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Messages - Darby

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JD Sports Forum! / Re: MLB Playoffs - 2005
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:39 PM »
I think just the psychological impact is devastating.  It happened with the Cubs back in '03.  Steve Bartman had little to do with the total collapse in Game 6 (they were five outs away) as much as they let his stupidity get to them.  Today all the sports shows were saying how the series was essentially over - they were replaying every flame out in baseball history and if I were the Astro's, I'd be pissed enough to go out there and prove them wrong.

So looking over the rumor list, the big thing that jumps at you is the serious lack of updated SA figs we all wanted.  Among them are Qui Gon, Obi Wan (TPM and AOTC) Darth Maul, Jango Fett, Mace, Yoda, Endor Luke/Leia/Han, Scout Trooper, Snow Trooper, and so on.

And then I was thinking, out of all the force battlers/attactix/GH/transformers/choppers madness, the one thing we haven't heard anything about for next year is the usual $10 deluxe figure.  Where is it?  Gone for good?  And then I thought... wait a sec.  Wasn't there a rumor about more VOTC figs?  Like PT ones too?  Maybe this is where all the main character love will be next year.
Any ideas?

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Battle of Death Star Wave
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:28 PM »
Hmm... maybe there is hope for Wedge yet.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Hoth Wave
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:27 PM »
No ******* SA Snowtrooper?!?!?!?  (Okay, calming down...) I guess I can't get everything I want.  They did come through with Veers and the AT AT Driver.  Gotta leave something for 2007, I guess.  Sigh.

Veers: Cool.  Looks like removable armor.  The helmet looks a little big on him.

Derlin: I'm glad they did him, and he looks good.

AT AT Driver: **** yes.  About time.

R2: Looks like the SP droid sculpt.  Maybe.

Vader: Sets a nice precedent with repacking the VOTC sculot, but since they've already passed up on Chewie, I don't care.

Snowtrooper: I'll be alright.  I just need to lie down some.

Rieeken: I for one am glad they did this, because I never got him.  I can understand why some are upset.  He's not the best choice, espeically since the clean Hoth Luke was a possibility.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Naboo Wave
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:20 PM »
Hmm... another 'coulda' been a contender' wave.  Where is Qui Gon?  SA versions of Obi and Maul?

Rep Been: Cool.  I always liked him.

Podracers: Hopefully Ratts Tyrell is one of them.

Graga: Again, cool, but never a biggie for me.

Naboo Soldier: Can't say I'm too excited.

Obi Wan: If this is a repack, ugh.

Darth Maul: Ditto.

There are so many possibilities here (obviously EE thinks so with the droids and clones).  I like repaints when it's simple and obvious (SA clones) so I'm always game.

I hope they do more wookies (and ewoks), because they're really my favorites.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Tatooine Wave
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:13 PM »
Hammerhead: He's my favorite alien probably ever, but I'm not sure he was begging for a resculpt.  That said, it will probably be much cooler than I'm imagining.

R5-D4: Hell freezes over.

Hem Dazon: Finally.  What happened to those Tonnkia twins?

Garindan: Wins the One Fig In Each Wave No One Cares About award.

Han: Hopefully it's the VOTC sculpt, since I don't have one open.

Luke: Pass.

Sandtrooper: I - gasp - have all the Sandtroopers I need.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Endor Wave
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:08 PM »
Another Yay!/WTF? wave.  I think they all are.

Chief Chirpa: Finally. 

Jerjerrod: Every wave seems to have one figure I could care less about.

Death Star Gunner: This is a nice surprise, but it would have to be seriously SA for me to go gonzo over.

3-PO: If it's not articulated, then no one will care.

Endor Commando: Probably a repack/head swap.  Pass.

Luke: I'm sure it's the lame Throne room thing.  Pass.

Vader: Ditto.

Emperor: Ditto.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:04 PM »
This is a big let down.  No Obi, Mace, Jango... sigh.  Anyways, my two cents:

Sora Bulq: Alien Jedi are always cool.  Sweet.

Sun Fac: Not exactly high on the ol' list, you know.

Republic Commando: Another left field choice, and a very good one.  Not sure why it's here, but hey.

Clone Trooper: Hopefully green.  SA or forget it.

3-PO: The only way this would be interesting was if was a repaint of the ROTS sculpt, and even then, I don't know.

Jango: Nope.

Yoda: Nope.

Other Collectibles / Re: Star Wars "Choppers"?
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:59 PM »
What to say... what to say...

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Coruscant Wave
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:56 PM »
My thoughts:

Fire Fighter:  Sweetness.  Great choice.

Cody: Duh.  I think he may have the most anticipation behind a figure since Tarkin or Slave Leia back in the day.

Dofine: Umm... okay.  Can't say I'm too excited.

Talz Jedi: Now this, I'm excited.  A great out of nowhere surprise of a figure.  I can't wait to see what this looks like.

Anakin: The Evolutions fig seems the only logical choice (with pilot headset) but... doesn't matter much to me.

Ki Adi: The hell?  Holographic, maybe.

Obi Wan: Pilot or bust.

Clone Trooper: I'd prefer this be the Utapau version, but I suppose I could live with SA versions of the 501st.

Biggest Disappointment: No Senate Duel Emperor.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Wal-Mart CW Volume II DVD 3-packs
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:41 PM »
I like these a lot, and the effort Hasbro put into them, but they passed on what was likely the last opportunity for a Clone Obi.  Not to mention Padme.  Maybe there will be more down the line, but this was a big let down for me.  Still, I'm excited about Cody.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart Separation of the Twins Figures
« on: October 15, 2005, 05:05 AM »
No hood for Obi Wan?  Problem solved:

Looks better not squashed in a scanner.  That's the POTJ Obi Wan choco-shell BTW.  I knew there was a use for it yet!  I was telling Ben about this idea tonight, but couldn't find it anywhere.  Went digging through my boxes and found it finally.  Just insert baby.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Tatooine Wave
« on: October 15, 2005, 03:20 AM »
You know I was thinking since this 'theme' is so vague, it may not be limited to the OT.  This could be where we get the young Uncle Owen and Beru figures we've been waiting for.  They're already in the drawer (I assume) from that rumored Screen Scene back in Saga (which spanned Padme), so they gotta go somewhere.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Best/Favorites of the ROTS Line
« on: October 13, 2005, 10:29 PM »
Best figs:

Obi Wan Pilot: Best modern SW fig ever.  Bar none.
SP Wookie Warrior: He was the best until Obi Wan.
Commander Bly/Clone Commander: Outmatched only by
Evolutions Bly Grunt: who is second only to
#41 SA Clone: 'Nuff said.
Evolutions Anakin
Count Dooku
AT RT Driver
Kit Fisto
Plo Koon
Evolutions Vader
#43 Wookie Warrior (Vanilla, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate)
Deluxe Vader on operating table
AT TE Tank Gunner

And lots more.  My favorite exclusive was the Holo Yoda, and my favorite ship the Wookie Flyer.

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