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Messages - Straxus

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica...who's watching?
« on: November 4, 2006, 03:54 AM »

SPOILERS AHEAD!!! (Just in case my large image link dont work...)

I thought tonights episode was really cool! Got to see alot more about how Cylons veiw things and the chance this season to see more things from the Cylon perspective and life aboard a Basestar is really intresting. The hybrid that acts like the computer core for the Basestars was a suprise for me, but makes sense.
The old beacon causing a disease in the cylons is interesting. A coincidence or does the 13th colony somehow already know about the Cylon threats and prepared accordingly? Would be interesting if they eventually come across really old colonial ships adrift arround some world.
Pondering the possible hints that Baltar may be a of the five unseen/unspoken of?!?! Seems interesting.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: EE exclusive Clone Trooper 4-packs!
« on: November 3, 2006, 01:26 AM »
Wish TFAW had those in their local Portland store...
I will have to order some on payday if they still have any, to supplement the ones I already have. I wish I could have got the ones with rank colors on them.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica...who's watching?
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:18 PM »
SPOILERS CONTINUED...Watching Starbuck kill Leoban again is such a treat. You would think that if you had been killed five times by the same person already that hmm maybe learn from your mistakes? Nope gutted again... At least they show that Cylons not only appear human but developed a common human trait....STUPIDITY.

Pleased? Last nights episode rocked!
Yes....That it did! (Your right...pleased was way too mild.)

Now, the whole rescue was cool, too. We knew Lee would return and we knew at somepoint that the Pegasus would be history, but wow! that was awesome... ramming a Basestar and taking out another with debris!!
I had been dreading its eventual demise, but I was figuring it would be due to some sabotage or some less glorious demise. When it was destroyed in battle taking out two Basestars I felt much better about it. Like a warrior dying in the glory of battle instead of in bed. (The debris breifly turning in space to show the name Pegasus just before smashing the other Basestar was really cool.)

Launching fighters from a ship engulfed in flames in a high atmosphere fall... (I would have expected that if there had ever been a Battletech movie...) I think I watched that scene four times.
The in-atmosphere jump away thunder-boom from the sudden vaccuum of that much Battlestar suddenly disappearing was really cool, though I wonder if it shouldnt have been much more devastating...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica...who's watching?
« on: October 21, 2006, 06:44 AM »
I was very pleased with the episode. I will not post anything that will ruin the episode for anyone who had not seen it yet, but I will say Adama's battle plan was extremely impressive. What he did ranked definitely in the top ten coolest maneuvers I have ever seen done with a starship in any sci-fi show...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Official Space Exploration Thread
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:00 AM »
I saw Aurora Borealis for the first time here in Oregon. I was totaly freaked out... I had just left work and had started to think that the cleaning chemicals at work were starting to make me hallucinate, but my boss noticed as well. Took a minute to realize what it was. I confirmed later on the news that it was the Northern Lights. I think the only reason I saw it here was due to strong Solar activity. I think that was about two or three years ago.

I had heard about scientist teleporting one atom at a time, but that link shows they have started to make some really impressive leaps and bounds.
The experiment involved for the first time a macroscopic atomic object containing thousands of billions of atoms
That is such a HUGE leap in advancement. Now we may not be teleporting anything or anyone that you could see, but its still teleportation!!!
The advancements in computer technology will be amazing if it works right!
I have to remind myself sometimes just how exciting of a time we are living in and experiencing right now! Despite all the crazy crap going on in the world there is some really bizaar and awesome things happening as well!

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: General Casting Questions
« on: October 9, 2006, 07:30 PM »
Wouldnt the gasoline ruin any paint that might be on the origional peice? Not that its a huge concern but more a curiosity.
Either way thanks for the info!

