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Messages - S_A_Longhorn

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Chapter 39

Unknown to Senator Bail Organa and the rest of the Senate, the rumored Cloning Facility on Coruscant, codename Perfidy, continues to operate deep under the planet’s surface, in a secret bunker whose location is only known to a select few.

Taun We:   That concludes today’s session.  We will continue tomorrow.  Please resume your security patrols.
Trooper Hades:   Thank you, Taun We. 

Taun We:   And now back to work…

Door slides open
Taun We:   Hades, is that you?  We will continue the training tomorrow--- 

Commander Appo:   Taun We -- your services are no longer necessary.  Consider this job terminated.

Taun We:   I’m in charge of this cloning facility, not the Republic.
Commander Appo:   Not anymore… 

Tuan We:   Noooo!!!
Commander Appo:   Blast her!!!
Laser blasts!!!

Commander Appo:   Target has been eliminated.

Trooper Hades:   Did you hear something?
Trooper Crimson:   Negative.

At the same time, a secret transmission is being sent from The Works on Coruscant…

Darth Sidious:   How goes the War, Lord Tyranus?
Count Dooku:   Very good, My Lord.  We have acquired several new systems during the Outer Rim sieges, including some without firing a single shot.

Darth Sidious:  Excellent.  Where are the Separatist leaders now?
Count Dooku:   They have been moved to Cato Nemodia for the time being.  Viceroy Gunray preferred to be a safe distance away from the action, of course.

Darth Sidious:   And the battle on Oner?
Count Dooku:   The battle is on schedule.  The young Utapaun warrior is proving to be very……useful.

Count Dooku:   Commander OOM-12 has the Clone Army on the run.  It will not be long until we secure a victory.

Count Dooku:   We are also tracking several Jedi that arrived with the Clone Army, no doubt to reclaim Master Tiin. 

Darth Sidious:   You have done well, Lord Tyrannus.  But be mindful.  The Jedi are not to be underestimated. 

Count Dooku:   Then, do I have your approval to proceed with the final part of our plan, Master?

Darth Sidious:   Yes…the time has come.
Shade:   (thinking)……he’s here……finally……

Darth Sidious:   Inform General Grievous that he may begin eliminating the Jedi……beginning with Master Tiin.
Count Dooku:   Yes, my Master.

Darth Sidious:   Except for Kenobi and Skywalker.  You must deal with them personally.

Count Dooku:   Finally the time has come for young Skywalker.   His destiny lies with me.

Darth Sidious:   We will deal with Skywalker in due time.
Count Dooku:   Forgive me, Lord Sidious.  Your orders then?

Shade:   (thinking)……it IS him……THE Darth Sidious……

Darth Sidious:   Eliminate Obi-Wan Kenobi.  His death will be the first step towards securing Skywalker’s fate.
Count Dooku:   It will be done, my Lord.

Darth Sidious:   All loose ends on Coruscant have been……taken care of.  Everything is going as I have foreseen.   

Darth Sidious:   The time for illusions is over.
Count Dooku:   As is the reign of the Jedi Order. 

Shade:   (thinking)…no time to wait for slow-footed Jedi……have to act now……

Shade:   (thinking)……time to end this War……once and for all……FOR THE REPUBLIC!!!
Laser blasts!

To be continued……[/b]

Many thanx to YESTERDAY808 over at RS for adding the excellent special effects to chapters 38 and 39.  The battles scenes would be very boring without him and his special effects, which bring the story to life.  Great working with you again, YESTERDAY.


Chapter 38

As Commander Cody and the 212th Battalion attack the Separatist forces on the plains of Oner, Commander Gree and the Elite Corps begin their search & rescue mission for Jedi Master Saesee Tiin.

Commander Gree:   We’re approaching the village, General Windu.

Commander Gree:   Allow us scout ahead, General.  We don’t want to lose the element of surprise.
Mace Windu:   Very well, Commander.

Commander Gree:   The vegetation on this planet is exquisite.  It will provide excellent cover for us, and make identifying rancor tracks easy. 
Elite Trooper Phi:   Droids up ahead, sir.

Commander Gree:   Everyone down!  Just two battle droids.  The main battle is far away from here, so these droids must be on patrol.  We must be close.

Commander Gree:   Everyone spread out.  I want a triangular shot. 

