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Messages - Nirvana

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: June 15, 2006, 07:46 PM »
Yeah, it was back on Memorial Day when I saw them. I haven't been to that K Mart since, so I don't know if it was just a one-time thing or they're being restocked.

I might go back and add that...I worked on a cloth blindfold but it didn't look right...maybe a strip of styrene with silver paint added?

Well, I redid Aros- swapped out his Stormtrooper legs to Biker Scout shins and painted his boots black. Added (as well as removed) some gear to him, and added a gray drybrush.

Here are some pics with different guns:

Well, I hope you like him. LMK what you think. Thanks for looking.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Halo and Halo 2 Toys- Almost Done
« on: June 15, 2006, 12:16 PM »
It looks like Series 8 is going to be the last series of Halo 2 figures. Series 9 and 10 are cancelled.

Figs in Series 8:
Master Chief v.4- Shotgun, Pistol, and Flood Infection Form

Covenant Jackal- Plasma Pistol and Shield

Heretc Elite Leader (now named Sesa 'Refumee)- 2 Plasma Rifles and Holodrone

Heretic Grunt- Plasma Pistol, Shipping Delayed Due to "Production Issues"


He was blinded in his duel with Vos.

JD sounds good...

I might make some out of Fomecore, I don't know. I dont have a Fleet or Endor helmet, but I might give him an Imperial helmet...he did intercept a convoy of supplies, I'm sure there would be a Veers helmet in there.  :)

I really had a hard time repainting the eyes on Sora Bulq, so I abandoned the eyes and went with a "what if Sora survived his final duel with Vos" custom.

It takes more than a chest wound to put a Sith down...

After an intense duel between Jedi-turned-Sith Sora Bulq and Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, Bulq was left for dead with a hole and his chest and without a weapon. Blinded, exhausted, and on the edge of death, Sora managed to find the strength in the Dark Side of the Force to semi-heal himself and find shelter to recover. One year later, Darth Ilesar, Bulq's adopted Sith name, was back in action and his lightdagger reconstructed, where he began an underground drug and organized crime network spanning COruscant and other Inner Rim worlds.

I hope you like him. LMK what you think. Thanks for looking.

I could go for a weekly you mean JD's chat room or AIM?

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: need WIP advice
« on: June 15, 2006, 10:11 AM »
Hmm...I'm stumped too, Kit. Maybe add a cloth belt to sort of distinguish the "fabric" part of the Pilot's uniform to the armor of the CC legs...maybe add the Clone Pilots shins? That would look pretty good.

As for a backstory, he could be about anything. Pilot, Ground Soldier, I'm just not sure. I'll think about it and if I have anything, I'll let you know.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: June 15, 2006, 08:39 AM »

Then you have the fact these shipped evenly to every retailer in large enough numbers.  Even KB it seems (though I will say I have seen none at K-Mart).  I don't think they shipped overly heavily, just shipped fairly evenly and everywhere...  And even-packed cases too.

I don't know if anyone else has, but I've seen them once at K-Mart- They weren't on the pegs or anything, just on the bottom shelf...I think they were 11.99...I could be wrong. I considered picking up the only Scout there, but I just found a Scorch and Utapau Clone on the pegs, and I didn't have the money.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Have you guys ever...
« on: June 14, 2006, 05:48 PM »
Well, I'm out of school now and that's why I've been having alot of time to customize...until the end of July, I really don't have anything going on during the day, but I'm starting to run out of fodder (as well as cash, lol), so I hope I get my job soon for the summer so I can actually make some money.

I get tired of my custom desk, so I frequently get up to stretch the legs and get fresh air, then back to the table.

I'm having a little bit of a customizer's block now that I've finished up the two Rebel guerillas. I've considered making a PN of them taking down an Imperial Convoy, but that means I will have to make the vehicles and everything. I don't know, maybe.

I like the look of this one alot...maybe paint the hands to match the head, and maybe add a wash to his jumpsuit, but it looks really good.


I didn't really have alot of time this past week for customs but I did manage to pretty much completely redo Precore into a Rebel guerilla fighter/mercenary. After DD and Fritzkrieg pointed out that they looked more like Rebels, I realized that they were right.

I cleaned up his face, added some 5 o clock shadow and some color to his lips, redid the legs and arms, tried to give his vest/coat a more black color, then switched out his gear to a new styrene belt.

Drox Precore and Vuron Aros were a pair of freelance mercenaries who were contracted by the Rebel Alliance to launch a campaign of raids against Imperial convoys to take supplies and ordnance as well as munitions. One of their most successful raids was when they intercepted and disabled a convoy of Imperial Ground Transports en route to assist the Empire in guarding the Death Star's shield complex on Endor. They tracked the convoy's movement across the heavy jungle until they disabled the point and rear guard vehicles, then killed the drivers of the transports, and maintained a secure perimeter until a larger relief force carried the commandeered supplies to the Alliance's fallback point.

Without coat and belt:

Well, I hope you like him. LMK what you think, all comments are appreciated. Thanks for looking.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 14, 2006, 11:01 AM »
How long is he going to be gone?

I didn't really think that that post was too offensive, if I accumalated all the 'Hasbro sucks' threads into one summarized post, it would pretty much parallel the one made my Mr. Kenobi.

I did like the title, though.

Well, Roton, a big thanks goes out to you for the props.

I've got a couple suggestions. The cloth would look really good and alot more natural on the body if:

Pick a fabric that's already the color that you want it to be- painting cloth doesn't especially work too well on accountof the fact that the edges will never fully absorb the color and it takes forever to dry.

On your SpecOps Troop: the black suspenders are a cool idea, but maybe start with a black fabric, cut down the width of the cloth, and glue it under the belt to make a seamless look.

Your 414th grunt looks good too, and the same thing I've posted above goes for the same thing- the brown looks good, but maybe start with a brown fabric itself.

The figures look really good, I like the assymetrical look on the troops. These are just a few suggestions to make the cloth on figs look better.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Chase's customs
« on: June 12, 2006, 01:18 PM »
It works, Starkid, but I'm not sure which pics are the ARCS.

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