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Messages - Quazar

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Modern Trading / Have Clone Evo, Sith Evo, Sith Eyes Anakin...
« on: December 29, 2005, 07:24 PM »
Hey, folks, got a big stash of new things to trade!!

Here are the things I have:

Grey Clone Evolutions (multiple)
Sith Evolutions
Sith Eyes Anakin


AT RT vehicle
Blue Guard(s)
Tac Ops Trooper
Red Guard(s)

Jedi Temple Assault

and (dare to dream...)

A Gunship

all offers will be entertained!!

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE#18 - DARK EXCHANGE
« on: December 28, 2005, 05:01 PM »
Hey, are some more detailed thoughts (even though you never replied to my commentary for #17!  :P )

While, in general, I am glad we learn a little more about the Badoo Corba in this chapter, I think you should have at least mentioned their motivation in the opening crawl.  We've been dealing with these guys for a loong time and only now are we getting a glimpse into their motives.  Terrorist organizations exist to advance political or ideological agendas and, so far, we don't really know what these guys really want.  They don't like the Republic, obviously, but they aren't working with the please keep giving us more info about them.

It's not especially clear why Ryrkrof is being sent to find the Quarren.  Who is he betraying the Republic TO?  The CIS or the Badoo Corba?

The opening shot of the ships and planets is cool, but - and this is a very minor nitpick - most of your shots like this seem more "Star Trek" than "Star Wars".  In Trek, we always had establishing shots showing the Enterprise looking huge with a small planet in background, which was never really realistic.  But "Star Wars" has some great shots showing a vast, panoramic planet-view with a ship flying over it.  I think you should try a shot like that sometime.

The sets in this chapter are really fantastic!  And you do an excellent, excellent job of combining the practical effects with digital enhancements.  The opening battle shots are wonderful, with the cloudy, smoggy skies and digital buildings in the background.  The dioramas are very well-made and I love the various blast marks that dot the scenery.

I agree with the comment about shortening the blaster bolts.  Also try to darken the colors just a bit, sometimes your sabers and lasers look just a little too 'white' and washed out.  Not always, though.

LOVE Freelo and his new look.  The "Tortoise" line is fantastic!  Good use of Owen's cool speeder.  However, since we establish that this location is a kind of base for our heroes, why not throw in that computer terminal or something like that.  As it is, it looks a little too similiar to the rest of locations.

Oh, and why isn't Shundi out on the battle field?  I can understand Rykrof's friends waiting on the sidelines, but a Jedi?  I knew there was a reason I never liked Shundi!  :)

The Rykrof custom is terrific, as always.  However, I think it's time to vary his look a little bit.  He's looked the same way for over ten years, all the way back to the first chapter, which was TPM era.  Time for you to sculpt a full beard for him (the "stubble" look from the Dathomir chapters was awesome!) and I think you might try giving him grey temples or something.  He's older and battle hardened now, but still looks as fresh-faced as ever.

I agree with Longhorn about dialogue, which is something I've always said.  Don't have Freelo "mumble under his breath", give him LINES!  Narration is certainly important, but you need to give your characters as much dialogue as is possible to flesh them out and make them feel real.  You do a great job when you write it, so don't hold back!!

I love how Freelo is pretending to be all brave and eager to fight!  Such a wonderful character!

GREAT to see Shaak Ti, a terrific character.  Love the custom gear, too. 

Love Owens' custom hangar vehicle thingy!

The opening battle shots are, as always, fantastic!  Explosions!  Droids!  Blasters!  You're truly amazing with this stuff!

The "commander center", as I said, doesn't really look like much, just an empty corner of cement with a wall missing.  A few more do-dads and props would have helped flesh it out.  But I really like the interplay between the characters.  I think Ralbarra should be frustrated, too, as he's such a loyal friend of Ryrkrof's...

Thank God the preview shots of Freelo were misleading!  Freelo lives!!  The whole armor bit is BRILLIANT and works extremely well.  The smoke coming off the armor is another excellent touch.  It's this kind of attention to detail which really makes your series special.  The stories are great, the photos are great, but you really go that extra mile to make the series truly amazing.

Freelo's line after recovering his hilarious!  But I think you meant to write "springs FROM the ground" or springs to HIS FEET."

The shot of Mundi and the troops is terrific.  Great use of debris, both practical and digital. 

The shots of Yamrii scavening are also great, but I don't think you should have used the same speeder in the background, unless you are establishing that our characters took that speeder to find him, which isn't clear.

Good dialogue from Yamrii!  The character isn't on screen for much time, but definitely makes a distinct impression!  Well-done.

LOVE the warehouse shots, the use of the wooden door is very clever. 

There is so much awesome detail in these sets.  The grates on the wall, the stains, etc.  Truly top notch work!

....okay, I have to run for now, I'll finish the commentary later.  Another TERRIFIC chapter!

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE#18 - DARK EXCHANGE
« on: December 28, 2005, 01:51 PM »
Awesome update!!!!!!!