Commander Gree over private comlink:   We need to take them out quickly, men.  We only got one chance at this.  Ready……aim……

Commander Gree:   ……fire!
Laser blast!

Laser blast!

Commander Gree:   Dead eye!

Commander Gree:   Get to the droids ASAP!

Commander Gree:   Re-activate the droids’ communication signal.  We don’t want their Command Center to know these droids are down. 

Elite Trooper Phi:   The signal has been re-established, Commander. 
Commander Gree:   Good work.

Commander Gree:   General Windu, you may now advance to my coordinates.

Mace Windu:   Very good, Commander.  I sense a trap, Kit.  The dark side surrounds this place. 
Kit Fisto:   It’s Count Dooku.  He knows we are coming. 

Kit Fisto:   It makes no sense for Dooku to kidnap Master Tiin and bring the War to an empty place like Oner……unless, of course, he is using him as bait.  But why keep him alive?

Mace Windu:   I wish I knew.  There is something else at play here.  Either way, the Force will be our guide. 


Commander Gree:   Fire!
Laser blast!

Laser blast!

Commander Gree:   Two more droids.  Re-establish their signals.  We are very close now…


Elite Trooper Phi:   The battle has been going on for hours.  How do you think the 212th are doing, sir?
Commander Gree:   The Droid Army was well prepared for this battle.  Commander Cody knew what they were up against.  I have no doubt they will be successful.  But there will be many casualties.

Commander Gree:   We will honor our fallen brethren by successfully completing our mission.  Let’s keep moving...

While Gree and the Elite corps continues their covert operation, the battle on the rolling plains of Oner rages on……

OOM-12:   Execute formation 45.  CHARGE!
Laser blasts!

Laser blasts!

Clone Trooper Diffe:   Arghhhh…
Clone Trooper Cyef:   Uuugghhhh…

Clone Trooper Verd:   Returning fire!
Laser blasts!

Clone Trooper Verd:   Got’em!

Battle Droid 214B:   Charge!
Laser blasts!

Clone Trooper Zub:   More droids incoming! 
Laser blasts!


Super Battle Droid 341A:   Clone troopers straight ahead.
Laser blasts!

Clone Trooper Klou:   Look out!!!
Clone Trooper Zub:   …uuugghh!
Clone Trooper Uhvl:   I’m hit…

Clone Trooper Klou:   More droids behind us!
Laser blasts!

Commander Cody:   Cover fire!!!

Commander Cody:   They’re trying to out-flank us.

Commander Cody:   Call in the reinforcements.  We need more men!

Elsewhere on the battlefield…

Clone Trooper Tobey:   Don’t let them get away.  Shoot them down!!!

Clone Trooper Tobey:   Just like the simulation!
Laser blasts!

Clone Trooper Tobey:   Nobody messes with the 212th!
Clone Troopers Polu & Xabl:   Yea!

Suddenly, a spear stabs a clone trooper in the back of the neck.
Clone Trooper Polu:   BLEH---

Clone Trooper Xabl:   Who?!  Let go of my blaster!   Tobey!!!

Laser blast!
Clone Trooper Tobey:   What is it --- uuuggghhh….

Clone Trooper Xabl:   Ooof!

Clone Trooper Xabl:   Get off of me, freak!

Clone Trooper Xabl:   …got to get my blaster……where is it???  Where is it?!?!

Clone Trooper Xabl:   Got it!  Now you’re…

Clone Trooper Xabl:   …dead!  Huh?

Sagev:   No……now you’re dead…freak.

On another part of the battlefield…

Slash!  Slash!
Anakin Skywalker:   67!  68!

Anakin Skywalker:   69!

Laser blasts!
Anakin Skywalker:   70!!!

Anakin Skywalker:   I’m at 70 droids.  How many do you have, Master?

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Anakin……we are not in competition!

Super Battle Droid 913X:   Die Jedi!


Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Our objective is to defeat the Droid Army.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   But I think that last one puts me at 75.
Anakin Skywalker:   What??   75?!?

Clone Trooper Rtho:   No!  Get away!  Ughhhhh…
Anakin Skywalker:   What was that?
Obi-Wan Kenobi:   I don’t know…

Anakin Skywalker:   That was no droid.  They’re not programmed to fight at close range.  Something’s not right……

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   I sense it also.  Something or somebody is attacking our troopers. 

Clone Trooper Oyre:   Help! AAAHHH----
Anakin Skywalker:   Over there!!!

