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Messages - Darby

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Forgot about them mentioning the Stormtrooper and Vader. Yeah those for sure. Hmm. I'd be shocked if there's not a Luke, but then I was shocked we didn't get TFA Luke until the next movie. >.>

Any guesses on who the other new figures will be? I think there's five or six slots unaccounted for. I expect it will be:

Rey (Jedi Training)
Luke (Crait or Jedi Exile)
Han Solo (...Solo)
Someone else from Solo
Praetorian Guard (Variant Helmet)
General Merrick - unless he comes with an X-Wing.

I think Jyn might struggle, since she saw pretty decent distribution and isn't as popular as the others. And honestly Snoke, who doesn't appear to be of interest to anyone. His six inch figure is already backing up here, along with the Funko POP. But they're all on the vintage card, which is the real draw. Otherwise I think they'll be fine.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: January 9, 2018, 10:37 PM »
I saw the voyagers (are they still called that?) at Target today. Grimlock and Starscream. Grimlock was pretty cool.

Solo may be a movie line I skip.

Saw the LEGOs. Laughed at myself.

The Last Jedi / Re: TLJ 3.75" BB-8 2-in-1 Mega Playset
« on: January 4, 2018, 11:41 PM »
That would be a good price.

The Last Jedi / Re: TLJ 3.75" Basic Figure Line
« on: January 3, 2018, 01:31 PM »
I don't believe it did, or at least that I saw. Looked for it on subsequent viewings.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Is Star Wars special anymore?
« on: January 3, 2018, 10:21 AM »
Star Wars will always be special to me. Nothing can diminish the impact its had on my life both as an influence on my creativity or just the sheer endless joy it's provided over the years. A bad movie here or there won't diminish SW, or a more frequent schedule of films. Will some of these films not be my cup of tea? Inevitable, probably. Will going to see a SW movie become less exciting? I'd argue it already has, but there's nothing like sitting in the theater that first viewing.

What has diminished about SW is fandom. And by that I mean the level of discourse that has corroded one of the most special, unique experiences in all of entertainment. We debate it here, we tweet about it, we talk about it amongst ourselves. There is a segment of fandom that has become toxic and exclusionary. This isn't because of Disney, or Rey, or whatever. It's gone on a long time now, back to the PT and maybe before. There are fans who think they've got it all figured out. They own SW. And as new generations come into it, as new creators, as new aspects of the story develop, they seek to diminish them or push them out. It's sad and pathetic. I'd prefer to let it all go, and just enjoy my hobby, but it's gotten to the point where voices of reason have to be heard.

The Last Jedi / Re: TLJ 3.75" Basic Figure Line
« on: January 2, 2018, 05:54 PM »
Definitely Snowtoopers (Salt Troopers?) but didn't see any Flame Troopers.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 31, 2017, 04:22 PM »
I keep thinking now during the Rey/Kylo vs. Praetorians fight, I sort of wish that when the one guard snaps his staff in two and starts swinging them moving towards Rey, that she would pull out her blaster and shoot him, Indiana Jones style.

I would have bounced off the ceiling at this.

The Holdo sacrifice scene is one of the best moments in SW. I think we're picturing Ackbar or Lando or someone else in that spot because we wanted it to mean more, to us and because the story so far hasn't served those characters. I think Wedge also would have been a great choice in this role, but not sure where Denis Lawson is anymore on SW and that wasn't Rian Johnson's interest.

He wanted to tell a story that sidelined Leia in favor of giving Poe an arc about learning leadership skills. The movie wasn't big enough to explore all the possibilities in the arc - is Holdo good? Bad? Neutral? Poe's reckless behavior both with the bombers, participating in the Canto Bight diversion and the mutiny all contribute to getting A LOT of people killed. Sure, he learns something (listen to your leaders) but at what cost? And what weight does he carry, knowing that cost? We don't see it.

The Last Jedi / Re: TLJ Movie / Figure and Vehicle Choices - SPOILERS
« on: December 29, 2017, 10:11 AM »
Solo may be a movie line I skip. I say that now, but... I've been wanting to cut back on the modern stuff. None of the new films have let me do that, but I'm barely interested in this. There might be some great aliens/troops, so TBD, but I'd like to sit this one out.

Saw the SW episode yesterday and it was a lot of fun.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« on: December 22, 2017, 12:03 PM »
Probably not, but Luke cut himself off from the Force after Ben turned. Hazy as to when this happened exactly, but the Bloodline book makes it out to be only five or six years before TFA. If that's the case, then I wonder - and it's just me maybe - did Yoda/Obi-Wan/Anakin visit with Luke in the time leading up to that? I'm curious about it, especially Anakin.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« on: December 22, 2017, 10:40 AM »
My interpretation was that since Luke had cut himself off from the force, Yoda and Obi-Wan could not communicate with him.

Good point. A line to clarify wold have helped a lot in that scene, which really is just about perfect. I'm sure we'll find out for sure down the line.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 22, 2017, 10:38 AM »
But I think Rey is probably going to need some guidance, and Luke is the only Jedi master that she's ever known.

One of the things I wasn't sure about after seeing the film the first time was how limited their actual relationship was, but then I thought about it, and its roughly the same as Luke and Yoda's in ESB. Both end in what we'd consider failure. There's less actual training between them, and what's ironic is Luke is the antagonist in both. He's skeptical of Yoda and Rey.

I hope Luke comes back for more than a scene in IX, and helps Rey through what has to be a very rocky path.

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