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Messages - Darby

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Solo: A Star Wars Story / Re: Solo 3.75" Basic Figures
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:17 AM »
I didn't even see the blaster. Sigh. I suppose he could be just another random K2 droid. I already have a couple extras though.

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 6" Black Series Solo Wave 1
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:03 AM »
The Range Trooper is NUTS. A straight mash up between the Snow Serpent and Snow Trooper. Lando is classic.

Solo: A Star Wars Story / Re: Solo 3.75" Kessel Run Millennium Falcon
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:02 AM »
About what I expected. The blast off panels remind me of the Battle Damaged Enterprise-D from ST:Generations Playmates did in 94.

Solo: A Star Wars Story / Re: Solo 3.75" Force Link 2.0 with Han Solo
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:01 AM »
I dig it. Great likeness of Alden-Han.

Solo: A Star Wars Story / Re: Solo 3.75" Basic Figures
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:01 AM »
The 5 POA figures continue to improve in quality. Amazing sculpts. Qi'ra looks like she just walked out of a mall in 1987. Hopefully we see the red cape Space Danyers version too. I suppose Luke is a good repack, since he sells so well. K2... I don't know. Might be ok. I'd rather see new figures from the new film at launch. If we're going to cover old ground, let's clean up some characters we missed.

I agree there's plenty of fertile ground - and I have a pitch or two I'd love to share with Lucasfilm, as well  :) - and I want to see the franchise grow and take chances.

At the same time like Dave, I'm going through a moment - and maybe that's all it is - where I'm realizing the great balance of what I have loved for my entire life is mostly behind me. The characters are passing, have passed and the future is without them, so far. We do know what the immediate future of the franchise is. It's trilogies and series that do not involve the Skywalkers or saga that we've seen. That's the next 10 years. Maybe there are some anthology films like Obi-Wan on deck we don't know about yet. I'd love to see a Luke movie, a Leia movie, a trilogy in the 30 years between ROTJ and TFA. I'd love to see someone take another swing at the PT era. I want to see the future of Rey and crew.

Separate from that is, as a writer, what I appreciate most in anything is artistic merit. Artistic intent. That's one reason I love TLJ. Love it or hate it - and some of you hate it - it's a Rian Johnson movie. I love that. Some people don't. I've been on the record here before about there needing to be some level of artistic vision and cohesion going forward, or else we're going to continue to have the growing pains we've seen in director dismissals and the like. We're at a point in the franchise and fandom, and to bring in the thread on collecting and making it fun again, where it's fair to ask - what do I want? We all want different things, and that's cool.

This was more coherent in my head, but I'm sick and a little drowsy.

You don't spend $4 billion on a property to sit on it... for better or worse.

I'm not advocating sitting on it. There will be movies and TV shows until the end of time, and I knew that in 2012.

I didn't like the EU by and large, especially some of the more integrated parts of it like the Vong storyline. For myself I'd like to have a sense of cohesion and vision that at the moment seems to be lacking. I surprise myself a little at saying that, because I want to see new, bold, strange directions for SW, but I also fear a watering down and a sense of dislocation in the franchise. But that's inevitable. That was inevitable when Lucas sold it, because it's not about a vision or a story anymore, it's about quarterly projections. So maybe my uncertainty right now is that lingering malaise over that idea. Also still, a sense of finality with the passing of Carrie Fisher and the character deaths of Han, Luke and Leia. TLJ is the effective narrative and emotional end of the saga films. IX will be an epilogue, more or less. The future is sprawling out beyond without much to hold on to.

Very excited by a Rian Johnson trilogy; less so by the GOT guys. Wondering where the Rey/Finn/Kylo future is.

I think my uncertainty may stem from the fact there seems to be no plan. Maybe that's a result of living with SW for 40 years knowing that there was a very logical progression in the films. We were going to get the PT, and then maybe, the ST. Anything else was pure pie in the sky. Now it seems we might get concurrent trilogies about vastly different subjects - not bad, mind you - and there's no real sense of progression ala the saga films or the MCU. Maybe there is, and we don't know it yet. But numerous films/trilogies/TV shows starts to feel EU-ish to me, and I personally didn't like the sprawl of the old EU. some of it was great, most wasn't.

I don't know. Still thinking about it.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILER FREE)
« on: February 6, 2018, 07:10 PM »
The posters are great. Nice old school vibe.

I'm a fan of GOT. I don't know why this news leaves me cold. They may well have a pitch that is a home run. It's wait and see like everything else, I guess.

This is kind of what I'm saying -

But when a site decides to push an agenda, over just reporting, then rules have to be put in place and enforced more strictly.

I have no issue with anyone at Hasbro. It seems odd to me, though, that the site that doesn't play by the rules also isn't penalized for them. I've lost interest in the play by play relative to JTA and so on. I think Hasbro does what it does and the fan sites do what they do, and somewhere in between we're kind of limping along, collecting as we go.

But I don't want to get bogged down in all that stuff. I did like what I saw of the Solo toys so far, and the movie. Seems like it could have a lot of potential for cool toys and figures.

It would be one thing if Hasbro's ire was applied equally. JTA continues to 'leak' and smack their gums about their relationship with Litzky while pissing on the shoes of other collector sites. That's on Hasbro. Hasbro is probably reluctant to penalize JTA, despite their pattern of behavior well documented here and elsewhere, because JTA generates a lot of awareness around their brand that other sites may not. I knew something was wrong when Hasbro was talking about having JTA on a collector panel at the same time he was running his mouth about women and minorities and there was no manifest Hasbro response.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: February 5, 2018, 03:03 PM »
A Bail/Obi pow wow would be fun, even if it was off in a corner.

Which, I don't know how everyone else feels, I always felt Obi-Wan had met Chewie before or knew of him. I figured he was familiar enough with the cantina, and Han/Chewie were regulars.

I've read a couple stories now that the film takes place over a range of years, but no one knows. At a minimum, it seems to me Han and Lando are around 20, which would put this 10 years before ANH, and about 10 after ROTS.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: February 5, 2018, 02:34 PM »
Was thinking more about this -

Part of me thinks that's a nice change and needed to happen at some point, but the other part of me thinks they will shoe-horn a lightsaber and R2/3PO into the movie somehow just to keep the streak alive...

I hope not. I think there's a strong chance we'll see Jabba and Boba Fett in this movie, which would be enough for me. I think there is an outside chance as well if the film winds up on Tatooine, we get a glimpse of Obi-Wan. Why I don't know, but given the Obi film rumors, I just have a sneaking suspicion we'll get some kind of nod to that.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: February 5, 2018, 10:39 AM »
The movie was ok. Not as good as the others for sure. Worth a watch, but very reminiscent of Event Horizon and Life. Among others.

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