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   No, Anakin!  Wait!!!

The Republic Gunships begin arriving, bringing more troops to the battlefield…

Commander Oddball:   The drop point is coming up.  Get ready, troopers!

Commander Oddball:   Go!  Go!  Go!
Clone Troopers:   YEEAAAAA!!!

Laser blasts!

Battle Droid 867A:   Republic Gunships are incoming.

OOM-12:   Fire all anti-aircraft turrets!
Battle Droid 867A:   Roger roger!

Turret laser blasts!

Clone Trooper Edui:   We got incoming fire!  Look out!

Clone Pilot Aryn:   Too late!!!
Clone Trooper Edui:   AAAAHHHHH!!!!

The explosion is heard across the plains.
Commander Cody:   They got one of our ships…fully loaded.

Battle Droid 537X:   Die clones die!
Laser blasts!

Clone Trooper Cabz:   Uugghh!
Commander Cody:   More droids……
Laser blasts!


Turret laser blast!

Commander Oddball:   We’re taking heavy fire!  Everybody hold on!!!
Turret laser blasts!

Commander Cody:   We are playing right into their hands.   
Laser blasts!

Commander Cody:   And losing too many men.

Commander Cody:   Tell the Gunships to make their drops further back until we clear the battlefield of those turrets.   

Commander Cody:   We need to do something OOM-12 wouldn’t expect us to do……something he’s never prepared for……



Chapter 37

Despite the ongoing War and recent developments on Oner, rumors of a secret cloning facility on Coruscant are running rampant not only among concerned Senators, but ordinary citizens fearful of the new brand of justice enforced by the 501st Legion.

Senator Meena Tills:    The 501st Clones were simply doing their job, Bail.  We should consider that before we suggest they be reprimanded to the Chancellor.
Senator Bail Organa:   I understand your concern, Meena. 

Senator Bail Organa:   However, if the 501st is allowed to operate without any supervision, incidents like what happened to the Rodian at the Spaceport will continue unchallenged.  It will only be a matter of time until we find ourselves in an intergalactic scandal due their brand of “peace keeping.”

Senator Meena Tills:   I agree limits to their power must be declared, but not at the expense of the Capital’s security.  We must protect the Senate and the Chancellor.
Senator Bail Organa:    I’ll be sure to voice your concerns to the Chancellor.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for my appointment.  I bid you both a good day.

Senator Bail Organa:   (thinking)  Great…more security…
Shocktrooper Oir:   We have a visitor, Commander.

Commander Thire:   May I see your identification.
Senator Bail Organa:    I have an appointment with the Chancellor.  I’m Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan.  Surely you have my name on his itinerary.

Commander Thire:   The Chancellor’s schedule is confidential.  Let me see your identi---- is that a blaster underneath your cloak, sir???
Senator Bail Organa:    A blaster?  Oh, yes, it is.  I forgot to ---

Commander Thire:   Don’t move!  Hands up!
Senator Bail Organa:    Whoa!!  Calm down…calm down…

Commander Thire:   Hand over your blaster and identification.  NOW, SIR!!!
Senator Bail Organa:    N-N-No problem……here you go…nice and easy……

Commander Thire:   Does he have a code clearance?
Shocktrooper Oir:    Yes, Commander.  Senator Organa is on today’s approved list of guests.  He is ten minutes late.

Commander Thire:   You are free to proceed, Senator.  We are confiscating your blaster, however.
Senator Bail Organa:    Of course……

Senator Bail Organa:    (thinking) Welcome to the new Republic……

Shocktrooper Oir:   His blaster wasn’t charged, sir. 
Commander Thire:    No matter……keep an eye on him. 

Mas Amedda:   Welcome, Senator Organa.  The Chancellor has been expecting you. 
Senator Bail Organa:    I was……delayed unexpectedly.

Chancellor Palpatine:   Senator Organa…so good to see you again. 
Senator Bail Organa:    My apologies for my lateness, Chancellor. 

Chancellor Palpatine:   Oh, think nothing of it.  I always look forward to our conversations.  I hope the Security Clones weren’t too bothersome. 

Senator Bail Organa:   Well, the security has definitely tightened around here, Chancellor. 
Chancellor Palpatine:    Yes, an unfortunate sacrifice during these stressful times. 

Chancellor Palpatine:    But don’ forget, it was your fellow Senators that decreed I be accompanied at all times by either the Homeland Security Clones or the Royal Guards.

