Force Unleashed
« on: February 12, 2007, 05:10 PM »
Okay, now I understand a bit more about the origin of the Unleashed name as it is applied here. FU is EU, essentially, which is A-OK. 

I do so love the FU acronym on so many levels, though, so I think I'll be using that one.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Force Unleashed Line Unveiled
« on: February 12, 2007, 10:17 AM »
All these look great, especially the troopers. And though I always try to be as positive as possible, or at least just not voice my disapproval, I can't help but mention that the name Force Unleashed is awful. To me, anything with Unleashed has tended to suck (for lack of a better word). And if I hadn't have read the previous posts, I'd have no idea that these figures are the standard 3 3/4 variety and not part of those larger or smaller Unleashed lines. Just basically, the name's confusing.

So, any packaging indications? Are these going to be sold separately or in a multipack for the game? 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: celebreties you've met?
« on: February 6, 2007, 04:22 PM »
The only celebrity I recall meeting, for obvious reasons, was Kim Cattrall. She was shooting a movie on location in the Sierra Nevada foothills, and a family friend somehow knew the land owner of the property or something, so got us in to meet her and see the set. I don't remember the set at all ;). I remember shaking her hand and thinking how great she looked and how nice she was. She even sent me an autographed photo.

Also, this was like 28 years ago when I was in fourth grade, so she was in her early 20s and even more of a stunner.  :o :)

Vintage Kenner / Re: 12/32 back R2
« on: January 19, 2007, 11:46 AM »
I'm not sure about rarity or price for these particular cards. I know I don't have one for the Stormtrooper, and don't see many for the other characters. I did locate another owner of your R2 12d here (about five posts down), so at least we know yours isn't the only one.

I'm interested to know if AFA labeled yours as a 12/32 or a 12d...or both.

Hope this helps a little.

Feedback / Re: Scott's feedback
« on: January 16, 2007, 10:30 AM »
Scott bought a load of Kubricks from me, and it was a pleasure.
Thanks, Scott!

Vintage Kenner / Re: MECCANO to TRILOGO: The Book.
« on: January 9, 2007, 02:35 PM »
On his site, the shipping rates are as follows:

1 book = 16.0 EUR (US$20)
2 books = 18.5 EUR (US$23)
3-9 books = 32.0 EUR (US$40)

I've procrastinated getting this book just because of the shipping (well, my cheapness is actually more to blame). I wonder how much the total with shipping from Legends would be. Probably very comparable to the $52 from his site.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: January 9, 2007, 09:46 AM »
Just what I needed to start my too-early day. Notice the especially "geeky" boyscouts with the lightsabers and Vader helmets? Nice touch.  :)

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