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Messages - Brian

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 12, 2019, 11:59 PM »
I feel the same way. It isn't for me, but I hope it gets made for those who want it. I can't say the thought wouldn't at least cross my mind for a second if it was from the Muppet Show  ;). That said, it was definitely a surprising choice.

I didn't really think it would be a Star Wars item two times in a row either, and was just kind of excited to see what they would try next. Still wondering if this strictly has to be an expensive/large item each time, or if they could do smaller things too? Like, for example, since it seems like GI Joe is kind of not a mass retail thing right now, if they wanted to try a 6" line of Joes, like 6-12 a year or something, could they sell a subscription to something like that? Or any other license. Could we get an exclusive single figure (like the Imperial Dignitary) that would maybe struggle at retail? To be honest, if it wasn't Star Wars, I'd kind of like to see some sort of Joe resurrection (3 3/4", 6", or a vehicle).....or a Black Series style, face printed, Indiana Jones figure.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: July 12, 2019, 10:29 AM »
The Siege line has been tempting me something fierce lately. I might be too far behind since I don’t see Sideswipe or Hound anymore.

I did find the G1 Prime on clearance at my local Wally for $35. I left it, but might go back and get one before they disappear. It’s just too tempting.  ;)

After relatively getting out of Transformers for the most part, and selling (later regretting) my classics/universe stuff, Siege is what drug me back. Started with just Optimus, but went downhill from there. I don't know if you want to go this route or not, but I got Sideswipe (my childhood fave) and Hound from Amazon and BBTS respectively and they are both still available from both places at retail price.

I've been just getting one here and there to catch up, but not all of them. So far I've grabbed Prime, Megatron, Soundwave - and Ravage/Laserbeak, Sideswipe, Hound, Starscream, and Ironhide (as well as several minibots from the past couple lines). Thinking next I'll grab Prowl, and possibly Shockwave.

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: July 9, 2019, 09:14 PM »
I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet, but I saw via PixelDan's (toy reviewer) Twitter and YouTube that Super 7 is going to be doing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reaction figures. Kinda cool.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stranger Things - Netflix
« on: July 9, 2019, 09:11 PM »
We watched it the first two days it was out, although I sort of wanted to spread it out a bit as well. I love the show so much, so it is often bittersweet when it is done. We love the season, but the long wait ahead for new episodes is brutal. Watching Season 3 was especially fun, as our daughter had been asking for a year or two to watch it, and I told her this summer (she turns 12), we could start it from the beginning as a family. She is now obsessed. This show is kind of tailor made for me (like many here I imagine), and I have loved every bit of it so far. Going through our second watch thru now.

Went to Spider-Man: Far From Home today, and absolutely loved it. I'll admit, I'm an easy mark for a Spidey movie, but this may be one of my all time favorite movies, particularly superhero movies. Very comic booky in places, which I loved, and just a fun ride. I won't go into spoilers here, but obviously stay through the credits. Definitely some surprises there.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: June 21, 2019, 09:58 PM »
With a bit of a lull in SW lately, my eye has been wandering over to the Transformers section a little bit. Now again, I am far from an expert on all things Transformers, but I really think the Siege line is pretty great. I started with Optimus, then Soundwave, and then Megatron - which are all pretty great. Then this week I grabbed Sideswipe (one of my favorites as a kid), and Hound which look so nice as well. I've also been tracking down a number of the minibots from the past couple lines - Bumblebee, Brawn, Beachcomber, Windcharger, Cosmos, and Seaspray. I really like those minibots, hope to see more. I did pick up a Titans Return (I think) Jazz that was being clearances out at BBTS, but I didn't like it quite as much as Sideswipe/Jazz. Tempted to go after Ironhide and/or Starscream with the next go round. I basically just leave them in bot mode, which are toon tastic.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: June 7, 2019, 07:44 PM »
I’m not very knowledgeable about third party stuff. I try to avoid it, since I spend enough on official stuff. But the G1 version of Blaster is coming to Walmart next year, and I’m assuming his cassette buddies will tag along.

