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Messages - obi-dad

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Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Saga 4-packs: Love 'em or hate 'em?
« on: May 28, 2003, 12:47 PM »
WHY don't you like the Bounty Hunter set????  I think it's great!

I can tell you why I don't like the Bounter Hunter set.... I have all the same figures when they were originally released and that is an EU speeder bike for a character that was in only one movie less than 5 seconds that was supposed to be further developed that never was and perhaps never will be (as far as movies go).   I will buy the Hoth set (for the Taun Taun) and the Imperial set for everything but Vader.  The Imperial set also is good for army builders, which neither the Hoth nor Bounty Hunter set is good for.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Should Hasbro re-release the Eopie?
« on: May 27, 2003, 10:50 AM »
I'm all for a re-release (wouldn't there really have to be an original release to consider it a re-release?)   ..... Oh yeah, I forgot, they were released.... just like the 2nd wave of the Cantina sets.

1.  Major Bren Derlin
2.  General Veers
3.  Lobot resculpt
4.  R-3PO
5.  Admiral Ozzel
6.  Captain Needa
7.  General Rieekan
8.  Bespin gown Leia
9.  Deluxe Ugnaught
10. Black Bespin Guard

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Cantina Wave 2 Sets a No Go
« on: May 23, 2003, 12:51 PM »
I am planning to bite the bullet, but I haven't yet.  I'm moving in 2 weeks, so I can't order anything until I have a permanent residence.   I personally can't believe Hasbro's screwup either, other than it fits their pattern, historically speaking.  I'm sure I saw either at Brian's toys or Entertainment Earth that one of the 3 figures in the 2nd wave was less than the other two.  If my memory isn't failing, it was Kitak Keed'Kak that was cheaper!!!  I'm pretty sure it was Brian's Toys, known for ripping off people.   Why would the only new figure be $6 or so cheaper? ....  I just checked, for C-9 Wuher & Evazan is $21.99 ($20.99 for C-7/8) and Kitak is $14.99 for the C-9 ($13.99 for C-7/8).   I would think they would do it the other way around.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Same Body, Different Heads
« on: April 10, 2003, 05:36 PM »
I'm all for it.  Now  gimme some:

1.  Ewoks
2.  Astromech droids
3.  Rebel pilots (we already have a fat one anyway)
4.  Protocol droids
5.  Rebel & Imperial generic officers

and whatever else I left off.

1. Owen Lars
2. Cliegg Lars w/hover chair
3. Beru Whitesun
4. Bail Organa
5. Shu Mai
6. Padme Fireplace
7. Ask Aak (Gran Senator)
8. Sly Moore
9. Padme Outlander Disguise
10. Padme Lake Retreat (Rainbow Gown)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Star Tours wave 3 FINALLY!
« on: April 3, 2003, 03:47 PM »
Well, regardless of how I feel, I will still get (try to get) the R5 figure.  I haven't been overly impressed and have yet to buy one figure (or found a way to, other than paying over the already overpriced figure on ebay).   Mac, when these come out, any chance you could hook me up with a few of the 9 different figures?  I'm sure we'll eventually get a "real" R5-D4 eventually, but this will do until then.

okay, just who voted on this since no on is happy with this list?   Too many rebel pilots.  If they want to do "boring ol' human characters, I'd much rather see the Antilles and rebel & imperial leaders/officers made before a bunch of bland pilots are made.  I definitely would liket to see the Treadwell droid, mining droid, R5-D4 before the pilots.  Not that I wouldn't love to have the pilots.... they could just come wayyyyyyyyyy down the list for me.  If people want the Tonnika sisters so bad, they should just put them in a seen in Ep. III then there wouldn't be a problem.   Hasbro would be using the new actresses' likenesses.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Hoth Han and Chewie 2003!
« on: April 3, 2003, 03:00 PM »
I'm still so happy overall, that it's hard for me to complain.  I'm a loose collector and have no problem using one of the old ones.  However, without the bowcaster in his hands, he looks plain stupid.  His one hand reaches about to his knees! :o :o :o

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Pegwarmer of the Year Award
« on: April 1, 2003, 10:03 AM »
Zam wins it here in Long Island.   I checked the HUGE TRU in Times Square last week and they had Watto, Lott Dodd, and a 3rd one on clearance for $1.90.   They also had pegs full of Zam, Clone pilots, and the Geonosians & Tuskens both with the "pets"... can't remember the name at the moment, nor care to look it up.  I did find one Endor rebel trooper without a beard, but I didn't let it warm the peg for too long.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: New JD poll: Most wanted VEHICLE!
« on: April 1, 2003, 09:48 AM »
IF it was done right, my first choice would be Jabba's sail barge.  It would have to be done to scale (or at least in scale compared to the skiff) and open up in the back as a playset for all of Jabba's crew.  There would need to be at least one pack in figure like R2 with his serving tray or Jabba with an action feature ( :o :o :o :o) when Leia strangles Jabba, his tongue sticks out.

If it wasn't done right, I would chose the Twin Pod Cloud car next.   My last choice would be the AT-TE - only because if it was done in scale with the figures, it would be out of scale to the Republic Gunship to drop it.  If it was in scale with the Republic Gunship, it would look out of scale with the figures.   Besides, I like the AT-AT better, anyway.

[Edited to take into consideration JediMAC's observation that some of us have been a tad overzealous using cinema scene and deluxe figures].

1. General Jan Dodonna
2. Captain Antilles
3. R1-G4 [to replace Scene Pack Sandcrawler droids 3 packs (especially R1-G4, R5-D4 & the mining droid).]
4. General Tagge [to take the place of my original #4, which wasDeluxe Death Star Tractorbeam console/catwalk w/ Obi-Wan Kenobi w/ hood down]
5. Dannik Jerriko
6. Bom Vimdin
7. Myo
8. Colonel Wulf Yularen
9. R5-D4
10. Hem Dazon

Saga '02-'04 / Re:THIRD Imperial Officer head variant is a go!
« on: March 19, 2003, 04:32 PM »
I'm quite happy with these.  I wouldn't even mind if they used the same head sculpts on the "eventual" officer in the  regular olive/grey (flat) tunic uniform.  I'd be glad to see them get all my money making all the army builders they can.

The Prequel Trilogy / 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
« on: March 11, 2003, 01:51 PM »
On, it was posted that "In addition to the Jedi Council chambers, the Senate Rotunda and Palpatine's office, two environments from the original trilogy are being carefully recreated for this earlier era in Star Wars history, much like the Lars Homestead was faithfully reconstructed for Episode II."

Any educated guesses as to what they could be?

Ones that come to mind for me are:

Obi's house
Jabba's palace
Yoda's hut
possibly the Cantina.

Saga '02-'04 / Re:Death Star Trash Compactor Sets
« on: March 6, 2003, 11:53 AM »
It's been 3 months since my last post and I still haven't found them.  I guess it's time to start hitting the trade routes.   Of course, I still haven't found a 2003 figure yet, either.

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