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Messages - stormie

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No Secret Santa Secret Valentine Secret Leprechaun gift has arrived for me yet!

Maybe Secret Easter Bunny?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How's the weather?
« on: February 10, 2006, 05:37 PM »
It's been above 70F for the last four days in my area of the, even warmer in the city (SF).
I guess it's nice, but I like rain and cool weather, so I feel I'm being cheated out of winter. However, when it rains on the weekend it prevents us from going to the park or some other such outdoorsy area to get the 2-year old some exercise. A cooped up 2-year old is so not fun.

More "nice" weather for the weekend, too.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow - Vintage eBay Auctions
« on: February 8, 2006, 02:36 PM »
So that's what those dignitaries look like without a purple nose!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: My New Empire
« on: February 6, 2006, 11:36 AM »
That is so awesome, Jeff. There is no better "job" than being a parent. It's one big ball of slushy, gooey worries and fun with limitless rewards. I wish you and your wife nothing but the easiest pregnancy and delivery.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: February 2, 2006, 01:35 PM »

I visit these boards because, well, for obvious reasons, but this thread was just too much to pass up. When is too far, too far?  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Official Space Exploration Thread
« on: January 30, 2006, 01:09 PM »
For me, it was 11th grade chemistry with Mr. Hilstrom. It's just amazing the things one can remember when a traumatic event burns it into your mind. I think my initial reaction was that it was a joke, especially since the guy relaying the news to our bench was usually more interested in toking than talking.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How much snot can the body produce? Or...
« on: January 27, 2006, 11:21 AM »
Sweet frickin' relief...I finally have kleenex. Those paper towels were harsh!
However, the cold's gone from annoying to downright painful. Sinuses are all wacky and my brain feels swollen.

And to top it all off, the 2-year old had a 101 fever last night, so now she's got something. However, she sleeps like a rock, so not a peep from her all last night, though the 10-month old decided she wanted to "play" at 2 am. Sure I have a miserable cold and all, but I still pity my poor wife home with a sick 2-year old and a sleep-deprived 10-month old.

Ah, just in time for the weekend.  :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How much snot can the body produce? Or...
« on: January 26, 2006, 05:29 PM »
I ran out of kleenex at work, so I've had to resort to paper towels.
Scraaaatchy.  :-[

Ouch.  Kleenex is one thing I refuse to shortcut on.  Sure, most of the stuff in our house is the generic house brand, but when I comes to Kleenex, I don't want a sore nose on top of everything.  A guy's gotta have priorities in life, right?  ;)

I usually go straight for the TP when i'm outta tissues...

Normally I would go for the TP when kleenex wasn't available, but I'm at work, the bathrooms are public, and I work with a bunch of, nothing in that bathroom is going anywhere near my face.

Yeah, you can use that one for the "post out of context" thread if you wish.  :-*

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How much snot can the body produce? Or...
« on: January 26, 2006, 01:44 PM »
Yup, the 10-month old has had a cold since Sunday, and it hit me last night. Luckily, no sign of colds with the 2-year old or the wife...yet.

I ran out of kleenex at work, so I've had to resort to paper towels.
Scraaaatchy.  :-[

Yeah, haven't received anything here, either. I actually thought I was the only one, so I even bugged Matt about it (sorry Matt) to consider that it was lost in the mail or something terrible happened to my secret santa and they've been stuck in a deserted post office for weeks and have resorted to licking stamps and envelopes for nourishment.

I'm sorry that some of us are still waiting, but glad I'm not the only one. ;)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Electric Bills...
« on: January 18, 2006, 03:47 PM »
Our home is extremely small and old, so our electricity bill has never been too bad. We pay 11.4 cents per kwh, and electricity for December cost us just under $23. However, since the natural gas prices spiked in November, our total energy bill was nearly $140 in December ($170 in November). That's quite a bit considering the mild winters we have here.

Yeah, all the pics I've seen of the VOTC Stormie make it look like it has a bit of a cone head thing going on and the eyes look buggy. However, I have not seen one personally, so I really don't know what I'm talking about.  :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What kind of car would you buy if.....
« on: January 11, 2006, 01:20 PM »
First choice would be a 1957 GMC Suburban. However, I'd take whatever money left from the $100K to update the engine to something a little more fuel efficient. Blasphemous, I know, but I can't justify poor gas mileage.

Second choice would be a 60s-era VW beetle. Again, I'd update the engine.  :P

Dale, you didn't see the "card" (white piece of paper) in the box? Other than jovially writing "S. Claus" in the return address area, your secret santa wasn't so secret.  ;)

Glad you didn't already have that guy, and glad you like it.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: New(ish) parents this year...
« on: December 14, 2005, 01:14 PM »
Yep, the man-to-man vs. zone defense is the precise reason we're done at two! :)

And I'd also agree that it all goes by too fast. I already miss the little baby stage when you can just put 'em in one place and they stayed there. Now our nine-month old won't stay anywhere...except in her crib, though I fear she's going to be one of those death-defying crib climbers that like to escape. ;)

Having two is so precious. Our two-year old likes to imitate mommy so much. She nurses her bear and is practically our youngest's "second mommy." In fact, she'll try to mommy just about any baby she sees. She's kissed so many babies, sometimes you'd swear she was running for office.  ;D

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