Senator Bail Organa:   Actually, that was the reason I wanted to speak with you privately, Chancellor.  There is a growing concern among both Senators and our constituents regarding the limitless power of the Galactic Security.   
Chancellor Palpatine:    Oh?  Are you referring to the incidents at Dex’s Diner and at the Spaceport?

Senator Bail Organa:    Well…yes, I am.  Both incidents have quickly earned the 501st a reputation of a “shoot first, ask questions later” security team.

Chancellor Palpatine:   I was informed the explosion at Dex’s Diner was the result of a gas leak, which obviously had nothing to do with the 501st.  As for the Rodian at the Spaceport, that was a regrettable incident.  The Rodian matched the description of a suspected terrorist named Greedo.  However, we are taking corrective steps to prevent such an occurrence from happening again. 

Senator Bail Organa:   Well, Chancellor, if I may be so bold……it will be difficult to judge whether or not the Clones have acted improperly if there are no written laws to judge them by.  We need someone to oversee their day-to-day operations…someone who is not a Clone.
Chancellor Palpatine:    Oh, I agree, Senator.  That was the reason I requested a Jedi be assigned to command the 501st.     

Chancellor Palpatine:   Unfortunately, the Jedi Council has ignored my requests.  The War has the Council spread across the galaxy.  Until they reconvene, the Republic’s security will be in the hands of the 501st Legion.  They are more than capable of handling the responsibility, I assure you.

Chancellor Palpatine:   You have my word, as Chancellor, that the incidents in question will be investigated fully.  And the results will be made public.
Senator Bail Organa:    I’m sure that will go a long way in restoring trust in the 501st.

Senator Bail Organa:   However, there is another matter I wish to speak to you about…a matter of some delicacy.     
Chancellor Palpatine:    Go on, Senator.

Senator Bail Organa:   There have been several reports on the HoloNet about a secret cloning facility right here on Coruscant.  According to these reports, Taun We herself is in charge of the facility and continues to operate it without prior approval from the Senate. 

Chancellor Palpatine:   I have also seen these reports.  Trust me when I say that the reports are just speculation without any basis in fact.  The Kaminoans are under strict orders to contact the Senate regarding any matters with the Clone Army.

Chancellor Palpatine:   If there were a cloning facility on Coruscant, my office would be aware of it.  But as you know……the Senate would first have to approve of such a facility. 

Senate Bail Organa:   Yes, of course.  I believe that is the reason for the concern, if the reports were true.   There has been no mention of such a proposal to this point.

Chancellor Palpatine:   I will recommend a commission be created to ascertain the truth.  We will discover the source of these reports immediately.
Senator Bail Organa:    Thank you, Chancellor.  I will pass that information along.

Senator Bail Organa:   My compliments to you for this fine piece of artwork.  Is it new?     
Chancellor Palpatine:    No, this crystal was a gift to the Republic from the people of Oner many years ago.  A token of appreciation for the rebuilding efforts of their homeland.  They were truly artists, don’t you think?

Chancellor Palpatine:   I felt it was appropriate to display the sculpture during the current campaign.  This sculpture now stands as a memorial to the fallen people of Oner.

Senator Bail Organa:   A very nice gesture, Chancellor.  I thank you for your time.
Chancellor Palpatine:    Always a pleasure to hear from you, Senator.  Only working together can we bring peace and security to the Republic.

Mas Amedda:    I trust your meeting was informative, Chancellor?

Chancellor Palpatine:    Indeed……

Well, after much delay and hard work, I have finally completed the next update (Chapters 37, 38 & 39).  Many thanx to YESTERDAY808[/i] over at RS for completing all the special effects in the following chapters.  I may have overloaded him with so many pics.  :P

I hope this update was worth the wait, as it was the hardest set of chapters to complete, with respect to  dialogue, photography, and special effects.  I have to apologize again about the smaller sized pics, as there is no way to expand those shots without losing clarity.

So without any more delay......Enjoy!   8)

Wow, didn't think this update would take so long.  I am working on the final details.  For sure it will be posted this week, most likely on Wednesday - August 16th. 

Until then, 2 more previews since you guys are "patiently" waiting.   :)


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: August 10, 2006, 09:55 AM »
It's probably more so that you call out the correct name at the opportune moment.  Helps their self-esteem.


Well you can't see her face, at least you can still say her name.  Instead of "!"