As I was just waking up as I read your post I was wondering if you were giving me a formula for "Sculpey Napalm"...hehehe.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica...who's watching?
« on: October 9, 2006, 07:12 PM »
Oh and they did a great job on that fat suit for Jamie Bamber.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: General Casting Questions
« on: October 9, 2006, 10:32 AM »
Thanks! That is a definite on my list of things to get on payday! I made the horrible mistake of using sculpey (at a lack of anything else) and it was hell getting it off the parts and was a mess. (fortunately I wasnt using silicon mold making material when I did that...)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 'Lost' - Season Three
« on: October 9, 2006, 10:25 AM »
I enjoyed the season opener but didnt watch it over and over like I did the season 2 finale. (I think I watched it four times in a week trying to look for clues I might have overlooked.)
Though I did watch the part with the Oceanic Flight 815 breaking apart in the sky... the sound and image of it was very impressive. episodes of LOST and BSG... life is good! The only thing that could make this better is if they resurrected "Dead Like Me", then I could watch new episode of my top three favorite TV shows of all time. Well 2 out of 3 is not bad.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: October 9, 2006, 10:00 AM »

"i feel you pulling back,
i feel you changing shape..."

I was never into "live" albums until I heard that one. Its weird but for me some of the songs seem to impact me far more off that album. (Love the studio versions of the songs as well, just seems to have more feeling to me on that album though....)

The following two albums usually have songs from them playing at some point on my computer almost everyday...

Limited Edition 2-CD set God Module Viscera
Favorite lyric quote from the song Altered Image:
"One night I will find you cutting out the peices of the person I knew, one chance to put them back together... one last chance for us to be forever"

The Danse Society - Heaven is Waiting
Favorite lyric quote from the song Angel:
"The night will rise, the night will fall, some of us will take it all"

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica...who's watching?
« on: October 9, 2006, 08:59 AM »
I love this show. I too am painfully waiting for the next episode...
The biggest shocker for me when I saw the mini-series was the realization that Starbuck was acted by the daughter of my fifth grade teacher who also happened to live across from my sister when I was a kid.
(I had to actually locate and confirm with my old teacher to be 100% so I could just sit back and watch the show instead of going "I know who that is...its got to be...")

I sometimes have to remind myself that the show is a sci-fi... its just so different. I really like the use of conventional weapons and real-space type physics. The lack of excessive sci-fi gizmos helps make so much of it seem more real to me. No techno-babble...just good story telling!
I am hoping they dont kill off Tom Zurich. I like that character alot.
Only got to see four of the resistance webisodes as I dread the wait on my sad dial up connection to wait and wait and wait for them to load...
The new BSG is definitely in the top three favorite TV shows that I have ever watched. 

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: General Casting Questions
« on: October 8, 2006, 11:46 PM »
Any you guys have suggestions for a type of clay that would work good as a place holder for two or more part molds? Need something that wont interfere with Silicone or Urethane mold cures and will not clump/stick to the origional part excessively when trying to remove it to pour next stage of mold.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: DS Gun completed pics
« on: October 8, 2006, 01:12 AM »
This looks amazing!
Is the base gun the one from the old Kenner DS playset or is it totally new build?
How long did it take to build this?
Wonderful beautiful work!

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: General Casting Questions
« on: October 8, 2006, 01:10 AM »
Thanks Ryan! Though I got a little confused at first when I check on here for my thread and didnt find it...heheh. Until I saw this thread and figured it got merged I had started to assume that I was just really really tired last night and forgot to hit post before I closed the window...hehe. (I have done that alot in the past)

Thanks for the info guys! I will save this info into my collection of tutorials. Since my current supplies are almost out I will have over a week to reveiw the new information and start a new shopping list for when I get my next pay check.

I posted this question over at Iron-Cow but figured I would post it here as well in hopes that someone can help with this problem.

I have been doing some limited molding and casting for a few months now. The main problem I run into is the air bubbles in molds and sometimes the plastic resin. This is a big problem with trying to make molds of very small parts. Fingers, antennas, etc... dont always get plastic resin to them due to air bubbles. I can use toothpick or bent paperclip to get rid of airbubbles but this is not always successful or possible depending on the molded part.
A vacuum compressor would really help but most I have seen cost hundreds of dollars. Any one out there have any low cost suggestions for someone with a severely limited budget? (Preferably less than $200... less than $100 would be even better...)

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