Man, the practical sets (with a few digital enhancements) are Fantastic!!!  It really does look like a war-torn industrial world!

So much great stuff to comment here on, I will write detailed comments hopefully today or tonight.

EXCELLENT chapter, as always!!  Wow, wow!!


I agree with Longhorn about the dialogue.  I think you should use dialogue as much as possible over narration, but I will comment more on this in my detailed review...still, AMAZING job.

I'm going to post here some comments from the other thread.  This has been a great conversation so far, gang, with some great posts and great communication!!

Clone Commander1

Cool update Lance!
Here is my input,
I agree with InRem, get angry, tell them that you have some very valuable info, and if they want it they had better stop sticking blasters in your face and yelling at you. Then, try and get some info out of them by baiting them with small bits of what you know, your uncles name, the imperial problems, etc. If that dosen't work, tell them that they need to tell you what they know, for you to tell them anything.

Exactly what I was thinking as well, stand right up to Fang. Don't be afraid of him. He's not going to get any information out of you if he shoots you, so him waving his gun at you is just to intimidate you. But I do think you should give up a little information about your uncle. Just a little, then demand some info from the group...give and take, like Commander & Rem said.


Before we continue, I need to give you all a little info. about our beloved young hero, Deak.

Unfortunately, as a teenager from an unassuming, middle-class planet, Deak's knowledge of galactic affairs is extremely limited.

Deak has never heard of any "rebellion" against the Empire, there is only a small Imperial presence on his home world and few citizens have a problem with the government.  To be sure, like most citizens, he does have a healthy respect and fear of the Empire, but he's never really come face to face with it before recent events.

At most, he has heard that there are far-off political rumblings of discontent with the Empire, but he doesn't really have many details and was largely disinterested in politics, anyway.

Deak has no idea who Boba Fett is, either, as he has even less knowledge about the underworld.

Deak DOES have piloting skills and he considers himself pretty good behind the wheel.  But his real gifts and skills are lie in engineering and mechanics, specifically droid programming and repair (as his mother owns a droid shop).  Lance hired him to be his mechanic and co-pilot for the summer, and Deak had hoped to get some real hands-on experience with starships.

So there you go.  It's kind of lame, but that's the character.  So, unfortunately, a few of the above suggestions will have to be disqualified from consideration.

Okay, gang, time for an update!

This time, I was able to give our oft-ignored "aggressive" voters a voice.  I hope, at least for the remainder of this sequence, to try to give everyone who wants it a chance to speak their mind.  In this case, that meant combining suggestions from the more diplomatic players with the aggressives.

First, the diplomats, which include Findswoman, Chewie, Diddly, Flacksguy, Ashared Hett, Commander Claus.  Most of the dialogue comes from Findswoman, and the suggestion to mention Boba Fett came from Ashared Hett.

Please note, however, since you never heard Boba Fett's name mentioned alound and since, of course, your character has no idea who he is, that you were simply able to mention that you saw a "bounty hunter".

During the second round, I combined the dialogue and questions of Jedi style and Ryan.

Blight had some great analysis about the situation, but was a little light on specifics.  Diddly was also vague on specifics, so let me just encourage you guys to put as much detail into your posts and suggestions as possible.  The more detailed, the better the chance of having your exact ideas implemented.

We had one vote for mentioning Callie and one against, so I left it out.  Didn't seem to fit the context of the conversation, anyway, but there will be plenty of chances to mention her in the very near future if you guys wish.

And I wasn't able to implement Longhorn's ideas about having them go to your ship.  At least not yet.  But his idea about spying on them is a clever one...if you could convince them to go with you to your ship...but that's a big IF.

Anyway, here's the update.  More talking/conversation, so, again, put as much detail/dialogue in as you want and I will be able to turn around another update even faster this time, without the distractions of the holidays!

Good luck!




dirty poncho (worn)

personal comlink
Credit Stick
hold-out blaster
backpack containing -
change of clothes
control pad for ship
data pad with technical schematics
68 credits

Woo, great update! I'd answer their questions and stay on their good side. Then maybe offer your services for their cause?

Quick question, Diddly...what services specifically did you want to offer?

I really appreciate ALL replies, but specifics always help, everyone.  Thanks to everyone for playing, as always!

Photonovels and Movies / Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« on: December 22, 2005, 01:48 PM »
Because this is such a HUGE update, I have only read part of it.  I will comment more in detail when I have finished.

This, as always, is AWESOME.  I LOVED the duel with Anakin and Dooku.  VERY exciting and some great dialogue. LOVE the shot of Anakin "jumping" in mid-air!  WELL DONE!  An excellent, tense and thrilling sequence all around!

The Jedi funeral is also fantastic!  Your use of props and locations is always imaginative.  These scenes, if nothing else, have a wonderful look to them.

But obviously there's much more than that.  This is another superbly written scene with great dialogue.  LOVE how Palpatine segues from a moving memorial into a political speech...and how that chafes the Jedi! 

This is exemplary work and I look forward to reading the rest!


