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Messages - Darth Depressis

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for further updates, send them in!

i'm not sure if anyone around this campfire has caught the news:

but commando danny whom ran his weekly segment photo-novel news
has called it quits and i'm taking control of the segment.

so i'm intending to post it here; within the photo-novel update section.

so inlight of the fact i'm being drug to the movies tommorow night i require all submissions
asap! so if were gonna reboot this thing were starting today!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: customs and weapons
« on: May 28, 2008, 12:52 PM »
sneak peak of Shimrra's head WIP:

its essentially done except for the jaw portion and i have yet to sew together his tanned hide coat/cape.
actual leather scraps and cloth goods. forthcoming as usual.


Kurtz: For the last time Jones; your father died of natural causes no matter how much you think that james bond guy looks like him.

Indy: I’m just saying; we both drank from the friggin  holy grail.

Ling: (clearing throat) from what records you’ve provided about that event. One would need to continually
Drink from the grail to live forever, and perhaps one would need to gorge themselves upon rit.

 Indy:  (shrugs) she has her moments.

Kurtz: What is she anyways? Single non single?

Indy: she’s my best friends little girl. Lets leave it that regarding her availability ok.

Kier: UH GUYS!

Indy: Keep your shirt on old indy’s got the shakes real bad.

Indy: ok what the hell is that thing?

Kier: It is hell.

Kurtz: Yeah and hell just ate ling!

Kurtz: eat lead !

Indy:  this sure as hell won’t be very funny to short round.

Kier: Yeah Kurtz put the best outta it. He’ll just be hungry again in an half hour.

The Shaman: Don’t you be troubled by my pretties or your ladies. Illusions don’t get stomach cramps nor do they kill young honeys. But insanity can sure delude he.

Indy: Where’s ling buddy? 

The Shaman: Your buddy I am not Jones. Just the opposite really. But we’ve had this discussion tons o’times ain’t we?

Kurtz: I thought we where pals Indy, those Martians we beat should meant something to ya.

The Shaman: Doc Jones here has been one o my lil puppets for quite sometime Kurtz. If anything all I wanted was your heart of darkness for something my pals in Vietnam are planning.

to be continued?

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fodder Alert!
« on: May 20, 2008, 03:41 PM »
i'm personally planning on getting the lil bruce wayne and batman that come with the batmobile. they appear to be the right size. that and bale would be a perfect Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus...anybody here see american psycho?

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: customs and weapons
« on: May 19, 2008, 08:11 PM »

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