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Messages - Greedo The Green Menace

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Ahh, this wave sounds refreshing, much more interesting that the 2 Prequel waves IMO. Despite the fact that all of the waves contain resculpts and little new, I think this one stands out because a lot of these figures really needed resculpts and haven't had a figure release since the POTF2 days. Plus, it's got cool aliens.

Does anyone else get the feeling that Hasbro is really banking on the packaging making this line a success? I dunno, to me it just seems risky to have all these "greatest hits" repacks on top of having them readily available in Saga Legends as well.

Collections / Greedo, the Green Menace's Collection WIP
« on: June 1, 2010, 01:07 AM »
So here's mine. I wasn't sure if this is supposed to be Star Wars only, so I'll just show off the whole thing. I have quite a jack of all trades thing going here. It's fairly image heavy.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Defender Wishlists 2010 Discussion
« on: May 29, 2010, 01:42 AM »
My new stuff wants pretty much consists of cantina aliens and Jabba's palace goons. I don't care how obscure as long as they look neat and add a bit more color, and for the most part I get them, Hasbro is usually pretty good at cranking out 2-3 new ones every year or so while also giving us resculpts and reissues of the more important characters. There's a balance that needs to be maintained. As much as I'd love a wave full of cantina guys that have never been made, it would likely rot on the pegs and harm the line.

Wow, Uncle Owen didn't make the list this time yet Beru did? Bit of a shocker there. Not a bad set of winners, I got 5 of the 10.

This is probably one of the only Star Wars items I'd leave carded, very nice presentation.

I always found his wildness rather fitting. This is a guy who's been planning and scheming these events for decades, and to finally see everything coming together and finally taste that sweet victory is sure to make anyone pretty wild. That said, the Palps does look quite good upon viewing the blown up pics, he looks to have the poofy sleeves, which is the one thing none of the ROTS Palps have as far as I know, that's the one detail I was hoping for since they always seem to leave it out.

For reasons I can't exactly explain I'm rather enamored with ol Snowbi-Wan. Theres just something i find really neat about him, might be the Hoth vibe.

Nifty looking wave, I'm looking forward to picking up the majority, particularly Aurra and Vizsla. It's nice to get a few characters that aren't Jedi, Clones or droids.

LEGO / Re: Legos
« on: May 28, 2010, 07:26 PM »
I grabbed a few of these today cuz they looked like fun, got the clown and the diver and I think I might be hooked. I like the surprise involved, thought I'm really hoping to find a zombie. How cool would it be to have a Lego City zombie apocalypse?

I do agree, Star Wars ones would be very nifty, but I don't think they can do it, I think I read somewhere that there were licensing rights with selling Star Wars minifigs individually or somthing.

All the figures look like they're pretty well done, but wow, what a boring wave, nothing but resculpts and reissues, many which we just got in Legends/Legacy just last year. I like the look of Palps and the Magnaguard but the rest are very meh to me, especially Obi Wan. I can't help but think they're just putting a lot of these out for the sole purpose of getting them on the vintage cards. Good for the carded collectors who aren't put off by prequel styled cards I suppose.

TV-9D9 / Re: Family Guy Star Wars
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:30 PM »
I was wondering if there was a bunch removed. From what I'd read it was way too raunchy to make broadcast according to a lot of people. I also found it odd that they had the Chicken in there and a huge brawl didn't break out.

Feedback / Re: JesseVader08's feedback
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:24 PM »
Quickly shipped out my items, very please. I hope to buy from you again someday.

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:41 PM »
I found the 6" Mark V this weekend (in Canada, dunno if they're out in the US yet.) Really nifty figure, packed full of detail. I wonder how much they'll put into the 6" line, we know they have the removable helmet Tony Mark IV suit coming. Hopefully they'll do up a Whiplash in this scale, and maybe a drone or two.

TV-9D9 / Re: Family Guy Star Wars
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:39 PM »
I actually didn't care for it that much, there were a few funny moments, but I found the vast majority of it was the same tired Family Guy jokes that they keep using over and over again in the regular series, with a Star Wars theme. Like the AT-AT banging it's knee for example. They've used that same joke how many times now? There were a few original laughs but overall I thought it was kinda meh, didn't like it that much, but didn't really hate it either.

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