One small thing: didn't we put our gun away?  I ask because the inventory list says that it's still drawn.  Just checking.  :)

Ooops.  Yes, we DID put our gun away.  That was just a goof and has since been corrected.  Sigh...that's what happens when you cut and paste.

And I wish I could take ANY credit for the shaft, but I can't.  It's just a beautiful image I found on the net last year while surfing for cool pix to use in photonovels!   Funnily enough, I had no intention of using that at all, but I couldn't find my toy ladder last night and I had planned to create a quick shot of you crawling past a ladder in the tunnels.  Needless to say, this looks about a million times better...

And, yes , Chewie, the paint is chipping big time on Doc.  I actually really hate that custom, I made it a couple years ago as part of another (defunct) project.  Alas, because a certain forum member who shall remain nameless has STILL not sent me another Amanda Kirby I traded for back in the SPRING, I still have to use her until I can make a new one.

The paint looks crappy, but I don't even want to bother to fix it, since the custom will still suck even if it was painted well.

And, yes, Luke does some "stand in" work for Deak in a couple of shots, as he did during the last update.  It's actually a comtech Luke, not VOTC.  Way back when I started this story, I made the Deak figures out of only whatever spare parts I had at the time, which is why he's such a lame figure.  I used Luke as a body double since Deak can't kneel and I still hope to do a revamped Deak at some point.

Anyway, thanks for the great comments, gang!!!

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Oh. My. God.
« on: December 20, 2005, 02:53 PM »
Gorgeous, GORGEOUS new figures!  Wow, this is shaping up to be a STELLAR line!


Alright, folks, finally an update!  Between work and the hectic holiday season, this was a long time coming.  Thanks for being patient!

Additionally, part of the delay was due to my frustration over the fact that we had yet another extremely close round of voting, with excellent replies from all!  It saddens me a bit to have to discard so much great input based on a narrow majority and I briefly flirted with various kinds of compromises, but decided to adhere to the rules.

First up is a retroactive addition to the last scene.  Chewie had asked a question about whether or not the tunnels could be used to go to different levels and I simply forgot to include it in the update.

So let's just pretend that these first few pics "already happened" and then we'll skip ahead to the "present."

Now on with the update!

As I said, we had another extremely close round of voting, but the "diplomatic" crowd won out over the "aggressive" group by a margin of one vote!

Here's a breakdown of the voting:

In Rem
No Mercy Joe

Clone Commander Gree
Ashared Hett

Now, for the next update, we're going to do things a little differently.  Especially in light of the recent dead heat voting, I'd like to try to give everyone a chance to directly participate if they want to.

So this next chapter will be more interactive, kind of like the bar sequence.  Anyone who wants to can post a specific piece of dialogue or a question.  The decisions here are not what to do or where to go, but what to say.

And rather than having everyone just vote for the kinds of things to say, I'd love to give everyone a chance to just jump in and say them.

Here's the good news:  I took a SLEW of extra photos during my last session, so I will be able to post individual "mini updates" at a rapidly accelerated pace.  So we can have as much "back and forth" as you'd like. 

So Player A can say something, and I can post a quick response.  Player B then can jump in...and so on.

Now, if people have fundamental disagreements about other people's suggestions, then feel free to discuss them and try to come to a compromise.

Maybe, for example, one person will want to tell the other characters the whole truth, while others might opt for a clever lie.  Some compromises will probably be necessary.

 (See the recent conversation between Chewie and Findswoman regarding staying in touch with Crate for a stellar example of inter-player communication and cooperation)

Now, this is all experimental and free form, so we'll see how it goes.  The only real rules here are be respectful and have fun!

So on with the show!




dirty poncho (worn)

personal comlink
Credit Stick
hold-out blaster
backpack containing -
change of clothes
control pad for ship
data pad with technical schematics
68 credits

Freelo is my favorite character in the story!!!  Long live Freelo!

I think Rykrof should die and Freelo should become the new protagonist!

Least favorite character:  Tylin "Asshat" Gere.

5th Favorite character:  Ralbarr

11th favorite character:  Tam Heem

8th Favorite character:  Trigg Fudda

Soon to be my new second favorite character if her new outfit is any indication:  Elyssa Enloe

Best design for character not yet introduced:  "Poppa" Enloe

Best use of "existing" SW character:  Dooku.  Close second:  Valorum, the Jimmy Carter of the Rykrof/SW universe whose post-presidential career far outshines his time in office.

Worst use of existing SW character:  Padme.  She FINKED on Rykrof for no reason!!

Second use worst of existing SW character:  Anakin (Hate the Evo. Anakin who does nothing but stand behind Palpatine and glower with that awful face sculpt of his.)

Favorite characters not appearing in this series:  Captain Jack Sparrow, Vic Mackey, Maynard G. Krebs, Deak "Starkiller" Veridian

A really excellent batch of new customs.  Your choice of paints and accessories are always great.  Your troops have a very original, very fresh look to them.  Rather than just putting a few stripes of color on a white trooper, you have really come up with a totally new way of making these characters.  They are instantly recognizable as your style and your universe.  Bravo.


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