Sorry guys, but the update is taking longer than expected.  Best estimate: this Friday, August 11th. 

The wait will be worth it!  8)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Gas Prices
« on: August 7, 2006, 11:25 AM »
I paid $2.86 yesterday for 87 octane.

I am fortunate that I only fill-up my car 2 or 3 times a month, and my wife's truck about twice a month.  I can only imagine for you guys that drive 50+ miles a day.

But at this point, I watch the prices with ironic glee.  There is absolutley nothing we can do about it.  Not while we have a Prez & government supported by the Big Oil executives.  They simply do not care, the very people we "elect" to represent us.

Prices will never go down, b/c Big Oil will never letgo of the record-breaking profits.  They couldn't spend enough right now to even be considered wasteful.  At least we are all contributing to the owners * stockholders great grandchildern's education.

I personally am boycotting Exxon gas ever since I heard that their CEO retired with a 400 million dollar package, or whatever it was.  Doesn't really matter, since all Oil companies are making these record profits.

Sorry guys, but the update may be done on Sunday, if not Monday.  I still have to wait on a couple of things,including proof-reading the dialogue.  Trust me, this update is worth waiting for.  Some of the most fun chapters to create.

Stay tuned...8)

Photonovels and Movies / DARK ILLUSIONS preview pics 8/3/2006
« on: August 3, 2006, 05:06 PM »
Thanx for the feedback guys.  Always happy to see feedback between the updates, especially since the update are taking longer to post everytime.

 Artoo:   I don't have a quality-enough printer to attempt that.  The backgrounds would look really bad with the basic printer I have.  Perhaps the next photonovel will just use basic backgrounds, without regard to what is in the background.

As for another update, I was hoping to post chapters 37, 38, and 39 this Friday , August 4th.  However, with my schedule being very hectic this week, the update may not come until Monday the 7th. 

Here are some preview pics for your viewing pleasure, until the update is posted:

(I am going to have a problem with some of the sizes of the pics in this next update.  I prefer to have all pics the size of the Cody/Dooku pics below, but some of the pics will be the size of the Shocktrooper's pic)


Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: July 28, 2006, 03:01 PM »
Found Endor wave in "force" today at my WM

1 - C3PO (my first ever C3PO)
1 - Death Star Gunner
1 - Mof Jerjerrod
1 - Chief Chirpa

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: July 28, 2006, 09:24 AM »
And here is a pic I saw on the GNR boards:

from L to R: Chris Pittman, Brain, Robin Finck, Tommy Stinson, Dizzy Reed, Richard Fortus, Bumblefooot

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:33 PM »
Man, they didn’t even let Izzy take his solo.  On Appetite, Izzy played the first half of the solo and Slash came in for the second half.  With Axl’s new band, it looks like the same arrangement, where the primarily rhythm player takes the first solo and the lead player takes Slash’s solo.  But, come on, if you have the man in the house, why not let him play his part?

Anyway, the link you gave had another recent clip of Axl’s band playing Nightrain much more true to the form of the old days:

Old School Nightrain

There have been many reports of the old GNR/Axl walking off-stage incidents during the European concert.  The band members have also done the same (as does any band) when the crowd throw things at them.  Axl has no patience for it tho.

I'll try to find the names of the guys in that pic above of "The Band".  I initially thought Izzy was pictured, but I think that is Finck.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: July 27, 2006, 11:15 AM »
Link to a live performance of "NIGHTTRAIN" in Holland on the current GNR tour, but this version is with Izzy on backup guitars: "Nighttrain" with Izzy

And here is a pic I saw on the GNR boards:

Big news on the forum is about a US tour later this year, between September and December.  Lot of rumors now that the album will finally be released.  If GNR does tour, they should stick to the small venues, b/c without that album, they will not fill the arenas.  May not fill it anyway...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: July 25, 2006, 05:41 PM »
Hopeful, my ass. 

The buildup to the album is going to be much more interesting than the album itself.  I hope it never comes out.

The album will never live up to hype, I agree.  But the hype is in the "eyes" of the media or people.  To me, I really like the 4 tracks posted here.  I like the sound of the new band.  And rock music is full of paper-cutout bands.  Their sound is original and unique, if only b/c of Axl's voice. 

Only time will tell how the album is viewed, if it ever comes out.  Any doubts that it would premiere at #1 on Billboard?

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