Thank you so much Ben, I didn't know that. Yeah, I don't know anything about 3rd party stuff either, and I was researching the Blasters I mentioned earlier and it appears the $35 one is in the smaller, Legends-ish scale, so that explains the price. I don't necessarily have a huge budget to spend on Transformers, but the way so much of the recent stuff has had that G1 look has kind of been calling to me.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: June 7, 2019, 01:24 PM »
No sign of Gears/Warpath here yet, but hopefully soon. Always a big fan of the minibots. Speaking of which, I've sort of got the Transformers bug lately, and have been picking up a few things. Grabbed the Optimus and Megatron from the Siege line, and have also been tracking down some minibots from the past couple lines as well (Windcharger, Beachcomber - a fave, and Bumblebee, Brawn, and Cosmos on the way). Looking into the Siege Soundwave (grabbed the Ravage/Laserbeak pack this week). Just kind of like the recent versions that have 'bot modes very G1 like.

Quick question, I've always wanted to get a version of Blaster since I was a kid. I'm kicking myself for passing on the Titans Return one from a little while back, as it seems to be getting pricier. I'm sort of priced out of the MP game I think, so I started looking at some 3rd party stuff for a number of bots. I've never owned one myself, are some worse/better than others? For example, on Blaster, BBTS has one from Magic Square that is $35. There is also one from "Keith's Fantasy Club - KFC" which does look more detailed, but runs $150. Is there a go to third party vendor, or is it sort of pick and choose?

Although I didn't mention it in my initial post, I have always considered Star Wars an '80s line as well. There was just so much toy goodness in those years. Things are generally more detailed now, but as far as fun "toys", it is tough to beat the '80s.

I know the majority of the line's run was in the 80s, but a number of documentaries, YouTube videos, etc. I have watched talk about the "Big 3" of the 1980s and point to G.I. Joe, He-Man, and Transformers, relegating a Star Wars more to the 70s, and things like TMNT in the 90s.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: May 27, 2019, 08:41 PM »
Man, I'd be all over that too. How do we think that the retro figure line is selling so far? I know personally, I don't think that these have even made it to the floor at our Targets. I got a set there that was brought from the back, and I think a couple more went that way as well. I don't know that they are still listed on the Target app, while the exclusive Han and Luke figures have been pretty well in stock. Seems like they are well received.

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: May 19, 2019, 11:50 AM »
I see BBTS has some sales going on some of their ReAction stock, including some MOTU, Alien, and Street Fighter figures if anyone is interested.

Again, echoing others, but this Han is amazing. Nice and simple to get too, ordered it Sundat had it by Tuesday (our local store sold the entire case of 8 Sunday morning). Through some ordering bugs, I ended up ordering extras but I think I might just use them for head swaps like that Bespin one. Only drawback to this face scan paint apps....I kind of want redos on most of the human characters now  :-X, at least the main characters.

Mine arrived yesterday as well. Haven't gotten a chance to open it yet, but man that vinty box is pretty.

Joe Defender / Re: Vintage 3.75" ARAH Figures
« on: May 2, 2019, 03:02 PM »
Yeah, the prices are nuts these days, on eBay at least. I picked up a few figures at Quake Collectibles in Chicago last month, but they didn’t have any weapons. I grabbed Beachhead v2, Ambush, Crankcase, and Rampart. The only way I can afford to buy these any more is at a collectible store. I’m pretty lucky that I live a couple hours from a great store in Des Moines called Jay’s that has all sorts of great stuff for fair prices.

I may have to start checking stores then, if that is a better option. Even Des Moines isn't too bad of a trek if we were out and about sometime. The prices is what has kept things at a slow burn for me as well. Like I said, I've been working on the '85 figures, and I think the last Joe I need from the regular releases is Shipwreck, but holy cow is he pricey (especially with the parrot, I may have to give up on that accessory). Another one I was after when I first started, but took a break from due to price, is a swivel arm Scarlett. Yeesh are those expensive. Thanks for the advice!

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