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Messages - Nirvana

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Incom's customs
« on: June 21, 2006, 05:59 PM »
I like that Red Bull Pit Crew Member, very nice.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Greypool
« on: June 21, 2006, 05:58 PM »
Could we get better pics please of that cloak? It looks really good from what I can see!

I really love the bright colors used on him, and the white drybrush on his outer tunice is just *perfect*. Great job all around.

I think I'll get started on this tomorrow maybe.

What kind of history is needed? History of the planet? Events that occured there? Landscape? Inhabitants? Events that are occurring in the present time? Size? Population? Anything?  :P

I'll have to check on some things and make sure I have the time and permission to go along with this project...If my parents aren't too keen on shipping customs out, maybe I can work on logistics and concept design.

Great job on these Clone Commanders, CC1, some of the better versions I think.

That bridge dio is really looking superb...I love the two action shots with Bacara and Mundi.

Your FemMando turned out really nice, I actually like the pink and black scheme...awesome paint apps, but maybe Dremel down the crotch a looks a in this pic:

Cade looks good as well, I'm not too familiar with the character itself, but the parts flow together nicely and the sculpted armor looks good as well.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CHEWIE's CUSTOMS
« on: June 21, 2006, 05:48 PM »
Don't see customs as a 'workload' CHEWIE, think of them as a challenge...

The last thing I want to see is you burning yourself out and pulling out of the hobby...your work (as well as others) really got me into customizing.

Your FemMando looks like it's coming along well, I apologize again for not being able to help you out with the kama. Looking forward to seeing her finished.

Cmdr. Cody's body look really nice with the mods and the paint jobs, as well as the helmet, but the face's just not doing it for me. With Cody's headsculpt now, I've gotten accustomed to seeing Cody's head respectively with his body. I just think that the ATTE Gunner head just doesn't look anything like the good ol' Commander.

The accesories look very neat and clean on the Bacara body, looks like a clone Hasbro would make. I've always despised the Bacara body, but it looks okay here.

Keep up the good work!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Outrider's Customs UPDATE
« on: June 21, 2006, 05:40 PM »
I'm a pretty avid Halo fan (books, heavy campaign player, other references) and I don't really see any resemblance here, Outrider...I like the green-gray with the black and white.

I really love all the original DC attachments you've made...really nice! Do they all work?

As I recall, the original Delta Squad was pretty beat up, but I don't think your squad has seen as much action lately (or they're neat freaks about their armor  ;))...I think a light black would look really cool.

Could we get pics of all the member's backpacks? They all look neat.

Awesome work, one of the most original and creative Commando squads I've seen in a while. Good to see you back doing customs, I wondered where you went at Galactic Archives...


I might go back and redo him as an "Imperial Boarding Trooper" v.2, what do you all think?

I picked up some new BBi Elite Force figs at TRU last night, and I was planning on using the bare arms version as a Tatooine rebel. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the comments CHEWIE.

I'd love to get in on this...I'm not old, but I could do some concept/design and possibly some figure production...I don't really know yet.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 TRU Clone Wars Gunship
« on: June 20, 2006, 10:09 PM »
These are starting to sit at my local TRU...I was in there looking for HFG and saw 2 on the shelves and 8 more up top...I was 5 bucks short of it, so I settled for some BBi Paratroopers and Marines.

Thanks for all the condolences guys. It's been hard.

I just did this one this morning just as a fun custom- nothing complex, just a kitbash and a repaint.

Shortly after the new instatement of the Galactic Empire, Imperial military officials began developing armor and troop styles for the new Imperial Army. One of their prototype armor desigs was that of a Scout Trooper, but it was scrapped and replaced with the armor that was used most recognizably at the Battle of Endor. But, shortly after the Battle of Yavin and after the Alliance came into view as a major threat, the design was revisited and formed into Imperial Special Operations Troopers. Their most well-known conflict was boarding and capturing a Mon Calamari diplomatic cruiser that was carrying Rebel equipment. The captain and crew were neutralized and the ship scrapped.

Corporal Aatoft (Imperial Designation BI-852)

Well, I hope you like him. LMK what you think, all comments are appreciated. Thanks for looking.

I want to deeply express my condolences for Shannon. Even though I never really had a chance to really talk with her, I know how hard it will bbe for her family and friends. My grandmother just passed away unexpectedly on Friday morning, so I know how they will fell, and I'm just so sorry.

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